
15 October, 1890

The atmosphere is tense, there is a feeling of discomfort all around me. Everybody seem to be on edge. For the first time in years, it feels something sinister is afoot. But the scariest thing is not the object itself, rather its anticipation. I remember last year this time around, we were frolicking around town without a care in the world. If only I knew, it was the last time we were going to be this cheerful, I would have savoured every moment.

Snooping around the closed doors, I figured out bits and pieces of  this unrest. Our whole town, especially my family, is under detention.

It's only been a day, I don't know how long I can handle this captivity. I hope we will be back to normal soon.

25 October, 1890

A battalion of soldiers are standing outside our home. This is absurd. It's been 10 days since our self-isolation. I know, my family means well. They are trying to protect us. But hiding is not the option anymore. This is the height of tyranny. My family sets the example of bravery and chivalry. It is high time we take the offensive. This hypocrisy in times of difficulty does not bode well. It is high time we take the offensive. It is time to take the front seat. I need to do something soon, before I become a pale imitation of my true self. I can't be a mute spectator anymore. I need to figure out a way to regroup my friends. I am sure we can beat this crisis. I have full faith, collective brainstorming will lead to success. On a typical day, I would have signalled them in plain sight. The tricky part was not to get them on board. Whatever be the conspiracy, I knew they will have my back. I am pretty sure, they are waiting for some sort of signal. I need to focus and come up with a plan as soon as possible. I can not afford to be passive in these trying times.

27 October, 1890

It has been two days since my decision to organize the secret meeting. I can't figure out a way to achieve this without arousing suspicion. None of my plans are full-proof. I can't take a risk in this matter. I don't want this to become an act of open defiance. This meeting if unplanned could have serious repercussions. It would not only affect me but the whole community. I can't act in a rash manner. Okay, I need to relax. all this hypertension is delaying everything.

28 October, 1890

Finally, I  found an opportunity to contact my comrades without alerting any authorities. It came in the guise of our maid. Everyday at 5:00 pm, she is allowed to visit her family for three hours. She knows the seriousness of this situation. I know she would have no objections to be a part of my plan. In all my past escapades, she always had my back. She won't disappoint me, not when she knows what is at stake. I know, I shouldn't disclose my entire idea on the paper, I can't risk it. But I have to let it out in some way to keep my sanity intact. It is fortuitous that on her way back, she crosses the street where my best friend lives. I only need to put a greeting card signed with my name, along with something else. I know it should be enough for her to understand what I want. She is smart enough to get the rest of them on board. I hope everything goes as planned.

3 November, 1890

It has been almost six days, now I am distressed. I haven't heard anything from anyone. I asked my maid every morning, if she got any response from my friends? She lowered her eyes with dejection. Did the officers standing outside get a whiff of my intentions? Or is it possible that my friend did not understand what I have to say after all? This is maddening. I cannot deal with not knowing things.

4 November, 1890

I decided to spend my morning on the patio. I have to get fresh air. I have not lost hope yet. Like a routine I kept a lookout for my maid. Unlike other days, she had a spring in her foot. She only had to glance at me. Her face revealed what I have been waiting for. The officers did not blink an eye towards her. We went into the study. She smiled and handed me a scrap of paper. It only had the number five scrawled on it. I was beaming with pride. My tribe was ready for action. The number five indicated the time we were  expected to meet at our hideout. The number was also a shrewd message for the date of our veiled meeting. I can't wait for tomorrow.

5 November 1890

All my friends arrived at the designated place on time. After a hearty greeting filled with emotions, we finally calmed down. I was proud to see the smile of determination on their face. They seem to have complete faith in me. I have decided to shake the very core of restriction forced upon us. These dictators were afraid of unity. They wanted to instill fear among us by dividing and isolating us. They wanted to halt our life, not allowing us to learn, study or even live a life of freedom. These oppressors believed that containment and ignorance would weaken us. They wanted to break our spirits. They stole from us, exploited us and revelled in our misery. My plan was to create a society for those who yearned for freedom. This would begin with me and my friends. We decided to conduct a weekly meeting. This would be a chance for us to learn and educate ourselves with things that would aid us to find ways to beat them. We have a long way to go. The first step for any revolution is knowledge. It is our only weapon against ignorance. This club will lay the foundation for our goal. We will be the facilitator for the needy. In the weekly meetings we decided to come up with a concrete and feasible

plan. Our first action will be to find a way to provide all the essentials and food items that are snatched from the public. I know it seems like an impossible undertaking. We are not delusional to think that everything will resolve from this step. But there has to be a start. We need to have faith that even the smallest of action will set a path for bigger change. This first meeting will be the stepping stone of the rebellion against injustice. This is just the beginning. We are going to be the first of many to fight for our rights.

Deepti Venugopal

April 10, 2020 16:31

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Felicity Edwards
17:15 Apr 17, 2020

An interesting story. How appropriate when we are all 'locked up' too. There were a few issues with tenses, and maybe numbers for instance in the line above you say friends then " is it possible that my friend". I love their response, knowledge after all is power. Well done.


Deepti Venugopal
21:28 Apr 17, 2020

Thank you, I will keep that in mind


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Palak Jain
04:09 Oct 02, 2020

Loved it! Good luck with all your stories in future...


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Anita Venugopal
08:56 Apr 15, 2020

Keep it up


Deepti Venugopal
08:57 Apr 15, 2020

Thank you


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Anirudh C
17:01 Apr 11, 2020

Intriguing storyline..


Deepti Venugopal
19:17 Apr 11, 2020

Thank you 😊


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