
"Psst...yeah, you.....Let me whisper something in your ear: Can you keep a secret? I have something very important to tell you. Don't be afraid. Accept what I say." He looked very scared....He looked helpless, but he moved closer to her. She took slow steps until she was near enough to whisper: "Your life is about to change. That rock you sleep on will soon be a thing of the past." She was glowing with a soft blue hue. He felt a fluttering in his heart. He felt a hope flowing up inside him. He bowed his head and said a prayer. When he looked back up, she was gone.

She....had no name. She was just 'She'. And 'She' was on a mission. She made her way to her little cabin. The coffee was still warm and she sipped it as she recovered the lists on her desk. She marked off the homeless man, and smiled as she did so. But why keep these things a secret? She thought it may be that when a secret is revealed, it shines on the receiver and on the onlookers who see secret changes and begin to talk about it with wonder and amazement. It can change lives. But if you tell the secret then people start watching, and waiting, and getting annoyed, and talk bad about it. And, who knows? Maybe some would begin to protest. That's how people are.

Anyway, she checked the list. Next was something that hurt her heart. A little girl sitting in a closet. Crying and wailing and nobody paying attention to this innocent girl. She made herself invisible and floated to the closet, gently opening the door, and appearing to the little girl. The little girl wasn't afraid. 'SHE' whispered, "Can you keep a secret? I want to tell you something and I want to keep it secret."

"Oh yes," the little girl said excitedly. " I can keep secrets very well."

She moved closer to the little girl...."when you come out of this closet and you walk downstairs Mama will see you and hug you and you will take a walk in the woods and discover things together."

The little girl reached out and hugged her. Then she gave a most beautiful glowing smile as she got up, washed her face, brushed her hair and headed downstairs. She turned around to thank 'she' and 'she' was gone. The little girl giggled: "I have been visited by an angel."

She made her way back to the cabin. This was her haven. She relaxed with another cup of coffee, and yes, took her list in her hand to see who was next. She marked off the little girl and smiled as she did.

Oh, she thought...I know some would say my existence is boring and not worth anything...going around and offering secrets. And waiting for results. Anyway, the next name gave her a feeling of hopelessness as she recognized the name: Aaron. Her very own brother. At least in this world she was on. Oh Aaron, she prayed. Just accept it.

She found him alone at the pond, headphones on, moving to the music, and fishing. There was a light blue glow approaching him. He wasn't bothered by it. He felt it to be completely normal. He lived in a mystical world where weird things happened to him often. And then he heard, "Psst, yeah, you. Can you keep a secret?"

He smiled and nodded as he pulled on the line to bring the fish in. Aaron couldn't talk. He was different. He felt things, he saw things, he was rejected by kids his age. But he learned to live with it. He found solace in fishing, in hiking in the woods, in playing his guitar.

So, as the blue glow moved closer to tell him 'the secret' he was receptive and listened closely: "Aaron," she said softly. "You are a special young man. Things will begin to come back to you, and you will open your mouth and you will speak. Don't tell anybody. Just wait until the words come. Okay?"

Again he smiled and nodded his head as he pulled in another fish. He now had enough for a big fish feast and was excited to call people to come and eat. And, like the others, he turned to thank her, and she was gone.

The homeless man kept the secret to himself. He slept on the rock that night. He woke up coughing and freezing. Snow was falling and flakes landed all over him. He sat up and looked up at the sky as the flakes kept falling into his eyes. But to him, it felt good. It was like it was tapping on his shoulder telling him to wake up. He fished in his bag for a sandwich he had picked up earlier. Bologna and cheese. His childhood meal. He remembered and could almost see his mother making a sandwich for him. The sandwich was cold, covered with snowflakes, but he ate it and stood up to stretch his hands up to the sky. At home he would dip his sandwich in tomato soup. At that time a figure was coming upon him. He looked so cold and took slow steps toward him. "Here," the homeless man said. "Let's enjoy this sandwich together."

The figure thanked him and then gave him a note: Son, please come home. We look for you every day. Our hearts are sad without you. I keep your bed made up for you. Let's let bygones be bygones, and just come on home to us.

He remembered 'the secret' and saw the soft blue glow leading him off the street and into his home.

When people saw him bathed, shaved, and back home, they all rejoiced and a party was given. He told them things about living on the street...how there were people in need for food, company, etc. "Let's make lunches and let's go pass them out to the hungry." But first, he went to the rock, painted a shiny blue glow on it. He then lined it with nutritious lunches, and invited people to partake.

The secret came alive....the people were blessed.

The little girl walked slowly down the stairs in a beautiful soft blue glowing dress. Mama saw her and gasped. "Oh my little one. I am so glad you came out of that closet you've been living in. Hey, let's pack a lunch and take a walk."

It was strange that they noticed flowers they had never seen before. And right there in the middle of a huge garden was a tree. It was a tree of life bearing fruit for the eating. They stuffed their mouths and giggled at the goo that got on their faces. It was a great experience

"Why did you decide to stop living in the closet?"

"I missed you mama. I got tired of being alone. I was ready for a change."

They both smiled and hugged each other and continued walking among the flowers. The secret was out and alive...the family was reunited.

Aaron could hardly carry the basket. It was so full of fish, more than he had ever caught. He couldn't wait to show the family. He trudged along, sometimes dragging the basket, then picking it up for a while. What in the world was happening to his face? He looked at his reflection in the water....smiling? He hadn't smiled for ages. It felt good; it looked good. He finally noticed the house in the distance. He stopped for just a few minutes and watched as he noticed his brothers and sisters playing ball. He saw Mama come out to get water, and he saw his daddy chopping wood. As he got closer, they all looked at him and saw his smile. What? Aaron is showing an emotion. He got close enough to all of them. They were all looking at him with disbelief. Then he opened his mouth: "supp....pper." The secret was out...the family feasted on the miracles. As they did, a light soft blue glow appeared just outside the window and floated away into the sky.

"Psst...yeah, you out there. Can you keep a secret? Find something in your life, your heart, to focus on. Don't tell anybody. Just let them see it. Yes, I am talking to you who are reading this. Don't ever give up on yourself. Keep it secret and it will come alive.

August 18, 2020 02:22

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