Fiction Horror Thriller

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Gourmet Tastes

 “Alec, that was the most amazing meal you have ever cooked.”  Heidi said as she took a sip of wine just after swallowing the last bite of food her husband of fifteen years had just prepared for her.

 “Ah but that’s not all yet, you can’t forget dessert.” Alec said as he smiled back at his wife as he cleared the plate from in front of her then disappeared into the kitchen. “I just have to run to the freezer in the garage for a second.”

 “Really sweetie you went all out today. This is by far your best cooking. What’s the occasion though? Both our birthdays are months away and so is our anniversary.” Heidi asked as she refilled her wine glass.

 “Well I just felt like cooking for you after all you told me to get a hobby since you were always working late. What better hobby than cooking. Now don’t move, I’ll be right back.” He said sticking his head out of the kitchen to make sure Heidi was still sitting before he went to the garage. 

 “Wow, you're rocking this hobby, you keep this up and we may never eat at a restaurant again.” Heidi said a little louder so Alec could hear her. It was an amazing meal and even now as she downed more of the wine her body felt warm and tingly.

 “Well, I hope you enjoy dessert then my love. Some new friends from my cooking class helped me prepare this meal and even taught me tricks I never knew about.” Alec said as he came in carrying a plate with a long almost phallic looking shape on it coated in chocolate and decorated with fancy icing as well as crushed nuts.

 “New friends, should I be jealous?” Heidi asked with a smile as she grabbed her phone and took a picture of her dessert much like she had done for the bone marrow soup, liver pate and all the other amazing dishes that came before now.

 “Never, it’s all about the food and cooking for you, my loving wife.” Alec said as he sat down back in his chair and sipped at his drink.

 “Ah, none for you after all your hard work?” Heidi asked, offering her husband the first fork full.

 “No all yours beautiful, enjoy.” He said as he watched, waiting for her to dig in. He could feel his skin growing a little clammy below his shirt but there was no going back now.

 “This is amazing.” Heidi beamed as she took bite after bite only to follow it up with random sips of wine.

 “I’m glad you like it.” Alec said as he began to wonder how long it would take.

 “We have to mak… we have to ma..” Heidi tried to say twice as she seemed to just stop in place as if frozen.

 “Make it for who, sweetie?” Alec asked as he got up and dragged his chair closer to his wife. “Perhaps the guy, Tim or was it Tom that you have been sleeping with for the last six months when you said you were working late.”

 Heidi remained frozen, unable to answer with only her eyes showing any sign of life.

 “Oh, you're confused, about which part? Maybe how I found out about you cheating on me or maybe why I cooked this nice meal for you. Or maybe it’s why you can’t move anything but your eyes, could that be it?” Alec said as he picked up Heidi’s glass of wine and took a long drink. “Well, let’s just say my new cooking class friends have opened me up to a whole new world of culinary fascinations.”

 Alec stood up, rushing into the kitchen only to come back with something in a grocery bag.

 “I can at least let you know where all these great ideas came from.” He said as he reached into the bag only to pull out a frozen severed head which he placed in front of Heidi on the plate that had just held her dessert. 

 Heidi desperately wanted to cry , scream or run like hell but she was trapped in the prison that was once her own body.

 “Well Tim, or was it Tom just went to pieces when I introduced myself as your husband to him one day. The silly ignorant moron apparently decided to surprise you here at our house.” Alec said as his face reddened a little with anger only to quickly subside. “So what could I do but have him for dinner. Long story short, all our food tonight was thanks to Tim or was it Tom, really should have learned his name before I got rid of his ID.”

 Heidi was as terrified as a statue could possibly be.

“You see sweetie, first few times I trusted you but then when your phone broke and you asked me to upgrade it for you well I added an app that you never even noticed. The cool thing was that this little app let me know where you were and everything. My idea was I could surprise you with meals sort of like you see in the movies and in those books youn liked to read. But when I started getting notifications you were driving in your car when you said you were at work I got curious. Let’s just say when I found out , killing you was my first thought. But that’s when the cooking class introduced me to another special late night class a few of them were having.” Alec said as he refilled Heidi’s glass and took another long drink before continuing. “Let’s just say those stories and movies that said we taste like chicken didn’t get it all right. If cooked with patience and practice, human meat can be delicious. Sure the firat time you might hesitate but after you try it there is nothing like it.”

 This brought a long laugh from Alec as he tossed the wine glass across the room.

 “You know the best part of it all, my loving wife?” Alec said smiling. “Come on guess.” 

 He waited seemingly growing impatient.

 “Oh yeah forgot you can’t answer because I poisoned you.” He said before picking up the wine bottle and downing what was left in it before tossing that in the same direction the glass had gone only to have it shatter to pieces.

 “Well the good news is, you're going to be frozen, unable to move for a few days. But that’s ok right, I mean not like you would be in the mood for anything else anyways because you were too tired. The bad news, well bad for you, good for me is you get to meet the class tomorrow night because they are all coming here for supper. Guess who’s the guest of honor?”

 Alec said, kissing his wife on the forehead.

 “That’s right, another night all about you.” Alec said. “I’m sure to get some amazing dishes from you. But for now I need a little rest. But don’t worry, you’ll be able to keep me company for a while anyways while I start cooking. I just hope you last longer than Tom or was it Tim before he died!”

December 14, 2023 01:03

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Mohab Eraghi
13:52 Dec 18, 2023

I like the ending but do poisoned people instantly die or not?


Apeman 316
17:09 Dec 18, 2023

Not always, there are some poisons that simply slow movement and respiration as well as basically induce an almost coma like state. Other poisons have instant type of reactions.


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