Romance Christmas Friendship

My doorbell rang and I quickly dusted the flour from my hands and face, then walked to answer the door hoping it was my first guest.

Opening the door I saw a familiar face, "Merry Christmas!" I was delighted to see my best friend, Sam, standing in the door holding a plate of Christmas tree cookies.

"Merry Christmas!" I laughed and hugged her being careful of the big plate she held. "Thank you so much for coming! Come in."

She stepped into my small home, taking her scarf off, and followed me as I walked. "Of course! Wouldn't miss it for the world."

We made our way to the dining room where I placed Sam's beautiful decorated cookies next to my fresh basic chocolate chip ones.

I was hosting a holiday cookie exchange with a bunch of people from my high school since my parents were out on their anniversary. They felt bad for leaving me on Christmas, but I didn't mind since it would give me a chance to host a fun get-together.

The cookie exchange was just an excuse to invite a particular person I haven't seen in forever, and get to know more people. 

"What time is everyone supposed to get here?" Sam was in the kitchen across the dining room, looking for beverages and snacks. She was super comfortable in my home since she practically lived here, but I didn't mind since her company was always fun.

I sat at the dining table with my head propped on my hand watching Sam inspeck everyone of my cabinets, "I just told everyone to come around 2 pm, so I'm not sure."

Sam found some crackers in my cabinet and started munching. She opened her mouth to say something when the doorbell rang again. I jumped and hoped it was who I was waiting for, "Be right back," I got up and made my way to the front door again. I pointed at Sam, "Don't eat all my crackers!' She rolled her eyes and continued to eat. I sighed and opened my front door. It was a group of four people, two girls, and two guys, they each held a pair of interesting looking cookies.

The girls were Kaylee and Darcy, whom I met my first year in high school but only talked to if we had a class or lunch together, Kaylee held what I could tell was oatmeal cookies and Darcy had a small plate of chunky cookies with collared dots, which I assume are m&m’s. The guys were Jason and Jack, they were twin brothers and the only guys I knew well. Jason had some deformed gingerbread cookies while Jack had some perfect heart shaped sugar cookies. "Merry Christmas!" They said in unison.

I smiled, "Merry Christmas guys! Come in, make yourself at home. Sam already arrived, she's in the kitchen." They each hugged me and said thank you as I took their scarves and jackets, then led them to the cookie room.

I repeated the same process over and over as more and more people showed. It was a little past 3:30 as my home got full and nearly everyone arrived. People were talking and listening to the music Sam controlled, I was only waiting for one more person…

I was refilling the drinks when the door rang. My head shot up as someone yelled, “Doorbell!” My heart dropped as I looked over to Sam to see she was distracted, then rushed to the door. 

I already knew who it was and had originally told him to come from the back door where no one could see him, but he never listens. Opening the door I frowned at my older cousin, Daniel. He shrugged, lifting cookies and a present in his hand, smiling, “Surprise!” 

Daniel was Sam’s long distance boyfriend and my long distance cousin. He lived in New York and would come to visit when he eventually met and got together with my best friend. He was a total jerk so I never understood why she stooped so low when choosing a boyfrined.

“Dude, I told you to come through the back door!” I punched his arm and he nearly dropped his cookies.

He laughed then made a puppy face that was covering the smile I could already see, “Aww, c’mon, aren't you happy to see your older cousin”

Dead serious I said, “Not one bit...Now hurry up inside before someone thinks somethings wrong.”

I looked at Sam again to see that she was still distracted by chatting with Kaylee and some other girl. Daniel walked into the house and snuck into my dad's office where he would hide until he heard his name.

I walked to the top of the stairs to get everyone's attention, “Hello everyone!” Sam stopped the music and everyone looked towards me. My face heated, “Thank you all for coming, everyone has arrived so we will begin cookie exchanging.”  The crowd cheered as I smiled but began speaking again. “I just have a special Christmas surprise for my best friend, Sam, before we begin…” Everyone turned their head to Sam as she looked at me in confusion. “My Christmas present to you, is my cousin and your boyfriend, Daniel!” I turned to the kitchen that led to my dad's office, as everyone's eyes followed, revealing Daniel walking out of the kitchen with a smug grin and his present still in hand. 

“Oh my God!!” I didn't have to turn to know it was Sam yelling and running towards Daniel. She leaped into his arms and immediately pulled back to kiss him. I cringed as everyone clapped and cheered for them, I smiled and began walking down the staircase. While trying to walk and continue looking at Sam and Daniel I tripped and was about to fall face first.

Someone caught me and put me back on my feet as I opened my eyes and let out a gasp of breath. A cute guy with brown hair and green eyes. “You okay?” 

I blushed and moved from his arms, “U-um y-yeah, all good here. Thanks for catching me.”

Sam and Daniel were making their way to the cookie room with the rest of the crowd. “Im Tomas”

“Nice to meet you...I'm Zoey” My face was still hot as he smiled, “Well t-thanks again for catching me...I'll see you around” I made my way through the crowd to Sam and Daniel. 

People were already grabbing cookies from every plate when arms came hugging me from behind, “Thank you so much!” 

I smiled when I realized it was Sam and turned to face her, “Of course, you're the only person who can get this jerk under control.” I looked at Daniel standing behind Sam as he smiled and rolled his eyes. 

“Are you ok? Your face is super red.” Sam touched my face, feeling for a fever.

I laughed nervously and pushed her hand away, “I-I’ll tell her later”

Sam smiled at me, “Well c’mon! Cookies aren't going to eat themselves!”

I laughed as she pulled me to the dining room with Daniel close behind.

December 10, 2020 03:12

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