Paradise Hotel

Submitted into Contest #35 in response to: Write a story that takes place at a spring dance.... view prompt



At the station,

"What happened

"I told them i
not but they didn't want to hear, they didn't……"

April 6th 1991,

End of summer, and
comes the king of season, spring, new beginning, new growth, change and
different events but, Tanga a hidden village which the reputation for
organizing the most beautiful spring events and also known as a "melting
pot" due it's diversity of race, a place to meet new people from the world
during the Untangata traditional spring danse always occurring on the 6th
of April at the center of it's largest market square.

Francis Philman and
Jeff William are very good childhood friends, they went to same school and
graduated together then got married at same time. Francis got married to
Natalie and they both had two children David and Hendrick on the other hand,
Jeff got married to Silvy and had no child.

Francis was very
possessif and never got along with his first son David, while Jeff was very
relax and free which made David to always go to Jeff's house.

Every spring the
couples always travelled together for spring events but Jeff called Francis and
proposed Tanga this time since they separated after their mariage and he has
being there twice with his wife.Francis and his wife were very anxious.

       The day came, Jeff and his wife had to meet at
Francis house before leaving. When they, arrived Francis was very happy to
finally see his childhood friend so he fell on Jeff and they both cried of joy.

Natalie called on
David and Hendrick  so that they leave.

"You guys are
going with the children?" asked Jeff,

"Yes since their
grandparents took some holidays too so no one to watch them" said Francis.

"But David is big
enough to take care of his younger brother" said Silvy.

"David no! Don't
think he will have time" replied Francis.

"Look my dear
having control makes a child rebelious so allow them boys" said Jeff.

"Dear they are
right we have to allow David take responsibilities" said Natalie but Francis
ignored her and remained on his decision, the boys came out Hendrick was
reluctant to go with them.

"Mum, dad please
let us not go anymore" said the little boy.

"Dear you will
enjoy yourself don't worry, there will be many game fields there ok" said
Natalie taking him to the car.

"You guys could
have left and alowed us here, by the way are you guys forced to go?" asked
David but Francis looked at him and he understood so he just got into the car
silently and Francis closed the door and got in and they left for a one day

       On their way, Hendrick fell sick,
vomiting but Francis took everything with them, some drugs were giving to him
and he slept.

"I think we
should have left them home my dear" said Natalie but Francis was ignoring

"I told him same
mum" said David.

     Francis just kept on going listening to
nobody. When they got to the first station there was a line of all types of
cars and they were going in their direction.

"Wait are they
going to Tanga?" asked Natalie.

"Yes they are and
if you look there are others behind us" said Jeff and Natalie went behind
giving her place to Jeff to sit beside Hendrick.

"You came?"
said Francis,

"YES! So that if
we have to exchange when I won't be far and also I won't get easily bored"
replied Jeff smiling at his friend, Francis just shook his head and looked at

"How can you get
bored when your wife is around and the kids are asleep" said Francis while

"Man does it
happen to you to get tired and want a change and experience new things? Why you
doing like" said Jeff.

     Both men kept laughing suddenly, a bird
crashed on the windshield of the vehicle and the sound woke up everyone and
Francis told them to calm down and got down with Jeff to remove the bird while
down, cars were passing and the first one man was holding a white cloth on it
was written 'enjoy till death' but Francis did like he did not see after
removing the bird and putting it on the side of the road when getting back into
the car, a van passed very closed to him chanced he moved back quickly or it
was his arm that was going to go along with the van and on it was written 'Our
doom', Natalie saw it and told Francis that it's better they go back home and
celebrate there but Francis was still against.

Natalie angry got into
the car, Francis too

"Hendrick is ill
since we left, a black bird crushing itself on our car in the middle of the
night is that normal for you?" she said shouting

"You are being
paranoid for nothing, Birds crash on people cars at any time and Hendrick it is
normal we never predicted this so stop" said Francis and he laid down.

Jeff kept on driving
and told Natalie to go to sleep too, an hour later, Silvy woke up and stood in
front of Francis looking at him,

"He so ignorant
but she wants to destroy our plan why don't we finish them here never liked her
by the way" she said and went to sit closed to her husband.

"That's why I
choose them cause I knew he will make things easier for us be patient ok and
here we are" said Jeff while smiling.

6:00 am, They finally
arrived Tanga, everyone woke up and got down they arrived at the most luxurious
hotel of the village, Paradise Hotel, five stars only the rich got in there.

They got down and
where directed to their suits, they just changed immediately and went to visit
around except the kids since Hendrick was still ill David had to remain to
watch over him.

An hour passed not yet
back home David woke up and went to the balcony and he looked down and saw
Anita his girlfriend surprised to see her parents too, he told Hendrick to get
dress so that they go out and take some fresh air, still ill Hendrick supported
and he changed then they got down.

"Hey David happy
to see you son" Anita's father, her parents love David much as a good
person for their daughter.

"Am great
sir" said David

"Alright we will
allow you guys, not far darling going to the market ok" Anita's father and
they left.

"Hendrick you are
not looking good what's the matter my dear?" said Anita putting her hand
on Hendrick's fore head.

"He fell sick
this morning" replied David

"Oh! i see sorry
darling" said Anita

"Let's go up stairs?"
said David

"Why not"
replied Anita and they left for the suit.

10:00 am, The couples
went to the market square and saw that they where almost done for the
decorations of the spring event and Natalie said they should visit the market
and the others were ok with it so they went to visit, while looking they
arrived at a man's stand he was selling different types of dead animals and
they stopped to see the animals,

"In this world do
you know what i like most?" the man asked Natalie, and said

"The food chain,
predators chase their preys and the weak die, funny right" said the man
while laughing, Francis took Natalie and as they were going Natalie looked
around and she was no longer confortable,

"People in this
village are crazy" said Natalie and they left to their respective suits.

At the hotel, arriving
at their respective rooms Jeff stood at the door and looked at Francis this
time not smiling, Francis turned and looked at him Jeff smiled and told him not
to forget later Francis shook his head and they got in.

In Francis met Anita
for the first time

"Dad mum please
meet my girlfriend Anita" said David,

Francis greeted her
calmly and told them to sit and do like they didn't see them.

Natalie went directly
to the kitchen to prepare something to eat but David and Anita had already made
launch so Natalie and Francis ate.

2:00 pm, Anita told
David that she had to leave to prepare herself for the event out of the
apartment, Anita looked up to know the room number so that incase they are
going to stay for sometime, she will be coming to visit but she saw no number
and looked at David;

"What's the
matter?" he asked,

"Bring Hendrick
to our Hotel when coming to take me will tell you" she said and left.

David looked and saw
their room had no number then he got in and asked his mother if it was normal
Natalie didn't believe until she went out side to check and saw it then she
looked opposite at Jeff's door and noticed like someone was watch her.

By the other side of
the door, Silvy was looking through the hole, just staring at their door still
having that feeling Natalie came closed to their door, Silvy was still standing
there staring at her.

As she got in she
complained to Francis about the absence of their Hotel room number but said may
be they forgot:

"They forgot are
you serious?" said Natalie angry she went to sit down but stood back up:

"How can you find
it normal after all the signs we received since yesterday and today again you
know what, tomorrow i am leaving with my children you want you stay" said
Natalie and she got into their room and sat on the bed.

Francis went to the
room too and sat closed to her:

"Fine tomorrow
morning we leave ok let's just enjoy tonight" said Francis;

"All you think of
is this spring thing are we obliged to can't believe it" replied Natalie
going to the guest room and banging the door.

In the living room,
David received a message when he looked he saw it was Anita, she sent him their
address and told him to come immediately their parent leave.

In Anita's place Mr
Brown head of the police office was in their house and Anita told him
everything concerning the room.

In 1981 during the
same spring party, there was a butchery in Tanga and the people took a room in
same hotel but it was room thirteen due to the noise around nothing was heard
and what was surprising the disappearance of the room.

4:00pm after all the
screaming and arguing it was time to leave for the party and everyone was ready
except Hendrick so David said it was alright he will remain with him and their
bell ringing, Francis went to open it was Jeff and Silvy they were set to take
off and both couples left.

David got up
immediately, Hendrick tried to do as fast as possible and the bell was rang
David wanted to open but Hendrick told not to so he looked through the hole and
saw no one but their bell was ringing on and on and the door hand started
shaking like someone forcing to come in David still looked through the hole and
saw no one but the door was shaking.

He took Hendrick and
the had to jump over the balcony, Hendrick was scared but the door opened and a
shadow was coming from the door at the moment Hendrick jumped without thinking
twice David followed, since they were at the third floor of the hotel they
didn't get hurt that much just scratches and left immediately to Anita's place.

In the car Hendrick
looked behind at their balcony and saw two people dressed in black robe and a
long black hood covering their faces and on it was an inverted red cross, they
were just staring at them not moving David started the car and they left. On
their way he was trying to reach their parents no way.

Arriving at Anita's
place they met Mr brown leaving with his police car,

"What is going on
?" asked David but no response,

"We were almost
attacked by some kind of clowns can someone answer me" He said more
serious and her father told him to sit and he started telling them the stories
of Paradise Hotel.

4:30pm, at the market
square, there was loud music, people dancing, eating and drinking why not just
for one time in your life forget about everything and yourself too. Natalie
told Francis to hold on and she took her phone that she put in a pocket that
was inside her gown and switch it on and noticed twenty missed calls from David
she called Francis and showed it to him this time Natalie came back to herself,
Silvy and Jeff saw them arguing and holding a phone and came close to them,

"What's the
matter" asked Jeff, Natalie looked at them and left

"No just that
David called her on and on and she is scared since yesterday she has been
saying sorts of things you know how women are to paranoid" said Francis
and he ran after Natalie.

5:00pm, Jeff and Silvy
looked at their watch and looked at each other,

"it si time"
she said and they both walked towards them and Jeff told Francis why not go
home and see what happened she might be right to be scared Francis said ok and
they left.

At Anita's place,
David was silent after listening to the everything, "We will have to find
a way to save your parents and your uncle and aunt too who knows they might be
added to the list" said Anita.

"Alright David
and I will go you two stay here and look over Hendrick" darling don't
forget what you have to do" Mr. Jones said and gave his wife a kiss and he
called Mr. brown that it's time to leave and they left.

Anita was locking all
doors and her mum was burning some kind of plants mixed with sticks of incense
in the house and when Anita arrived at the back door she there was a man
dressed same way as those at the hotel she just locked the door immediately and
ran to her mum,

"They are
here" she said,

"Who are they
Anita" asked Hendrick scared,

"Some crazy
people my dear don't worry ok" she said and went to her mum whispering
"How did they find this…. they followed them"

"And they are
here for him since he saw them" said her mum as they looked ate each
other, all lights were switched off only candles burning so Anita went to check
through the window and she noticed this time that they were many and went to
the other windows even in the toilets and saw they had surrounded their house
and she ran fast to her mum and told her and her mum took her phone it was just
5:30pm it was not yet time and knock on the door.

said her mum and Anita stepped back and her mum burnt more plants.

6:00pm, At the hotel,
Natalie and Francis noticed no one, they search suddenly, Silvy pierced Francis
on his heart Natalie came and saw him down she screamed and fell to him crying
she turned and looked at Silvy and called on Jeff.

    "I have never liked you at the first
place i will call the police" said Natalie running to the phone but no
line was passing she looked Jeff was standing and staring and Silvy smiling,
Natalie ran into her room and she noticed they were still staring at her
wanting to close the door she fell to the ground and hearing some voices
whispering but unable to see clearly.

twenty minutes later,
she woke up and saw herself tied to the ground candles around in the form of a
circle and started screaming for help but there was noise outside so she cried
looking at Jeff,

"He was your best
friend why?" asking Jeff

"He has what I am
unable to have, I discovered that unable to have children before getting
married to Silvy even so she still married me one day a friend came to us and
told us there is a way but a price to pay and we accepted" said Jeff while
cleaning a table knife.

David arrived some
meters before the hotel with the police as they got down they noticed some
people surrounding the hotel,

"How do we do
sir?" one police officer asked

“Finally we have
caught you guys, we will have to shut them down" said Mr. Brown.

"Wait hold on
they are humans like us and your duty is to protect not kill" said David.

"Boy your parents
are in there and our grandparents and parents have been looking for them but
they always cleaned up everything after their crime leaving no proof" a
police officer answered.

All the police officers
dispersed themselves and, they started moving strangely in a circular manner
and they stopped and screamed, like vultures for thirty minute and moved away while
going the police jumped on them electrocuted them one by one while doing so in
Anita’s place the people were leaving, a calling.

      Back at the hotel, David went to their
room and saw his parents in the red sea Mr. Brown came and took him out an
ambulance was called and everywhere cleaned, a van came and those men and women
were thrown in to. The manager of the Hotel was arrested to and taken to the
station since behind the Hotel a sand truck, tractor and many other tools to
break down and build back.

     David went back with Mr. Jones and that’s
how the day ended, parents gone and a hunt of Jeff and his wife with the other


April 02, 2020 15:56

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