
  Ring ring ring. 

I answered my phone to stop that horrendous ringing and hear my mom’s smooth, low voice on the other end of the line. 

“Hi Natalie,” she sang “just calling to check in after last night. How are you holding up?” 

“I’m fine.” I sighed “We just weren’t meant to be I guess. No surprise there, huh? I’m so incredibly over men. I’m taking a break from the dating world…forever.” 

I could practically hear her roll her eyes at me. “That’s what you say now sweetie, but by tomorrow you’ll be calling me to tell me how you met ‘the one’ again.”

“You’re not supposed to kick a man while he’s down, mom.” I said then hung up angrily. I’m probably overreacting, but if anyone knows how to push my buttons it’s my mother. She’s always throwing jabs and little remarks about my dating life and my taste in men. That’s just another reason to take a very long break from men. 

  I looked at the clock and grimaced when I saw I was going to be late for work. I’ve been working a receptionist job at a doctors office over the summers when I’m not teaching high school science. It’s about ten minutes away and my shift starts in eight. However, I’m great friends with the lady who works the shift before me, Anna, and she always stays until I get there. I get in the car and I made it only two minutes late. 

“Thanks Anna.” I smiled as I grabbed my name tag off the board and pinned it onto my blue sweater. The smiley face drawn beside my name is looking a little too happy to be here today.

Before I knew it, it was my lunch time. I went into the break room and began devouring my ham and cheese sandwich. I realized I didn’t pack a drink so I grabbed a dollar out of my purse and headed over to the drink machine. I glanced over all of the options and decided on a lemon flavored water. I placed my dollar into the machine and it spat it right back out. I tried it again, and again, and it still wouldn’t take it. Getting frustrated I kicked the machine as hard as I could. 

“Here, let me help you with that.” A deep voice chuckled from behind me. I turned to see a man pulling out his wallet and putting a dollar in the machine. 

“So what were you getting?” He asked, looking at the buttons. 

“Oh I can’t let you-”

“What were you getting?” He cut me off. 

I grinned. “The lemon water.”

“B7.” He said and handed me the bottle. 

“Thank you.” I grabbed the water then looked up at the kind stranger. 

His smile fell slowly and he cocked his head. “Wait…Natalie?”

“Oh my goodness. Will?” I felt my jaw drop. 

I didn’t even have to ask. I’d recognize those brown eyes anywhere. Those beautiful amber behind golden honey eyes. The eyes I used to look into every day. Looking into Will’s eyes felt like being underwater. I could hardly breath. Then when I finally broke the surface I realized I was staring at him. 

He grinned sheepishly. “So, how have you been?”

“I’ve been great. Busy, you know? What about you?” I twirled my hair nervously. 

“Well, I’m definitely doing a little better now.” He smiled.

I laughed. “Oh? That’s sweet of you.” 

“Reed, Will Reed to the front desk.” A light voice said over the intercom. 

He pointed at the speaker. “Well that’s me. It was nice to see you, Natalie.”

Then he was gone. I found myself smiling uncontrollably, and I went back to my desk. 

  After a shift full of daydreaming about Will, I finally got to go home. I began kicking myself over not getting his number. I took out my phone and typed his name into Facebook. Nothing. Instagram. Nothing. Twitter. Nothing. It was like Will didn’t even exist. After about ten more minutes of searching, I gave up. 

  I picked up my phone to call my mom. 

“Hey momma, you won’t believe who I saw today.” 

“Hi dear, who was it?” She asked. 

“Will.” I replied. 

“No way.” She laughed “Will Reed? From high school? Is he still handsome?” 

“Oh gosh mom,” I giggled “so handsome. You have no idea. He is so cute.” 

“Well are you gonna call him?” She asked. 

My smile fell. “I have no idea how to get ahold of him.” 

She paused awkwardly “Well that’s okay dear. I’m sure it was nice to see him again though.” 

“Yea.” I agreed quietly “Well I’ll talk to you later, mom. I love you.” 

“Love you too, Nat.” She said before I hung up. 

  I sat on my bed for a moment before my phone started ringing. 

“Hello?” I answered. 

“Hey, is this Natalie Rivera? It’s Will.” 

Oh my gosh. Will. 

“Oh, hey! Hi! How are you, Will? How’d you get my number?” I babbled on nervously. 

He laughed quietly. “I asked Jen. I know you guys are still pretty close.” 

“Oh,” I smiled “yea I love Jen. So why’d you call?” 

“I was just wondering if you’d maybe want to catch up sometime. What do you think?” 

“I would love to.” I replied “When are you free?” 

“I’m actually free tomorrow night if you are.” He said. 

“Tomorrow night it is.” I said trying to suppress my excitement.

“Coffee?” He asked. 

“I love coffee. That sounds perfect.” I grinned 

“Awesome.” He replied “Meet me at Howell Street at noon?”

“Sure. See you then. Bye Will.” Then I hung up. 

I was so excited I couldn’t see straight. I had a date. A cute date named Will. I couldn’t wait. 

  I woke up the next day at around 9 and watched a couple episodes of Next Top Model (aka my favorite show). Eventually I decided it was time to get ready so I hopped in the shower. 

After my shower I dried my hair and pulled on my favorite pair of jeans. Cropped at the ankle and just the right shade of navy blue. Then I put on a white sweater I wear way too much. I put in my white opal earrings and matching bracelet. I did my makeup light like always but with a darker lip gloss than usual to compliment my light green eyes. I straightened my dark hair to perfection and by then it was 11:40. I slipped into my white flats and headed out the door. 

  I walked into Howell Street Coffee at 11:58, and saw Will sitting at a booth in the back.  He looked up, smiled, and waved me over. 

“Hey there.” I said as I sat down, smiling from ear to ear. 

“Hey Nat, I’m glad you came.” He handed me a menu, and the waitress came over to our table. 

“What can I get you guys?” She asked cheerily. 

“I’ll have a blueberry muffin, a large iced coffee, and whatever the lady wants.” He said gesturing towards me. 

“I’ll just take a small caramel frappe and a croissant, please.” I handed the menu back to our waitress. She smiled and nodded and walked away. 

“I can’t believe we bumped into each other again.” He said. 

“I know, it’s crazy. I’m glad though.” I replied. 

He smiled. “Yea, I’m glad too. Very glad. So what have you been up to?”

“Well, I teach science at Redding High School and then I work as a receptionist over the summers. What about you?” I asked. 

“I’m actually a civil engineer.” He smiled “I do a little writing on the side.” 

“Oh really?” I replied  “That’s so cool. What do you write?”

“Mostly historical fiction. I actually got published last year.” He said. 

The waitress then brought us our order and we both began chowing down. 

“This is amazing.” Will said with his mouth full of blueberry muffin. 

I felt my smile get wider. I didn’t even know that was possible. “Yea, I love Howell’s.” 

He smiled, sipping his coffee. His dark blonde hair was falling perfectly. “So when do I get to see you again?” 

“Monday?” I offered, smiling. 

He nodded. “Sounds amazing. Why don’t you come over? I’ll cook for us.” 

“That really does sound amazing. I’ll be there at 7.” I said standing up from our table. 

“Great.” He replied. “Thank you for coming, Natalie. I had a perfect time.” 

“Of course. Thank you too. See you soon Will.” I waved as I walked out the door, the bell chiming behind me as the door closed. 

  I flopped dramatically onto my bed, hugging my pillow to my chest, and thinking about the time I spent with Will. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. 

I decided to text him. “Thanks for coffee! Can’t wait to see you Monday J”

  Ring ring ring. 

“Natalie! How was your date?” My mom gushed enthusiastically when I answered the phone. 

I smiled. “It was amazing. He was amazing.”

“It’s wild that you two came back together again, don’t you think?” She asked. 

“I mean, everyone deserves a chance at love. Even if it’s a second chance.” I said, grinning from ear to ear. “I’m seeing him again on Monday.”

“Well you’ll have to tell me how it goes.” She replied 

“Of course I will.” I said “Love you, mom.”

“I love you too, dear. Bye bye.”

Then she hung up. The rest of the day was a blur. My head was full of Will the entire time. I went to bed that night with Will on my mind and a smile on my face. This time I wasn’t going to be afraid of love. Not everyone gets a second chance, and I’m not going to take mine for granted. 

August 13, 2020 18:36

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