
The Perfect Gift 

It was that time of year, snow falling, chestnuts roasting, hot chocolate steaming, kettle corn popping, and the smell of pine trees in the air. I could not wait, this is my favorite time of year, especially because my husband is back from his two year long contract with the Jamaican National Basketball team. This is the first holiday that we will spend together as newlyweds and I was determined to make it the best one to start off our marriage right.  

My husband and I both love Christmas, so we did everything in order for us to feel more connected since we haven't seen each other in two years. We always loved traditions so we decided to make one of our own. The three days before Christmas we decided to give each other one gift every day leading up to Christmas day.

 I had no idea what to get him, I was so nervous I thought to myself “ what if he’s not the same person he was two years ago?” “what if he doesn't like the stuff I give him?” These thoughts ran through my mind endlessly. My mind felt like a car doing donuts over and over again. Then it hit me! “OH MY GOD THAT’S PERFECT,” I shouted at the top of my lungs. He ran into the room with such concern “ ARE YOU OKAY BABE?” I laughed it off and told him “yes im okay, this show is just so exciting I can't contain it.”

 As we were putting the train set up around the house, he talked about how much he wanted a baby blue Branco, and how it was his dream car. December twenty-third came up out of nowhere good thing I had the baby blue Branco already getting shipped to the house. When it arrived I was so excited to give it to him, I knew he would love it. I walked him outside and you can hear the shakiness in my voice when  said “surprise!” His eyes were in shock he could not believe his eyes. He was so happy, he hugged and kissed me so tight. But, I could tell something was off, I started to wonder if he hated the gift or not. I told him to to go drive it around thinking that this would make him feel better, but when he came back he was still the same. I didn't know what to do, but I knew my next gift for him was going to forsure make him happy. 

December twenty-fourth, day two of the gift exchange and I  knew mine was going to knock it right out of the park.Since he was in love with his career I got him front row seats to the Clipper V.S Lakers game the day after Chtmas and I knew he would love it because he loved the power forward Anthony Davis and the point guard Landry Shamet. I knew he'd love it because I got him two tickets so he can take his friend who also loved basketball as well. He loved the tickets and was very grateful for it. But again, something did not seem right. I asked him: “ do you not like it?” He said “ no, of course I do I love it thank you,” and proceeded to carry on with the day with no excitement for the gift at all. I was so confused i thought to myself “what could I be doing wrong, he loves basketball and to go with a friend that's way more exciting than going alone?” I didn't know what to do, I just hoped that the next day would be better,

December twenty-fifth, Christmas day, the biggest gift of them all. I really hope he would like it because I knew how stressed and tired he was from always being on the road and always being in pain so I wanted to do something that would help him. So I booked him an all day solo massage and relaxation retreat on a beach, so he could clear his mind and also try and get all the pain out of his body.But he didn't seem happy at all, a matter of fact he seemed really mad at me, His face showed no sentimental emotion or gratitude towards me, and I didnt know what I did wrong. 

I said to him “ do you not like the gift?” His face began to turn all real like a tomato bout to explode, he responds back in a shouting matter “ DO YOU NOT SEE IT.” You're getting me things that take me away from you, A car where I can drive places farther away from you. Basketball tickets for me and a “friend” I responded quickly “ I just thought you'd have more fun with a friend them me,” he then screamed : YOU'RE NOT GETTING THE POINT.” A whole day of “relaxation” by myself.

“There's something missing with all theses gifts you gave me,” he proceeded to say.‘None of these gifts have you in them, they all keep me away from you, and the only thing I want is you.” He stormed out of the room before i can even process what had happened. We were in separate rooms for most of the day, when I went to go check on him he was asleep on the couch, and that gave me the perfect idea. 

I ran out of the house went to the store and knew exactly what would make him feel better. I ran inside Target to find his and hers matching pajama sets. I quickly threw those into the cart. I then proceed to pick up all his favorite snacks, hot coco, ice cream, and his favorite movies. When I got home he was still asleep, so I began to decorate our room into a Christmas wonderland. 

I wake him up and put a blindfold on him, I walk him to the bathroom and told him to put the pajama set on and told him when he was done but the blind fold back on. I then walked him straight into the room and shouted “ surprise!” and was so overwhelmed that he cried,” this is all I wanted, to be here with you on christmas day, I don't care about the material things it's you that I want.”

At that time it hit me, it doesn't matter how much money you spend on a person . The perfect gift is the memories that you make with them.

December 13, 2019 09:45

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