Romance Coming of Age Inspirational

Gary could not keep his eyes off of a Wilma as she walked in the hallway with her best friend. Wilma didn't even notice. She was so into the conversation that she was having with her best friend, Ashley. Gary always got mezmorized when he seen Wilma and he couldn't understand why it was her out of all girls that made him feel this way. They were only in the ninth grade and he had no idea how to pinpoint his feelings. He had never had a conversation with Wilma, ever.

Little did Gary know, Wilma was a hopeless romantic and all he needed to do was approach her and get things started, but he just wasn't ready yet. It was only the second week of a new school year and he wanted to focus on that. His friend, Carlos decided that he was going to get Wilma's attention for Gary, but Gary stopped him in his tracks. One thing Gary wasn't was a punk and he was going to make his move sooner than later. Gary already felt like Wilma was his future wife because the feeling was just too strong.

The next week, Gary showed up to school early in the morning and seen Wilma getting out of a car. He knew that was the perfect opportunity to introduce himself. He waited by the gate until Wilma got closer and she was looking at him as she approached with a nice smile that was friendly. Gary introduced himself by saying hi. Wilma said hi. She asked if he was new and Gary said yes. Gary's insides were smiling very hard at this quick meeting. Gary asked Wilma if she would like to have lunch with him today so that he can get to know her and she agreed. They had a 10-minute conversation and stayed with each other all morning until class began.

Wilma could not believe the vibe she felt while being around Gary and she could not think about anything else but him when she went to her first couple of classes for the morning run. It was crazy because she had never saw him before and out of nowhere, he appears and almost instantly takes her heart with a simple conversation. She couldn't forget his natural smell. It's like soap and man. 

Did she just meet the love of her life? Did she just catch feelings and she don't even know what's next? It was so weird because she just did not know what to expect and she definitely didn't expect love. Was she thinking too hard? Wilma knew what she felt and she could not shake it. Ashley would clown her if Wilma spoke of this. She decided to wait it out. Ashley definitely saw her talking with Gary and decided she wasn't going to interrupt that morning. What Ashley didn't expect was to see her with him at lunch. She was happy for Wilma because Wilma always spoke of loving romantic movies and dramas. 

Wilma and Gary decided to walk home together. They were able to have more conversations and decided that they definitely had a lot in common and wanted to continue this friendship. The weeks seemed to fly by with them being together and they helped each other with their school work all the time. The thing about their relationship is that they combined it with friendship and it was perfect. People loved them together and always took photos of them together. What really made Wilma and Gary very popular was a movie that they created with each other and everybody in the school loved the movie so much and thought that they were the most creative couple ever. They really changed the game with the type of creativity they had when they came together. Wilma and Gary were very proud of the things that they were doing and it was almost the end of 9th grade. They made the school year fly by for each other and it was very magical.

Gary's mother thought that Wilma was the most cutest thing ever and she loved that Wilma was very intelligent. Wilma really impressed Gary's mother in her natural form and it may Gary even more proud because he knew that she was the one. The bond was just so deep and so real. They both couldn't get enough of each other. Wilma always did artistic things for Gary so that he could use them for decorations and postings. She was good at it too. Gary loved watching Wilma come to life with her crafts. She was a naturally talented person. Gary always cheered her on. He wanted her name as far as it could get from her talents. He used social media every chance he got and Wilma loved that about him. He always cheered her on. Love and support was a complete win for Wilma. Gary and Wilma were definitely in love.

By the time 9th grade ended, Wilma had gotten over 20 awards for the year and so did Gary. They decided they wanted to ace their grade together and climb the charts so that they can live wonderful lives. They did it together. Their parents were proud because they weren't your normal high school couple. They were actually helping each other succeed and that was definitely a good sign. Everybody admired Wilma and Gary in their school and could only respect them.

By the time 11th grade came, Wilma had her first pregnancy scare. Gary and her had their first time in the 9th grade summer time going to the 10th grade. Surprisingly Wilma was not pregnant, but her body was going through changes due to her sexual activity increasing. That was enough to let her know that she had to be more careful because she did not want to have kids in high school. Gary agreed and decided to be careful as well. Sometimes they will use protection and sometimes they wouldn't but Gary promised to not slip up. Gary respected Wilma a lot and wanted her to be great. He did not want to slow her down. They were going to be smart until they hit some goals that they set for themselves but at times they can get to deep in the moment. Nobody knew about the pregnancy scare. Good thing it was just a scare. Gary and Wilma ran for presidency in the 11th grade and won because people knew who they were and they made more movie projects and included many people. They loved to produce and photograph. Other students adored their skills. They were popular and for good reason. It wasn't just about being a couple-they were doing big things and only got better. 

During 12th grade graduation, Gary and Wilma walk the stage together for each of their names and people loved it. The other students thought that it was the most cutest thing ever and everyone was going to remember them for being the artistic, intelligent couple. They really helped a lot of other students tap into their creativity. Gary and Wilma got accepted to a university college and they attended that calls for 4 years. Once they graduated college oh, they decided they were ready to start a family.

Unlike other people, Gary and Wilma decided to throw a party to celebrate the making of a baby. A lot of people that they went to High School with showed up including Ashley and Carlos. Ashley and Carlos were not a couple, but they were cool and they supported Gary and Wilma to the fullest. They always had the front seat when new ideas came about. Carlos brought a gift for Gary and Wilma and it was money and some other things that they liked. A lot of pictures were taken and the party ended at midnight. Ashley and Carlos stay the night and Gary and Wilma decided they wanted to play Uno before going to bed.

Years went by and Wilma and Gary continued to keep all of that wonderful energy that they had in high school. They continued to throw wonderful parties and they continued to always be the life of the party as well. They went so well together and people just had to smile because they were the type of couple that you can look up to. Gary always respected Wilma and showed her love in front of everyone and Wilma did the same. Wilma love cooking for family and friends. Of course she loved to to cook for Gary too. 

At 38, Gary and Wilma looked youthful and healthy. They were happy and full of energy. They would make a stranger feel very welcomed and comfortable by the end of their stay. Wilma was so sweet and nice and Gary was so cool and nice is real. 

Gary and Wilma had their first child at 38 because there were a few miscarriages before they decided that they didn't want to try anymore anytime soon. Both of their business started booming so they didn't really want to put a baby in the middle of such a busy time in their life, but at 38, it happened. Ashley of course was the Godmother and Carlos was The Godfather. They spoiled Wilma and Gary's son named Ashton. Wilma came up with the name because she thought it was nice and Gary approved because there was nothing wrong with the name to him and he loved Wilma so much that he felt like anything she come up with was Grand. Even as a pregnant woman, Wilma was the life of the party and she always had energy as if she wasn't pregnant. 

Parenting was easy for Gary and Wilma because their son was very intelligent like them. They believed that their child was made out of love which made the parenting easy. Their child, Ashton was very much an easy child to raise. By the time Wilma and Gary were 45, Ashton had a lot going for himself. They knew that Ashton would be a genius and they knew that he would also adopt their creativity and money making skills. They were going to make sure he was nothing less then great. Gary always showed Ashton how to do regular things that anyone should know how to do in life. Ashton loved his parents so much because they always made sure he had what he needed and he was always happy. He also had the best birthdays.

Gary and Wilma were still very much healthy, but Ashton still wanted to make sure he did things for his parents because they did so much for him and they did so much throughout their own life. Wilma and Gary had no trouble loving Ashton and would never get tired because they were pretty wealthy. Wilma and Gary head thousands of dollars from stocks and thousands of dollars from their separate businesses and savings. They were set for life and so was Ashton.

People would always know Gary and Wilma to be the most amazing couple days ever come to know because they strive to be the best in the most humblest way possible. They were genuinely nice people that cared about other people and they lived a good life together. 

Ashton grew up to be a handsome man with his own stuff in his own businesses. He met a nice woman when he was 32, but dated casually before then. Ashton was a health nut and wanted his body to stay healthy because he liked the way he felt as a healthy person and he can only imagine what being unhealthy would feel like. Unfortunately Ashton had a judgmental side to him but he was definitely a humanitarian in many ways. 

Ashton will always take care of his parents even though he didn't really have to. He just like to be able to give his parents money or to pay for things for them and of course Gary and Wilma appreciated his gestures. They were very proud of Ashton and they continued keeping up with their healthy regimens. Ashton encouraged his parents to make an inspirational social media account to cause other people to age well too by being healthy. Gary and Wilma agreed. They got right on it that same week. 

Ashton was huge on social media and he knew all the right things to do and he helped his mother and father do exactly what they were supposed to do. Gary and Wilma decided to promote their account with ads and by the end of the first week, they had over 1 million followers because they were very much showing their wonderful personalities with their posts. 

Ashton and his parents became globally known and continue to change the world in more ways than one.

February 14, 2021 07:50

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