Romance Holiday Christmas

On a December morning. Ezra's father picked him up from the airport.

“No guest with you for Christmas?” His father George asked.

“No. I don’t like the girls at my school. All they do is party.” Ezra glanced out the car window at the snowfall. 

“So we’re gonna pretend you weren’t a party animal your first two years?” George asked.

“But I’m a junior now. Those things don’t excite me anymore. I want a woman that has the same mindset as me.” 

“That's why you're in school. There are plenty of girls with the same mindset as you. Your mother’s going to be sad you didn’t bring anyone.” 

“If I didn't bring anyone for thanksgiving, why would I bring anyone for Christmas? It's December first. Does she think I can get a girl in 25 days? That's not even possible.” Ezra noticed a shop putting up a new sign when he looked out the window of the car. “What’s that new store?”

“I don’t know.” George replied. 

“How’s the bakery?” 

“Don’t worry about us.” George pulled into the driveway. They both exited the car. George collected Ezra’s suitcase from the trunk, Ezra opened the door for his dad and they both stood in the doorway of the house. He heard music playing from the kitchen and smelled food.

“Mom’s cooking breakfast?’ Ezra asked.

“Definitely.” George closed the door and put Ezra’s luggage away. Ezra walked into the kitchen.

“Hey mom.” Ezra smiled as he began to walk over to his mom. 

“My baby!” Ezra’s mom hugged Ezra. “How have you been?” 

“I'm doing good mom.”

“Take a seat.” Ezra’s mom, Carrie pulled out a chair from the table for Ezra.

“Thank you mom.” He sat down and began eating. Carrie sat down in the seat next to him. George sat across from Ezra. “How is everything mom?” 

“I'm fine baby. How are you? Do you have a guest coming?” Carrie asked.

“No mom.”


George laughed. Suddenly someone began running down the stairs toward the kitchen.

“EZRA!” Ezra’s little brother Cody yelled.

“HEY BUDDY!” Ezra smiled as he got up to hug his little brother. 

“I missed you! Is school fun?” Cody asked Ezra as he sat down at the table to eat breakfast. 

“It's cool. But enjoy the sixth grade while you can.”

“I wanna go to your school when I’m older!”

“Go to the school you want to.” Ezra replied.

“We have something to tell you, Ezra.” Carrie said.

“What is it?”

“We hired four people at the bakery that will be helping us attend the holiday festival this year.”

“That's good. We need new people. It's always busy.”

“You can still attend the holiday festival but we don't need help in the kitchen.”

“Why? That's tradition.”

“Not this year because we haven't been getting customers lately and we need to win the guests over at the holiday festival. The people I hired are professional bakers.” Carrie replied.

“Well, what can I do to help out?” Ezra asked. 

“Just hand out our business cards.”

“No hands on the actual baking?” Ezra asked.

“Not this year. I'm sorry.” Carrie grabbed Ezra's hand.

“Wow.” Ezra looked disappointed.

“We have something else to tell you.” George's dad interrupted. 


“I GOT YOUR ROOM!” Cody yelled.

“You do?” Ezra looked at both of his parents. “When was this?” He asked them.

“After thanksgiving. We've noticed Cody has good grades but also your room is a lot bigger than his.” Carrie added.

“So am I staying in his old room?” Ezra asked.

“Actually no. Cody's old room is now an office for me to work from home.” George said.

Ezra stood up from the table, grabbing his coat. 

“Where are you going?” Carrie asked.

“For a walk.” Ezra whispered.

“Ezra!” George yelled.

“I need fresh air!” Ezra stormed out of the house. He began walking toward the stores in the small town of Lamington. He noticed the sign on the new store had been put up. Next to the door, a banner read ‘Grand opening’. 

“Nicole's bakery?” He then walked past the bakery, a few doors down to his parents bakery. When he stepped inside he noticed the new employees his mom had hired sitting at a table either their heads were down or they were on their phones.

“Finally!” A girl yelled when she noticed Ezra walk in. “How may I help you?”

“This is my parents business. I'm stopping by to see how everything is going.” 

“Oh hi! Your parents told us a lot about you.”

“Yeah, I just wanted to stop by and see how the business is going.”

“If I'm being honest, not so well. On our way here this morning we noticed a new bakery just a few stores down. They're definitely our rivals. And if I'm being honest, there is no point in us attending the holiday festival this year. They've got us beat.”

“I'll figure something out.”

“How?” The girl asked as Ezra stormed out of the store and walked into Nicole's bakery.

“Thank you so much for choosing Nicole's bakery.” A pretty girl said from behind the register as she handed a customer a bag of goodies. She had on a pink apron and a little flour on the right side of her face. Her hair down to her shoulders in a middle part.

“Welcome to Nicole's bakery. How may I help you?” She asked.

“Do you realize there is already a bakery a few stores down?” Ezra asked.

“Yes.” The girl laughed. “Is there a rule for how many bakeries can be in town?”

“The point is, You're gonna ruin their business.” Ezra said.

“They should have loyal customers if they were here before me. They shouldn’t feel intimidated.”

“Why am I even talking to you? Let me speak to the manager.” Ezra said, seeming annoyed.

“Are you serious?”

“YES.” Ezra slammed his hands onto the desk as he yelled in a loud, stern voice.

The girl went into the back. Ezra stood there waiting. The same girl walked back out to the register without the pink apron on and the flour cleaned off of her face. “How may I help you?” the girl asked.

“Is this a joke?” Ezra said. 

“This is my business. I'm Nicole.”

“Oh.” Ezra felt embarrassed. 

“You wanted to speak with me?” Nicole asked.

“Aren't you a little young to have your own business?” Ezra asked. 

“I'm twenty. I saved up and worked hard for this. If you think you're going to make me feel bad for the business I worked so hard to build up, you have another thing coming. I advise you to leave now.”

Ezra quickly walked out of the bakery and stood outside of the door looking at Nicole through the window. A tear fell from her face. She then walked into the back of the store. Ezra stormed back into the building and pressed the bell on the desk at the register. Nicole came walking back to the register and saw Ezra. “What do you want?” Nicole asked.

“I would like to apologize. My delivery was disrespectful and I'm sorry. Can I buy something?” Ezra said.

“What do you wanna buy?” Nicole asked.

“You're not gonna say it's okay?” Ezra asked.

“No, because what you did was not okay. You can't speak to people that way.” Nicole placed her apron back on once she heard a beep from the oven in the kitchen. Nicole went in the back to take cupcakes out of the oven. She came back to the register and Ezra was still there. “You're still here?” 

“I said I want to buy something.” 

“What is it?”

“Your number.”

“I have a business to run, stop wasting my time.”

“I’m being serious. Let me redeem myself.” 

“Why do you care? Just go on about your day.”

“My parents own the bakery a few stores down. I was defending their business. They're trying everything they can to keep the business alive, but you opening a bakery right next to theirs doesn't help.” 

“How is that my fault? I'm trying to keep my mothers dream alive.” Nicole replied.

“You and your mother could have done that somewhere else. Why did you pick here?”

“My mother is dead.” Nicole replied.

“Oh.” Ezra covered his mouth. “I’m so sorry.”

“I tried to let you redeem yourself but you're digging a deeper hole. Get out of my store.”

"How would I have known that?”

“Don't make assumptions maybe?” Nicole came from around the register. “GET OUT!” she yelled. She pushed Ezra toward the door. Ezra noticed flour in her hair and wiped it out “What are you doing!”

“You had flour in your hair.” 

The oven beeped again and Nicole rushed to go get the second tray of muffins out of the oven. “You work here alone?” Ezra asked her. “That's a lot of work to do by yourself.”

“I'll manage until I can hire some people. Now leave.” Nicole replied. 

“Let me help you. I've been baking since I was little. Whatever you need me to do.”

“I don't have anything to pay you.”

“I'll do it for free.”


“Yes.” Ezra walked toward the register. “You can repay me by letting me take you on a date.” 

“You made me cry.” 

“I'm sorry about that.”

“I don't want your apology.”

“Let me help you out.” Ezra insisted. Nicole rolled her eyes.

“Follow me.” 


“Put this on.” Nicole handed Ezra a pink apron. She then took the second tray of muffins out the oven. Hours past, Ezra and Nicole baked in the kitchen and greeted customers at the register. Nicole laughed at Ezra's cheesy jokes and Ezra laughed at how silly Nicole can be once she's comfortable.

DAY TWO: “Where did you go yesterday?” Carrie asked her son while hovering over him as he laid on the couch. Ezra opened one eye to look at his mom.

“What time is it?” He asked.

“It's three o’ clock. You slept all day again.” 

Ezra jumped up and rushed past his mother, upstairs to the shower. He quickly got out the shower and threw on some clothes. He sprinted out of the house to her bakery. Once he got to Nicole's bakery, it was closed. Suddenly Ezra heard a car pulling into the parking lot of the bakery. 

"HEY!” Ezra yelled in excitement.

“HEY!” Nicole yelled back with the same enthusiasm. She unlocked the bakery.

“I realized I didn't get your number yesterday.” Ezra said.

“I'll give it to you once we get inside.” Nicole replied as she unlocked the bakery door. Ezra opened the door for Nicole. She pulled out her phone. "Are we going on a date today?” He asked.

“We have a lot of work to do here.” Nicole said. 

“Let's go tonight.” Ezra put his number in Nicole's phone.

“Okay.” Nicole smiled. Later that evening after they were done at the bakery, Ezra took Nicole to go look at Christmas lights and ice skating. A few hours after the two ice skated, they ate dinner at one of Lamingtons fanciest restaurants. “I had fun.” Nicole hugged Ezra.

“Me too. Get home safe.” 

DAY THREE: Nicole and Ezra spent time together at the bakery and left early to get lunch together.

DAY FOUR: Ezra surprised Nicole with a cute cookie jar.

DAY FIVE: Ezra took Nicole to Lamington aquarium. They took cute pictures and he bought her a stuffed polar bear.

DAY SIX: Ezra made a snowman in front of Nicole's bakery.

DAY SEVEN: The two walked through the neighborhood and looked at Christmas decorations.

DAY EIGHT: Nicole brought her laptop to the bakery for her and Ezra to watch Christmas movies and drink hot chocolate. 

DAY NINE: The two baked cookies and played board games. 

DAY TEN: They stopped by the store and got balls of yarn. When they arrived at the bakery,  They took a free crocheting class and they crocheted hats and gloves.

DAY ELEVEN: Ezra helped Nicole finish a scrapbook she started with her mother when she was younger. They placed a purple heart next to a picture of her bakery. A tear fell down her eye as they finished the very last page of the scrap book. Ezra pulled Nicole in and hugged her. 

DAY TWELVE: Nicole opened up to Ezra about why she dropped out of college to pursue her own business. Ezra opened up to Nicole about how he didn't want to go to the school he is enrolled in. He went to the college his father wishes he went to when he was younger, and forced Ezra to go to. Although his dad is a nice man, he constantly tries to live through Ezra because there were things he didn't do that he wishes he did and now regrets.

DAY THIRTEEN: After working at the bakery, Nicole and Ezra were finally leaving. Nicole locked the door behind them. Ezra threw a snowball. Nicole picked up a snowball and they began having a snowball fight.

DAY FOURTEEN: Ezra was not a morning person but this day, he got up early because it snowed through the night. He went to shovel Nicole's parking spot and the front of the bakery for her. She was surprised when she drove there and saw the bakery was shoveled for her. 

DAY FIFTEEN: They both decided to help out at a homeless shelter an hour away from town. 

DAY SIXTEEN: Ezra showed Nicole embarrassing videos and pictures of him when he was younger. Nicole and Ezra laughed at his embarrassing moments together.

DAY SEVENTEEN: Ezra surprised Nicole with a trip to Lamington lake. 

DAY EIGHTEEN: While the two were on break at the bakery, Nicole shared with Ezra why she moved from her hometown.

DAY NINETEEN: Ezra showed Nicole his childhood sled and told Nicole he has a surprise for her. They rode his sled down the tallest hill in Lamington.

DAY TWENTY: Ezra bought a gingerbread house making kit for them to assemble.

DAY TWENTY-ONE: Ezra invited Nicole over after they got off work. He surprised her with a bonfire and smores.

DAY TWENTY-TWO THE DAY OF THE HOLIDAY FESTIVAL: In the morning, Nicole drove to the bakery expecting to see Ezra. Carrie woke Ezra up and told him to get ready for the Holiday Festival. He saw the new employees gathering baking items. “I forgot the Holiday Festival is today.” Ezra said. His phone began ringing. It was Nicole. When he went to answer it, Carrie snatched the phone from him. 

“No going out today. This is important to your father and I. You'll have hands on during this holiday festival.” Carrie put Ezra's phone in her pocket and walked away. Ezra sighed. Once he was done getting dressed he rushed to Nicole's bakery. “WHERE ARE YOU GOING EZRA!” George yelled.

“I have to head into town.” Ezra replied.

“You've been running around a lot lately. We established you were going to help us at the holiday festival. That is where you'll be today.” 

“No dad.” Ezra began walking off.


Ezra got into the car slamming the door. George drove past the bakeries. Ezra saw Nicole carrying heavy boxes for the holiday festival by herself and struggling tremendously. they began setting up at the festival. Ezra began handing out business cards and samples. Nicole came to her booth across from Ezra’s, she looked distraught. Nicole was still struggling by sun down. Running back and forth from the festival to the bakery for supplies. The baking competition was about to begin and Nicole was baking by herself and a lot of things weren’t done yet. By the time she made it back to the festival to finish baking, they already crowned Ezra's family the best bakery in Lamington. Nicole rushed back to her car in tears.

“Nicole!” Ezra asked.

“ Leave me alone!” Nicole yelled. “What were all of those days we spent together just you trying to sabotage my business? I did all of that baking and moving things here by myself.” Nicole wiped her tears and got in her car. 

“It’s not like that. I was trying to come help you. My parents wanted me to be here for them.”

“THEY HAVE EMPLOYEES. I HAVE NOONE EZRA. I WAS DEPENDING ON YOU!” Nicole yelled through her car window then drove off.

DAY TWENTY-THREE: Ezra stopped by Nicole's bakery throughout the day, it was closed. He laid on the couch sulking. Carrie sat next to him. “Here's some advice hun? If you really care about her, you will do anything in your power to fix this situation. Don’t give up on her.”

DAY TWENTY-FOUR: Nicole showed up to the bakery. She looked as if she was crying all night. Once she got out of her car, she noticed rose petals on the sidewalk leading to the front door of sweet buns bakery. Out of curiosity Nicole followed them. She came into the store and candles were lit and Ezra stood at the end of the trail. “I’m sorry Nicole. I understand why you thought what you thought. My intentions were good. The time we spent we spent together was unreal. What I can do is right my wrong and prove to you that who you saw is me. I forgot all about that stupid holiday festival. What I really care about is being with you. I love you.” 

“You don't” 

“I do.” Ezra stared into Nicole's eyes and they kissed.

DAY TWENTY FIVE CHRISTMAS DAY: The whole family sat by the tree and opened presents. Ezra and Nicole stepped away to the back porch. 

“Thank you for having me over. I would have been by myself today.”

“I'm glad you're here. My mom is really glad you're here.” Ezra laughed. 

“I forgot to tell her something.” Nicole said. A look of worry came across Ezra's face. 

“What is it?” He asked. 

“I love you too.” Nicole pulled him in for a kiss.

December 10, 2020 18:03

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