#The Chosen One#

Submitted into Contest #51 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt


Fantasy Drama

Supernatural power is a gift that anyone could wish to have. In the land of Olamili, it was known that the inhabitants were terrorized and haunted by the invaders from neighbouring lands. The king, Igwe Ugodibua was known for his firmness and justice. The villagers lived in total fear of the unknown. At sunset, men of the land in their numbers start running home to protect their wives, children and yam barns. They were all known for their hardworking and strong zeal. The invaders were always at alert to get what they wanted without the people of Olamili knowing. Any time they were ready to invade the land of Olamili, they blew into the air some gun powers this made the people of Olamili to fall unconscious and they only wake up to see either their daughters or yam barns gone! This painful experience lasted for years and nothing was done to avert it. The chief priest of the land was consulted by the king to seek for answers to the great mystery that has clouded the land. Women were scared of meeting their husbands so they don't get pregnant. Those who got pregnant ran to far away land where no one could trace them or their unborn child/children. The land of Olamili suffered great torture from the invaders. Every eke market day, there is a cry of missing maidens. This calamity continued until the Ezemo took a bold step and went in search of solution to the calamity that has befell the land. Ezemo journeyed hundred miles away from Olamili. He crossed seven villages, mountains and seven rivers. At each of the rivers, he threw an egg to appease the gods of the river so he could cross without getting drown. At the seventh river, the gods in their might rose in anger to drown Ezemo but the god of the land ( ajani) came to his rescue. He pulled through and journeyed a little further into a thick forest. He came to a point where only one tree was found amidst sandy area like a desert. He pulled out seven cowries from his bag and four eggs. The seven cowries represent the seven days of the week and the for eggs, the four market days. Eke, Orie, Afor and Nkwo. He made some incantations and threw the cowries on the root of the tree. Immediately, a smoke came out of the tree acompanied with a thundering voice.

" The answers you seek is in the land were the question lies" these were the words of the invisible being. In a state of dilemma, he broke the eggs and cried out for answers. Oh gods of our ancestors! I have journeyed far to seek for answers to the mystery that has swallowed my people. Again and again the smoke came out in its might and this time, acompanied with a half human half horse creature. Go! Go! Go! The answer you seek lies in the land were the question was asked. The chosen one will rise in her might and on the day of her birth, the sun we rise in the West and set in the East. The cloud will cry heavily, thunder and lightening will be the light of he day. Her birth shall creat a history that generations to come will sing her name, they will call her, "the chosen one". She will be born with "superpower". She will rise in her might and bring all that were taken captive back to the land and all the invaders who gave her land sleepless nights and made them drink from their own tears, she will cast irons into their chest and bring their kings to eat from the dogs' plates in the land of Olamili. Go! Go! Goooooooo! At that point, a rushing wind came out of the blue and carried Ezemo back to the land of Olamili. When he arrived, the king ordered Efenna, the town crier to announce that the chief priest was back, all the villagers should gather at sunset to hear what the chief priest had to say.

Efenna without any delay, announced the arrival of the priest and everyone was expected to be at the palace at sunset. Indeed, everyone at sunset crept out like ants from their huts and headed to the Igwe's palace.

Ezemo: Greetings my people of Olamili!

Crowd: greetings to you Ezemo.

I journeyed far in search of a solution to end the calamity that has befell our land. And lo and behold! The gods gave me their words. They said, " the answer we seek is in our land".

Puzzled, everyone fell into a confused state. Some murmuring, others striking their fingers.

Igwe, my people, the gods are wise! The chief priest turned and headed out. The villagers started leaving one after the other to their respective huts.

It was after twenty-four market days, an unforgettable event happened in the land. That which the gods said to the chief priest came to reality.

A cry of a beautiful baby girl was heard in the family of the great wrestler in Olamili, Ichie Akagba. His wife after ten years of childlessness, gave birth to a child who came out with her hands and legs tied together and her Left palm, written "the chosen one". It was indeed a day to remember in the history of Olamili. Though, people celebrated the arrival of the the new born but... tongues were wagging. Some said she was cursed, some said she was an alien others appreciated their chi that maybe through her, liberation will find a resting place in Olamili.

With or without food , Chiwetalu grew so fast and became a beautiful and an outstanding maiden in Olamili.

Of a truth, the gods are wise. It was time again for the invaders to strike but this time, the hunter turned hunted!

Chiwetalu rose in her might from her mat that fateful day as the gun powers were blew into the air. She rose and like a wounded lion, she roared! And as she bellows, so were the invaders falling in their numbers and bleeding to death. The land was in total "disarray".

She journeyed from that spot into the neighbouring lands capturing their kings and chiefs.

She returned to Olamili after three market days with all the kings in the neighbouring villages and their chiefs who conspired with their youths to turn the lives of Olamili inhabitants into a nightmare. She made them kneel before her king, Igwe Ugodibua.

She made them feed from dogs' plates and made them drink from their urine. Chiwetalu restored freedom to the land of Olamili with her superpower*

She, was the chosen one!

July 18, 2020 02:02

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Nandan Prasad
03:33 Jul 18, 2020

Good story! Unique take on the prompt. Some spelling mistakes (croud, creat) but it doesn't take away from the story. I like the last few paragraphs the best. Overall, very well-written, and keep writing! Also, would you mind checking out my story if it's not too much trouble? Thanks and good luck!


Abigail Slimzy
12:17 Jul 18, 2020

Of course! Will love to...


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Abigail Slimzy
02:45 Jul 18, 2020

Having natural power is a privilege but having superpower, it's a gift. With superpower(s) you can pull the might down!


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Zyönnah Isiguzo
14:22 Jul 26, 2020

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR GIVING ME AN AFRICAN STORY WITH AFRICAN NAMES! This is so beautifully unique, and gives the feel of an African village. Nice work! 👍👍👍👍👍👍 Say, do you mind checking out my new story? It's called "Her Dark Brown Eyes". Thanks!


Abigail Slimzy
14:11 Jul 27, 2020

Am honored😘 thanks. Sure, I will.


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Barbara Burgess
17:57 Jul 25, 2020

I liked your story - an interesting view of - superpowers. Well done - keep writing.


Abigail Slimzy
18:07 Jul 25, 2020

Thanks so much for making out time to read. please🙏 do check on others too.


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Abigail Slimzy
18:10 Jul 25, 2020

Thanks so much.


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Corey Melin
22:15 Jul 18, 2020

I love the imagination you have put into the story. A few bumps when it comes to spelling and word usage. I use free grammar checks then I reread my stories to help. I’m far from perfect. It’s the use of your imagination that is the true magic to having a fantastic story. Keep it up


Abigail Slimzy
23:46 Jul 18, 2020

Thanks Melin. Correction taken. Nice yeah! None is perfect. Making mistakes pave way for us to learn and be better. Thanks for reading. You are doing well too.


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Abigail Slimzy
22:59 Jul 22, 2020

Noted! 🙏


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The Cold Ice
06:09 Aug 25, 2020

I loved the first science. Great job👍Keep it up.Well written Would you mind to read my story “The dragon warrior?”


Abigail Slimzy
18:28 Aug 25, 2020

Thanks dear


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Abigail Slimzy
12:15 Jul 18, 2020

Thanks Nandan for the correction. I will look into it....God bless.


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