
Submitted into Contest #45 in response to: Write a story about change.... view prompt



June 5, 2018

Hi, my name is Galaxy. Yes, I meant to write Galaxy. My name really is Galaxy. Gaaaaalaaaaxyyyy. It's because my mother's name is Star, but my father's name is Matt. Everyone I know (except for Mother) has a normal name. Even my dog! His name is Brody.

Why couldn't I have at least a semi-normal name? Like, Stella or something? So, it's still galaxy-themed, but not actually Galaxy.

When you look up my name, it says it's a boy name. But I'm a girl.  That's super annoying, too, because that means I have a boy's name.

The worst part about my name is that I'm in middle school, so I get made fun of. It's not cool, it's weird. Plus, my last name is Sombrero. Like the galaxy. So whenever my teachers do attendance, they say Sombrero Galaxy. I have the worst luck ever.

"Oh, hey, Galaxy? Can you tell me what it's like up in space right now?" is the one sentence I hear the most. People are stupid. Especially seventh grade boys. That's who I get teased by the most.

I'm in seventh grade, even though I should be in eighth grade. That's because Father made me go through kindergarten twice. Why? I have no idea. I was 5 the first time, after all. It's not like I was a year too young or something. And I was an amazing student! I'm taking advanced classes now. The only person I'm not smarter than is a girl named Fraya Slipker in eighth grade. She's already in college classes.

There's this one kid, Baxter Davies, who is the biggest jerk ever. Not only does he make fun of my name, he also makes fun of my hair. My hair is dirty blonde, thin, soft, and short. Most of the girls in my class like my hair because of the length and how soft it is. They're always saying that if they could just have my hair, but their color, they would be in Heaven.

A lot of the girls in my class also say that Baxter has a crush on me, and that's why he teases me. But I think that he's really just a jerk and has no empathy/sympathy for anyone but himself. His little entourage is the same way. The only people they care about are their girlfriends.

Baxter doesn't have a girlfriend because all of the girls know that he won't care about them. He may be attractive, but he definitely doesn't have the personality that girls want in a guy.

By how much I know about him, you may begin to think that I like him. But I don't. Why would I like someone who makes fun of me? After two years of being teased, would't you notice a couple of things about the bully?

What makes my name even worse is that I love learning about space. So, I’m always studying galaxies. Therefore, Baxter likes to say that I’m studying myself. But I’m not, and everyone needs to know that. Just because my name is Galaxy doesn’t mean that it gives everyone the right to tease me.

Mother is always saying that I have a beautiful name and that I should be proud of it. Father is always saying that I have a beautiful name, but it does cause some adversity for me. And I don’t face adversity very well. Most of the time, when Baxter bullies me, I just run into my next class or into the girls’ bathroom.

Another thing about Mother: she looks nothing like me. We’re both pretty, but we’re still polar opposites. Her hair is midnight black, thick, and long. She has dark brown eyes and I have bright green. She’s average height, I’m tall. But Mother is still absolutely beautiful; and I think I am, too.

Baxter says I’m ugly, but he’s the only one. Everyone else says that I’m pretty, even when I don’t dress up or put mascara or eye shadow or something on. So, I think that I’m pretty, too. Father is always calling me prettyful, one of his favorite words.

He’s a fifth grade teacher, and when he first said prettyful to his class, they all thought that he had made up the word. But when one of the kids looked it up, it was right there in the dictionary.

I have to get to bed now. Goodnight! -Galaxy


August 23, 2019

Hello! My name is Gina. I am in the eighth grade, and my name used to be Galaxy.

Last year, I was always complaing about my name being Galaxy because I got bullied, a lot. So, on May 1 of this year, Mother and Father caved and let me change my name.

I still wanted a name that started with G, and was kind of similar to Galaxy so I was still me. So, I ended up on Gina. I love my new name, and so do all of my friends. That Baxter kid doesn’t bully me anymore, either.

I remember being super shy and stuff, except for around the girls that complimented my hair. Plus, if I got teased, I would run straight into my classroom, or into the girls’ bathroom. Now, I’m way more confident and I love myself. Now that I have a different name, I have a lot more friends, too. The most popular girl in school, Ashley Boji, is even my friend now.

And, the biggest thing is I have a boyfriend now. His name is Patrick, and he’s the best. He’s handsome, funny, intelligent, easy-going, easy to talk to, etc.. We’re going on our second date tomorrow.

I’m so happy about my new name! :) Gotta get to school! -Gina :)


January 11, 2020

About a year and a half ago, I was Galaxy. Less than a year ago, I was Gina. Today, I am Galaxy. 

It turns out that Mother and Father never really changed my name. They created fake documents. They thought that I would miss my real name, I guess. But that’s not what happened.

What happened is complicated. First the teasing stopped. Then I got all of my friends. Then they all left. Then my boyfriend left. Then the teasing started again. Then I was the same way I was before.

I have no idea what went wrong. But I heard a rumor that Ashley Boji had spread a rumor about my name. That Gina was just a nickname for my real name; Galaxy. How would that even work?!

This went on for about three months, and then I told my parents I wanted to be Galaxy again. They said no, no, no, because they “legally changed my name”. After another month of asking, they finally showed me that the documents were fake. I’m still upset with them for that.

So, my name is Galaxy again. Everything is the same. This fall I’m going into my freshman year of high school. I think that the kids there will be a bit more mature, so I won’t get teased. I hope.

I’m getting tired. Bye. -Galaxy

June 07, 2020 18:31

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Evelyn ⭐️
20:24 Jun 23, 2020

I really enjoyed this story! I honestly love the name Galaxy! I'm glad in the end her name ended up being Galaxy. If I wanted to change my name I think my parents would do the same thing!


20:45 Jun 23, 2020

Thank you so much, Evelyn! I totally agree. I love my name, though, so it doesn't really matter to me. :) Thank you again and stay safe! :D -Brooke


Evelyn ⭐️
20:46 Jun 23, 2020

Yes I agree, I would never change my name!


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Zilla Babbitt
22:16 Jun 17, 2020

Here for the critique circle :) I must say first off that I've seen your name all over Reedsy, even if this is (I think) the first story of yours I've read. People talk about you in their bios I think. But about the story: This is pretty good! I like the title, I like the diary-style, and I like the middle-school feel to the whole piece. Advice: Omit needless words. Kill your darlings, said Stephen King, and someone before him. Print the story off and take a blue pen to it. Kill every word that doesn't add to the story. Second, I would a...


22:20 Jun 17, 2020

Oh, my gosh! That makes me feel great inside that you've seen me all over Reedsy. :D That makes a lot of sense. I'll do that once I can get to a printer. I'll add more on Google Drive, then, too. Thank you so much, Zilla! It means so much to me! I don't think I've read any of yours yet, either, so I'll get to that! :) Thank you again and stay safe!


Zilla Babbitt
22:34 Jun 17, 2020

You're so welcome!


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Pamela Saunders
18:16 Jun 16, 2020

Very nicely told story that illustrates a good point in a more unusual way. By the way, I like the name Galaxy - it's one I considered if I ever had another daughter, she may have been Galaxy Joy Grace Chanel. My son has an old fashioned name, and other people said it was a name for an old man, but I said that all old men were babies once. He's fine with his name - at the end of the day it's him. My granddaughter has a name that when I first heard it sounded almost pretentious although it is very beautiful. But now it is just her. She ...


18:41 Jun 16, 2020

Names are always difficult to choose, and when someone's unhappy with it, it creates a lot of unwanted and unneeded conflict. I'm glad that my story connected with you! Thank you for the compliment and stay healthy! :)


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04:19 Jun 08, 2020

Great story, Brooke! I enjoyed every detail written in this story! Nice names..I love it! Keep writing and stay safe!❤️️❤️️😊


10:56 Jun 08, 2020

Thank you so much! Stay safe as well! <3 :) -Brooke


11:18 Jun 08, 2020



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May Mills
01:38 Jun 08, 2020

I searched up the word "prettyful" lol You captured the tone of a middle school girl really well and I enjoyed reading the conversational voice. The overall story arc about being proud of your name and who you are was really inspiring. Great story!


02:14 Jun 08, 2020

Thank you so much, May! I appreciate it more than you know! :D Stay safe! -Brooke


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