Google Street View Driver

Submitted into Contest #39 in response to: Write a story about a Google Street View driver.... view prompt



It was a normal work day for Jose. He was a 7 year employee at the company google. He had always enjoyed working for the company. He was loyal to the company and did his job correctly. He was going to drive the google car to capture pictures for the google street view. This was always one of his favorite things to do. He was able to drive around and see the beautiful city of Los Angeles and get paid for it. He walked into the google facility and greeted everyone just like he always does. He went to his office and grabbed the keys to the google car. He went to the garage and started the car. He began driving around snapping pictures to get the perfect pictures for the google street view. As he was driving along people would wave to him and he would wave back with a big smile on his face. He continued driving around the city snapping the photos and enjoying the beautiful view of the City of Angels. An hour passed and he was still making his way throughout the city. He wasn’t going to finish the entire city in one day. So after he finished as much as he could during his shift he drove back to the facility to get ready to go home. As he arrived he opened the garage and staring at him inside the garage was a huge black hooded figure with a no face. It looked like the spirit of death. Jose was terrified. He parked the google car and ran to his own vehicle as fast as he could. He drove him anxiously. He didn’t know if the hooded figure was following him or not. As he was on the highway a car passed him up and as he turned it was the same black hooded figure with no face.  It waved at him and suddenly the car just disappeared into thin air. Finally Jose arrived home. He ate dinner and showered up and got ready for bed. As he laid in bed, he couldn’t stop thinking about the figure that visited him today. He felt as though he were coming for him. It looked as if it were the spirit of death. The next morning he woke up but had slept terribly the night before. He couldn’t stop thinking about what he had seen at work and when he was driving back home. He drove to work in silence not knowing if he would see the thing again. He was going to finish his job driving around in the google street view car. He got the keys and started to drive. He was snapping pictures and as he was looking to see if they came out okay he saw something that sent chills up his spine. It was the spirit of death again. Staring right into the camera. It was following Jose. Jose was terrified and sped off. He thought he was going crazy and just seeing things. He wanted some reassurance. He wanted to know if he was the only one seeing this mysterious black hooded figure. He called one of his co-workers at Google named John. He called him and told him the whole situation. From seeing the person in the garage to seeing it on the highway and finally on google street view. John thought Jose was crazy. Jose wanted to prove that what he was seeing was real. He sent over the photo where the figure was. When John finally received the photo, he told Jose that there was nothing odd about the picture and that there was no hooded black figure in the picture. He hung up the phone and told me to just finish up the job and to go home and get some sleep because I must be seeing things. Jose thought to himself, “Maybe John was right. Maybe I am just seeing things.” He finished his shift at work and then headed home. He had stopped thinking about the black hooded figure. He wanted to forget it completely. He finally arrived home. He reached into his pocket, grabbed his house keys and slowly unlocked his front door. Standing right in front of him was the same mysterious figure. It was the spirit of death. Jose tried to run away and yell but his body was frozen. He was too terrified to speak or move. The tall black hooded figure grabbed Jose by his head and vanished into thin air. Jose then found himself in a black room with no lights. It had one single candle in the middle of the room. Jose walked up to the candle to pick it up so he could use it as a light to navigate himself and try to find a way out of the room. As he reached for it his hand was slammed down by a huge skeleton hand. He looked up and it was the same thing that had been following him for the past two days. He asked nervously, “Who are you? Why have you taken me here?” The figure answered in a deep dark voice, “I am the spirit of death Jose.” Jose asked puzzled, “Why am I here? Is it my time to go?” The spirit of the death stood silent for a few seconds and just paced around the room. He finally answered, “Yes it is your time, but I am giving you a second chance. You must follow these rules when I release you back into the normal world.” Jose answered, “Yes please. I’ll do anything to live my life please. Whatever you need me to do.” The spirit of death answered, “Jose I need you to go back and kill the CEO of google. He is a bad man. He is overworking people and treats his workers horribly. If you don’t get rid of him, I’ll get rid of the both of you.” Jose was teleported back into the world. What would he do? Would he spare the CEO and end his own or kill him to save his own life.

April 29, 2020 21:20

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