
"Have you ever done biofeedback before?" asked the medical assistant.

"No. But I have this trick that I do when I go to the doctor and they're taking my blood pressure," I answered.

"Really? What do you do?" she asked.

"I picture myself lying like a starfish on a king-sized mattress in a hotel room, and there's a sliding glass door that's open. There are sheer curtains, and a gentle breeze gives a light sway to them. The breeze coming in is warm, and I feel the breeze, but just barely. Outside, I hear the wind in the trees and the sounds of a gentle surf from the ocean," I explained.

"And, does this work?" she asked.

"My blood pressure is never higher than 110/70," I said. "I like to think that it does work. I have one other visual that works well, too. In that one, I'm lying on a beach, on a thick towel. The temperature is in the low- to mid-80s. There's a breeze coming off of the ocean, and it keeps me from ever feeling overheated, but I don't get a chill either. It's perfect."

"Okay. That's amazing. I'm going to take your blood pressure. I want you to picture that you're in a very cold office, and you can't put enough layers on to stave off the cold. You have five separate phones to answer, and each is a multi-line phone, and you have to transfer the calls appropriately. Standing in front of you, there's a line of 12 people, and they all want answers to questions and need to be directed, and it's your second day on the job, and you really have no clue how to handle all of this happening all at once." She paused, looking me in the eye to make sure I understood the scenario. "Oh, and one of the people in line is extremely agitated and begins to make a scene, and he's upsetting and agitating everyone around him."

"Got it," I said. "That's a horrible scenario. I hate being cold." I closed my eyes while the MA put the blood pressure cuff on my arm, and I put myself into the scenario.

"Wow," she said. "That was wild. Your blood pressure was 200/138. I'm going to wait around 5 minutes and re-take it, and you can use your visual. Okay?"

"Sure," I answered. We went through the usual stuff: why are you here, how long have you had these symptoms, do you have allergies, what meds are you on, blah, blah, blah.

"Ready to have me re-take your B/P?" she asked.

"Yes," I said, and I closed my eyes, imagining the high thread count sheets and comforter. And the pillow on the bed was like a cloud. And the mattress felt like I was resting on a puff of air. Lovely. And then, there was the gentle breeze, just kissing my cheeks and forehead, the barest movement of the wisps of hair around my face.

"Incredible," the MA said.

"What was my blood pressure this time?" I asked.

"90/60. Are you able to manipulate your blood pressure like that all the time?"

"Yep," I said.

"When you get stressed in your everyday life, do you picture your visual de-stressors?"

"No," I answered, with a hint of wonder in my voice. I didn't know why I had never considered doing that. It would probably be a big help and keep me on an even keel. It would probably make me way nicer to my husband, and even I knew that guy deserved a more pleasant partner than I was.

The doctor came in shortly after the blood pressure experiment and diagnosed bronchitis then sent me on my way with instructions and prescriptions. My husband, the sweet, lovely man, who I treated like a doormat (at least, in my mind I treated him like a doormat) asked what the doctor had to say.

"Why do they want you to sleep upright?" he asked.

"To prevent mucus from collecting in my chest," I answered.

"Why?" he asked.

"So I don't get pneumonia," I answered quickly.

"What happens if you get pneumonia?" he asked, rapidly following my answer.

"We don't want to get pneumonia," I said.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because we don't. It's bad," I answered again.

"I don't want you to die," he said. I closed my eyes, and I pictured the hotel room, and the bed, and my solitary existence there. I reopened my eyes, and my husband was looking at me strangely.

"I thought you just had a narcoleptic episode," he said.

"Nope. It was a visual technique so that I don't reach out and choke you to death," I said.

"Really? You want to choke me to death?" he asked.

"Sometimes, yeah, I definitely feel I would enjoy ending your life, but then I picture the next day or the next hour, and I know I would miss you. Desperately."

"Well, that's comforting," he said.

"I'm trying my blood pressure technique when I feel myself getting angry. I'm basically talking myself off the ledge and getting back into a more rational headspace."

"Then, I should feel better, huh?" he said, and there was a sad look on his face. "How often do you want to kill me?" he asked.

"Maybe a couple times a week, but I would never actually do it. I would miss you too much...plus...murder...of someone I love...that's bad. It's a cardinal sin and all that...and I love you," I rambled. "You're too wonderful, but I hate it when you push my buttons."

"Sometimes, honey," he said, "I feel that all you are is buttons. Maybe you could do meditation and practice your awesome hotel, breeze, mattress scene every day. Do you think that would help you with your being ultra-short-tempered?" he asked. It was a good question, and I made up my mind not to be angry for his asking.

"I can give it a whirl," I answered. "Do you think I should do it when I'm in the shower?" I asked.

"No, I think you're supposed to be 100% in the moment, and I think if you're trying to meditate in the shower, you'll be distracted."

"Good point," I said.

"Well, bronchitis. Does that mean we need to reschedule our plans for tonight?"

"Probably," I said. "It would be bad if I sneezed or something."

He opened up the hard copy calendar we used. "I suppose we could knock off the mob lawyer lady next weekend. We'd be double-booked, but I think she's going to be a quick hit."

"Wouldn't it be great if we could make the one hit look like he was killing the lawyer and then took himself out?" I asked. "Now, I bet something like that would probably provide a fantastic visual for my blood pressure trick."

February 01, 2025 16:42

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Jenny Cook
01:31 Feb 15, 2025

As someone who meditates and can reduce my pulse rate from 80 to 55, I could relate to the beginning of the story. But I certainly wasn't expecting the big shock ending! Great stuff!


Elizabeth Rich
05:51 Feb 16, 2025

Thanks! I started doing this thing back in my 20s after I read an article about white coat syndrome. What I think, though, as truly powerful is recognizing the physical signs that you're going to panic, and then mentally backing out of the room into a calmer space. That's probably hardest--pulling back right when you're in the moment and everything in your head is telling you to react.


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Raye McLaughlin
17:57 Feb 10, 2025

I love the beginning, it was very human. Reminded me of how my grandpa could slow down his heart rate by meditating to get the nurse's attention at hospitals. Nice suprise at the end, I love stories like that! Great job


Elizabeth Rich
20:35 Feb 10, 2025

Thank you! So, I actually do this trick in doctors' offices, and it works. I've walked in stressed out about something, had a bad B/P, then ask them to take it again in 5 minutes. The visual always brings my B/P to a place where they nod their heads and ask me how I'm doing that.


Raye McLaughlin
01:50 Feb 11, 2025

I should try that next time, that's so cool! Our bodies are so cool! *geeks in physiology student*


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Tom Skye
09:30 Feb 10, 2025

Cool take on the prompt. Detailed build up regarding the super human like ability to hold her nerve, and the ending which put a different perspective on it. It painted her as a psychopath or sorts, and people with psychopathy have exhibited those types of characteristics. Nice work. I didn't see the ending coming


Elizabeth Rich
13:36 Feb 10, 2025

Thanks. I wrote a book about some murder that may or may not have happened (you have to decide), but I'm always thinking about death, dying, meeting our maker. I definitely don't have anyone I want to kill or the desire to kill anyone, but I do think about it. I'm writing a book right now that has a lot of death and mayhem in it, and I'm kind of happy with the direction it's taking. But thanks again!


Tom Skye
13:48 Feb 10, 2025

Good luck with that. Everyone loves a gritty murder novel :)


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Alexis Araneta
17:41 Feb 02, 2025

Elizabeth, you truly are one to watch out for here on Reedsy. Once again, a creative tale. The imagery here is just so vivid. Incredible work!


Elizabeth Rich
18:18 Feb 02, 2025

Thanks! I just enjoy writing. It's a good outlet.


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