The Tail of the Comet

Submitted into Contest #245 in response to: Write a story in which a character navigates using the stars.... view prompt


Contemporary Funny

Being pregnant was a trip. She was getting toward the end and in a few weeks she could drink coffee again. Yay! She was still thinking about what would happen after the baby arrived but figured she would come up with something. For now, she was living with her mother, Rebecca, helping with her business in exchange for room and board. Her mother was a self described empath. A psychic. She had customers and crystals. And business cards. At least she didn’t have a 1-800 number. Yet.

Katharine sat at the kitchen table monitoring the phones, grudgingly. Geez, some of these people! Two phones were vibrating constantly. One was set to the incoming comments from Rebecca’s Tarot Channel. The other was capturing messages from Rebecca’s personal astrology clients. Extra burner phones were used by Katharine to boost likes and leave positive feedback.

Rebecca, or Star Surfer, as she was known professionally, was doing a live reading for Pisces. Katharine could hear the slap and slide of the cards, her mother’s rapid speech punctuated by expressions of awe and delight. Never doom though.

The phone on the left showed real time comments from viewers.


You told me last week that I would hit the lottery and guess what—I did. NOT. So I doubt I’m going have a business meeting that will change my life this week.

Han (Katharine)

Star, I am in tears. Everything you said came true for me. I start my new job tomorrow. Everybody, Star Surfer is the bomb!

Star had gone quiet for a moment in the next room, but Katharine could see she was still at work. The amber lights were still burning. Now Star was rapidly pouring out more predictions. Comments were coming in fast. Fifteen more minutes to go. It was Katherine’s job to make sure that Madame Surfer didn’t get interrupted or piss off too many viewers.

Suddenly, Star began shouting “Thank You, Thank you Guides!” Katharine was unperturbed. Star would hit a few more theatrical notes in the time left. Lucky Pisces. Star was Pisces herself— depending on which of her lives she was referencing.

Messages from Star’s private clients were showing on the other phone.


Miss Star, I need to know if I am going to be elected homecoming queen.


Dear, you must be 18 to access my services.


Star, or whatever your real name is, $150.00 is way too much to pay for a personal reading that told a bunch of lies. You said I was in the will. You said my dead mother loved me more than my brother. He was in the will. And I am still under a restraining order.


It’s finally going to happen. I am meeting him today! You said this could be good for me and it is. I am so excited. After all this time of texting and emailing. Two whole years!

Star (Katharine)

Yes Penny, two years is a long time to wait before meeting up. Be smart Penny, don’t go alone. I mean Spirit says you shouldn’t go alone.


Right. You said that before. Maybe I can ask my ex. He’s a Taurus. In fact, I’ll tell him he can bring his new wife along too. She’s a Virgo. Thanks Star.


I am ready for my second reading. My son is still gambling and soon his wife will leave him. I want to know if I should move with his wife. My daughter said I could come there but she has a dog. What should I do? And do you have a senior citizen’s rate? Also I could use a set of numbers for the midweek drawing.

Katharine could see Star dealing cards fast and furiously.

“Some of you will be getting a visit from an old acquaintance. He will be bringing you some kind of demand. You don’t have to respond to any demands unless you want to do so”.

She couldn’t believe her mother made a living from this.

Katharine saw the mailman swinging up the walk toward the front door. If he had a package, he would ring the doorbell, which would not please Madame Star! Katherine hustled as quickly as her enormous belly would allow, over to the door to forestall him. She eased the door open just in time; his finger was poised above the bell. Holding a finger to her lips, she took the box and envelopes from him. She blew him a kiss, and enjoyed watching him blush.

Waddling back to the table, she could hear Star talking about spirit animals. The fish was the spirit animal for Pisces and represented opposite directions of energy. That might have some truth. Just take her and Joe for example. As soon as he found out she was pregnant, they were going in opposite directions. He went back to his wife and she went to live with her mother.

When she started to show, the owner of the bar where she worked laid her off. She gave him a piece of her mind because suing was out of the question. He knew that half the customers lined up at the bar on any given night were there because of her. She was sure to flirt with everybody to keep the tabs growing and her tips flowing. The dude had no appreciation for her talents.

”I see the comet, Pisces. I see it passing over! The tail of the comet, Pisces, brings new li…”. Star started screaming so loud that Katharine heaved herself up to go check on her. Good thing she did because Star had fallen to the floor this time, holding her belly. Katharine was used to this drama but still she thought Rebecca/Star was doing a little too much with the moaning and all. She peered down at her mother writhing on the floor and decided she better turn off the camera. Star could explain to her viewers later. Then her water broke.

Katharine really was a Pisces.

April 11, 2024 07:52

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05:53 Apr 18, 2024

Some good descriptions. As Katharine is the main character you could include more reaction or emotion to what she was seeing or feeling about the messages. Was she bored, upset, disappointed or laughing? Getting inside the main character's head would immerse the reader more. Good story.


LISA Brown
14:37 Apr 18, 2024

Good point. Thanks for reading!


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