Crystal Grove Kirk and Graveyard

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Start your story with two characters deciding to spend the night in a graveyard.... view prompt



“I think we should do this. It’s only 24 hours which is really not too long.”

“What makes you think this is even close to a good idea?”

“Just listen Ember.” Hazel read about a local contest held by Crystal Grove Kirk the largest church and graveyard just outside the city. When she was finished reading Ember rolled her eyes in reply.

“I didn’t hear anything about the prize. If I decide to go along with this cockamamie idea I need a prize. What’s the prize?”

“Well, it says here…oh..”

“Oh? What does it say? Tell me!”

“It’s no big deal really. They haven’t even listed a prize. It just says that the winners are in for a cream.”

“Hazel! Does it really say that? Let me see.” Ember grabbed the paper and read over the article. “Hazel it’s this Saturday at three o’clock! If you really want to do this…I’m in.”

They planned out what they would need for their twenty-four-hour stay in a graveyard. Neither tried to think about what the grand prize could possibly be. The week flew by, with anticipation growing larger every day. Saturday, the 31st rolled in with a light fog and a chill in the air. Ember woke to it with a bit of dread, Hazel woke with terror in the pit of her stomach.

When Hazel arrived at Ember's house she had her bag packed and practically vibrated with excitement. They went through all they had gathered and packed, making sure they left nothing behind. Neither had any idea of what to expect, but they both had ideas of what they hoped it would be like.

Ember figured they’d pick a spot and stay all night. Sleeping may or may not happen. They’d wake the next morning eat and be the winners, easy peasy. Hazel thought that all the contestants would be clamoring for a less scary space among the dead. She hoped there would be a big community food table. Sleeping was low on her list of what to do. Winning was her priority.

Hazel and Ember arrived at Crystal Grove Kirk about an hour before the official start of the competition. They joined the line of others waiting to check-in and start their stay in the graveyard. It wasn’t long before they were walking around the headstones, talking about where to set up camp.

“No, no children. Maybe someone in their early twenties. Dead kids are just too sad.”

“Fine. How about this person?”

They stood and read the gravestone. “Sara Penny, Birth June 3, 1767. Death June 3, 1789. Reader if cash thy art, in want of any, dig 3 feet deep, and thy wilt find a penny.”

They looked at each other and rolled their eyes. Hazel spoke first.

“She had a sense of humor. Good, this is our spot.”

“Great a dead comedian. I suppose it’s fine. Not a lot of other people are over here. Do they know something we don’t?”

“Probably not. We did choose the older side of this graveyard.”

They started to set up camp. Each had a sleeping bag, toiletries, flashlight, extra batteries, wireless charger, and of course their phones. They wore the most comfortable sweats as they had already decided that is what they’d wear the entire time. Once they had their things just right they went to find the food and drink tables.

The crowd was larger than what it seemed when they first arrived. Many more people were camped in the newer sections of the graveyard. They couldn’t help but overhear the conversations floating around them.

“It’s true my mom told me.”

“Do ghosts really roam at night?”

“That’s what I heard.”

“Who in their right mind would run this contest?”

“Why did so many people enter? Are we all crazy?”

“Why is there so much meat here? I’m vegetarian.”

“Are the drinks cold?”

“Is there alcohol?”

“I think. I saw a rat. If it comes near me I’ll scream.”

They wanted to listen more, but chose to walk away. They settled into their little makeshift camp and enjoyed their meal. They looked at the schedule for the next few hours realizing there would be playing hide and seek as the sun set. That was going to be interesting.

The sun began its descent and the moon which was full began to rise. The first team was chosen to be it, the others found places to hide. It would be a challenge because you had to find both team members in order to call them found. There were a hundred people to find. It was going to take hours before a winner was declared. A pair of twins won.

Night fell and a hush blanketed the graveyard. Everyone settled in their own spaces. Hazel and Ember chose to play cards by candlelight. It cast spooky shadows over the ground. Somewhere someone was snoring, loudly.

“Ember, how do you keep winning?”

“I guess I’m just good. Do you wanna play something else?”

“Actually I think I want to sleep.”

“You really think you’re going to sleep? Come on Hazel!”

“Well…I’m going to snuggle in my sleeping bag and rest. If I don’t sleep at least I’ll have rested.”

“Fine. Actually resting does sound like a good idea.”

They both lay down, snuggled in their sleeping bags. It wasn’t very long before they heard the first scream. They both sat up, listening, and waiting. They watched quite a few people running and screaming from the newer section.

“Do you think we should go check it out?”

“Nope. If it’s something we need to know about they’ll tell us.”

They laid back down. Both of them trying to force their breathing back to normal. Eventually, they both fell asleep. It was sleep so deep neither heard what went on in the graveyard. Pair by pair left. Each with the same excuse.

“A whisper said to leave or else.”

Hazel and Ember slept soundly until just before dawn. A scream awoke them both. This time they stood looking around. All they saw was an empty graveyard and the sun beginning to rise in the east. They bent down to put on their shoes and screamed.

“Congratulations! You’ve won the grand prize. Permanent residence at Crystal Grove Kirk and Graveyard.”

October 29, 2020 18:13

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