MY_story ( story with an unexpected knock on a window)_Susnata Biswas

Submitted into Contest #97 in response to: Start your story with an unexpected knock on a window.... view prompt


Inspirational Creative Nonfiction Horror

I lay in my bed of my mess, restless and alone, put myself in the pull of depression on a dark and silent night. I toss and turn in my bed, trying to find a comfortable spot, but I feel uneasy. Something about tonight just did not feel right. I have the feeling that everything is chasing me. I toss and turn until I finally find a comfortable position. I close my eyes, but it does not make a difference, it is too dark in my room to see a thing anyways. I guess it takes time for my eyes to adjust to darkness. I lay there, silent on a dark and dank night. My body is relaxed, my mind is blank, and I am ready for some much-needed rest. Instantly, my mind fills with fearful thoughts as my startled eyes flash open.

Knock. Knock.

It is almost undoubtedly the sound of a fist on glass. But no, it couldn’t be, what would someone’s motivation be to wake someone alone in their home? Think logically. If someone wanted to break in, why would they warn me with a knock? They would just break in, making a loud and obvious noise, or try to be as silent as possible. Why would they knock? Monsters do not exist. I could give myself some peace of mind and simply look out the window, but I am facing the other way and I am too timid to turn my head, afraid of finding my greatest fears standing outside my window. What could it be though? Maybe a couple of birds flew into my window. No, that is too unrealistic. Could a group of kids be running around late at night, knocking on windows to get a few laughs? It is a possibility. Come to think of it, maybe it was my imagination. Maybe I heard the usual creak in the house and my paranoid mind has mistaken it for a knock.

Knock. Knock.

                                                                                Nope, that was definitely not my imagination. Those damn kids are persistent. They do not want to quit until they get that reaction. Maybe some sick twisted freak is standing outside waiting for me to look so he can smash through and attack me. No, do not think that. Do not get paranoid. Besides, he is outside, I’m inside, until I hear a shatter, I know I’m safe. Monsters do not exist. Besides, I have not moved yet, hopefully those kids will think I’m a heavy sleeper and leave me alone.

Knock. Knock.

No, it cannot be kids. No kid would wait around this long just to get a reaction from one, lonely guy; they’d just get bored and move along. But, what could it be? Why would a serial killer target me, of all people? Think logically. Monsters don’t exist. Don’t get paranoid. They’re outside, I’m inside, until I hear a shatter, I know I’m safe. But if it’s not a monster or some sort of killer, what could it be? Just pretend to be asleep and maybe they’ll go away.

Knock. Knock.

                                                                                   Oh God I can’t think of a noise I hate more than that persistent knock! Please go away! Just leave me alone and let me be! There’s no hope. It’s going to get in here and do sick and horrible things to me. Inhale. Take deep breaths. I can feel my heart pound out of my chest just relax. Monsters don’t exist. Remember, they’re outside, I’m inside, until I hear a shatter I know I’m safe. Repeat that. Don’t let your fear get the best of you. Just pretend to be asleep. Don’t move a muscle.

Knock. Knock.

                                                                            They’re outside, I’m inside, until I hear a shatter, I know I’m safe. Monsters don’t exist. Just pretend to be asleep and pray it’ll go away.

Knock. Knock.

                                                                            They’re outside, I’m inside, until I hear a shatter, I know I’m safe. Frightful tears begin to drip down my face. Monsters don’t exist. Monsters do not exist. I begin to whisper to myself, “They’re outside, I’m inside, until I hear a shatter, I know I’m safe. They’re outside, I’m inside, until I hear a shatter, I know I’m safe.”

Knock. Knock.

                                                                            I can't take it anymore! I’m going to be mad listening to these knocks! At least if I see what it is I’ll have peace of mind! Take a deep breath. I repeat to myself, one more time, “They’re outside, I’m inside, until I hear a shatter, I know I’m safe.”

Finally, I have gained enough courage to open my window to see. When I open my door with gigantic curiosity, I am shocked. I can’t believe my eyes. I rub my eyes 2-3 times to ensure whether I am seeing, it is correct or not. My beloved father is standing in front of me. He is saying, “Son, I love you more than anything, my blessings will be always with you. A lot of people will come and go in your life as you grow older. But no matter what I’ll be the one who’ll always hold your hand and always have you in my heart, till the end of time.” My lips are trembling. He continues, “You are bit confused whether you should give the last attempt of Civil Service or not, I know. Always remember that if you give up now, what were you even fighting for? Give your last try, you may or may not be succeed but you will not definitely be regretted after a long while. Then suddenly he disappears, left me alone. I scream, “Papa, Papa.” But no one reply except the chirping of bird give me a false hope.

On the next day, when I wake up, all things are as clear as mirror in front of me. It’s just an illusion. But, I get my answer to get rid from my utter confusion. Hello intellectual Readers, you might be interested whether I clear UPSC or not. It’s up to you, just think. 

June 10, 2021 13:24

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