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Fiction Fantasy

Atlantis the most beautiful, the most spectacular of the island chain known as the Poseidon Bay Islands. Known for its splendid architecture, it's majestic people and lavish food. Atlantis is a wonder for all who come.

Atlantis, the biggest among the islands stand alone as the favorite of Poseidon. The other two islands can't compare. To the people of Atlantis myself included, our home stands alone as the most powerful island nation in the known world.

We, Atlantean's are easily recognizable with our bronze skin, deep sea green eyes and long thick hair. To us we are blessed with the good genes giving to us by Poseidon.

Poseidon blessed us with the richness of the world. There is plenty of fish, plenty of vegetables, plenty of fruit, plenty of everything.

We pray to Poseidon in our grand temple to give us good health. To give us plenty of food and to protect Atlantis. What do we get after each prayer? Everything we ask for.

Atlantis is our beacon of hope, love and prosperity. I walk around Atlantis and see my fellow Atlantean's working hard to keep our island, our home strong and healthy.

There are fishermen heading out to sea blessed with good wind and a safe journey all by Poseidon's power. Off in the distance I hear the hammers hammering away building Atlantis new set of ships. The Atlantis Navy is the most powerful. No one can match what we bring.

Up on the hill are the women who plant all our vegetables, fruits and flowers. Without them Atlantis wouldn't be as beautiful as it is and we wouldn't have the delicious food we have and love.

Atlantis is known for its gold. The temple, the homes we built even the streets we walk on are made of gold. Our gold miners who walking pass me have the hardest job in Atlantis and the most dangerous.

They go deep below Atlantis to the darkest parts of the island to mine for the precious gold we have. Every day from sun up to sun down the gold miners risk their lives for us. The gold they mine is everywhere.

We show our appreciation for the gold miners by bowing at them. Atlantis wouldn't be the grand island it is if it wasn't for them. They are the true stars.

Another group of Atlantean's who risk their lives for us are our warriors, the Atlantean Guard. Without them Atlantis would cease to exist.

The Atlantean Guard trains every day on land and sea to be the powerful defenders of Atlantis. To be an Atlantean Guard you have to be a skillful swordsman and a skillful navigator. The training is intense.

I walk along the golden pathway of Atlantis watching the Atlantean Guard train. I would be scared to go up against one of the Atlantean Guard if I was an enemy of Atlantis.

The scholars of Atlantis are our teachers. These amazing Atlantean's teach us everything from math to science to history to military warfare.

They teach us how to be good citizens. I like to learn about everything. There is not a thing I don't like to learn. The scholars are very passionate about what they do. I wave at one of the scholars who happens to be the one who teaches me.

I stop and take a moment to breath in the air. I look out into the ocean and see some of the beautiful marine life like dolphins and turtles.

On the Atlantean beaches, I see the children playing. They are having fun. Their smile and laughter make me want to go join them. I can't help myself. I run down to the beach and join them.

I take off my scandals and run into the water. I splash around the water with my new found friends. I smile and laugh with them. We also tell jokes. To be a kid again is a great feeling. Might I add the water was cool and refreshing.

After we finish in the water me and my new friends go on the sand and build a sand castle. The sand is a nice beautiful golden color.

The sand castle me and my new friends build is as tall as me. It's beautiful and I love it. After a fun filled hour, I say goodbye and leave the beach.

Those youngsters are the future of Atlantis. One of them can become the next Atlantean guard or the next gold miner or the next fisherman or builder or scholar or gardener. Those children can be anything they want.

One of those children can be the next council man or woman. These men and women govern Atlantis with an open heart and a strong mind. They are tough yet fair. Both of my parents are on the Atlantean council. I wave to them as I walk by.

Atlantis is a democracy. We, Atlantean's have free will to choose our leaders. We vote as free citizens. We argue about politics as free citizens. We argue about anything and everything as free citizens. Poseidon gives us his blessing for us to be free citizens.

The builders of Atlantis. They are our engineers. They build the ships, our homes, the water way that I'm walking on right now. The builders of Atlantis turned a few homes, a few ships into many thousands. Every single day, I see them working and building to make Atlantis great.

I'm passing the Atlantis Stadium. It took the builders many years to build the stadium. Many of Atlantis greatest sporting events have taken place in the stadium. In just a few short days Atlantis will be holding the Great Atlantis Games.

Many athletes from across Atlantis will be participating in the games. From running, to boxing, to swimming, to boat racing and many other great sporting events. There will be something for all ages.

The Atlantis Games is a grand spectacle fit for Poseidon. Each year during the games we invite athletes from our sister islands, Amethyst Isle and Fable Haven Island to join us but they always decline.

I'm passing some of the athletes now. They are just amazing. I stand back and watch them. I watch one of my dear friends who always participates in the games. Her specialty is running. She's the quickest runner in Atlantis. Every year she wins.

I wave at my friend as I pass by. I know she's going to win. As I leave the Atlantis Stadium and continue on the golden pathway, I can't help but think of our sister islands.

Atlantis, Amethyst Isle and Fable Haven Island have been in a state of Cold War since before I was born. It scares me to think at any moment Atlantis could be going to war. I know Poseidon will protect us but it still scares me.

From the Westend of Atlantis, you can look into the sea and see our sister islands. They are not as bug as Atlantis and they don't have the Navy the size of Atlantis but they still pose a threat.

It's that time we have all been waiting for. The Great Atlantis Games are finally here. Many thousands Atlantean's myself included are gathered in the grand stadium. We are cheering loudly for our athletes.

The first event is coming up. The running event is first. I get to see my friend run. The athletes are getting ready. They are in their set position. 3,2,1 off they go.

Something is wrong. The runners have stopped. A loud bang is heard. Then an explosion. The crowd goes silent. Then another bang and explosion. I look up.................

I wake up in a sweaty heap. What the hell was that? I look all around me. I'm in my room. It wasn't real. Atlantis wasn't real. It was all a dream.

July 25, 2024 21:10

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1 comment

Connor Lindsay
20:30 Aug 04, 2024

Hi I was given this story to read for the Critique Circle to read over and leave feedback on. I like the premise of the story. Three islands in a state of Cold War while an “Olympic Games” occurs through the eyes of a loyal islander. My biggest issue is that we only touch upon these points while a large portion of the story is spent on world building that, while important, isn’t relevant to what we’re seeing. Not to mention a lot of the story is being told to us instead of being shown to us. The only part I saw was when we were playing with...


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