The Switch

Submitted into Contest #58 in response to: Write a story about someone feeling powerless.... view prompt



"Shovel?" asked Big Freddy as he started the engine.

"It's in the trunk with the rest of it," replied Jake in an exasperated tone. He was sick of Big Freddy expecting him to always be a fuck up. He looked out of the window, trying to maintain his composure.

They drove silently, heading out of the city limits and down the freeway towards the town of Sierra. Neither of them spoke for a long time until Jake leaned forward and turned on the radio. A loud obnoxious pop song filled the silence. Jake recognised the song from hearing his pre teen daughter play it. He began to hum along.

Big Freddy winced at the noise and glared at Jake. He leaned over and switched the radio off.

"What da hell did ya do that for? What was that rubbish?" Big Freddy asked, not expecting an answer.

"You wanna sit here in silence then do ya?" Jake replied in a huff.

The two men sat silently again. Jake yawned as he stared into the darkness. It wouldn't be long until they'd reach their destination. 

"Here we go," Big Freddy said in a steely voice as he pulled off the freeway and onto a dirt road. He drove a little ways down the road then pulled over and switched off the engine.

"Let's go over the plan again," Big Freddy started. 

Jake was glad for the darkness because he knew Big Freddy couldn't see him roll his eyes at the suggestion.

 "You're gonna take the bag and do the switch and take the bag to the car while I cause a fight at the bar. Then when I get thrown outside you come along and we take down that asshole bouncer and throw him into the trunk. Got it?" Big Freddy asked.

"Sure. I switch the bag, lock it in the car and then we jump the bouncer. Got it,"  Jake replied.

It was obvious, even to Jake, that Big Freddy wished he'd been sent to do this job with anyone but Jake...but orders were orders and so this is where they found themselves.  Big Freddy turned on the engine and continued driving down the windy dirt road that led out deep into a forest. After a few moments, they noticed lights in the distance. Upin getting closer,  they could hear music playing and the sound of a fairly raucous crowd. This made Big Freddy smile. He knew that the switch would be easier with more people around. The drunker the better!

"Don't be too quick to make the switch. Let 'em get niced and sloshed first. Should make it easier," Big Freddy suggested in a manner that implied it was more of an order than an actual suggestion.

"Yeah, sure Freddy. Nice and sloshed!" Jake replied.

Big Freddy parked the car and looked at Jake.

"I don't know you and you don't know me. I'll go in first. I've got my eye on you, so don't fuck this up!" Big Freddy said as he opened the car door and got out. He didn't wait for a reply, he just took a swig of his flask and walked right on in to the bar.

Jake shook his head then punched the dashboard. His frustration with being treated as the incompetent fool was growing to a point where he wasn't sure how much longer he could contain it. He got up and out of the car, slammed the door and stomped off towards the bar. Then, suddenly he remembered the bag that he needed for the switch and so he ran back to the car and took it out of the trunk. The trunk was filled with the bag, a rope and the shovel. He slammed the trunk closed and marched off back towards the bar. 

At the door, the bouncer checked him over pretty carefully. His eyes squinted at him in a sign of distrust.

"What's in the bag?" the bouncer asked.

"Clothes. I'm gonna get changed in the men's before I meet a hot date," Jake laughed at the perceived cleverness of his story,  as he eyed up the bouncer and decided that taking him down later shouldn't be a problem.

The bouncer stared at Jake. He didn't look like a guy who'd ever get a date, what with his scared face, crooked teeth and being so short. Not the sort of thing ladies usually would go for...and this bar definitely was not the kinda place you'd take a date, ever. The bouncer was more than a little suspicious. He leaned over and unzipped the bag and sure enough, there were clothes.

The bouncer looked surprised and handed the bag back to Jake, who turned and walked into the bar. 

As he walked in, he could see Big Freddy sitting at the bar. He was hard to miss because of his size. The bar was pumping and the crowd were already pretty jolly. A band were playing rock tunes and the crowd were dancing and singing. Over towards the back, were a group of men in suits sitting at a u-shaped booth and there, on the floor between their feet, was the bag. Jake made his way to the next booth over and kicked the young couple who were sitting in there out. He grabbed a nearby waitress and ordered a whisky. He placed the bag between his feet on the floor, then he sat and waited.

Big Freddy could be heard laughing loudly at the bar. He was about three drinks in when suddenly he grabbed a glass and smashed it into the bar. The sound of glass shattering made most of the bar look over. 

Blood sprinkled out from Big Freddy's hand as he yelled "Oy, who the fuck did that?" 

He looked around for an unsuspecting stoodge. He recognised one of the men from the booth at the bar and focused his attention on him. 

"Was it you?" He yelled as he grabbed him by the collar and punched him before he had a chance to reply.

This caught the attention of the redt of the men in the booth who rose to assist their friend. Jake reached down under the booth and made the switch. He slid his foot under the table, sliding their bag towards him and pushed his bag through. Then, taking off his jacket and placing it over the bag, he got up and walked out the back of the bar.

He ran down to the car and had just enough time to throw the bag in when he saw Big Freddy being pulled outside by the bouncer. Part of him wanted to just get in the car and drive off, leaving Big Freddy to handle the situation on his own but he knew he had no choice but to rescue the bastard. So he grabbed the shovel out of the trunk and snuck up behind the bouncer who was laying into Freddy. With a mighty whack he knocked the bouncer out cold.

He stared down at Big Freddy who was struggling to get up. He felt all of the anger and frustration that he'd been holding on to bubble up inside. Without hesitation, he swung the shovel back behind himself. The look on Big Freddy’s face told Jake that he knew the score. His number was up. The shovel came swinging down hard on Big Freddy's head. 

In the dark, Jake dragged the bodies away from the boat and gently rolled them into the quick flowing river. Then he returned to the car and drove away into the night.

September 06, 2020 00:51

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Lani Lane
15:12 Sep 14, 2020

Wow! Love these types of thrillers--those last couple sentences really made the hair on the back of my neck rise. Fantastic work.


Alwyn McNamara
19:55 Sep 14, 2020

Thank you. So glad you enjoyed it.


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Keerththan 😀
09:06 Sep 13, 2020

Ooooooh! The suspense was really amazing. Well written story. Would you mind reading my new story? Thanks.


Alwyn McNamara
19:54 Sep 14, 2020

Thank you for reading my story. I'll definitely check yours out later today.


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Rowena Tisdale
14:52 Sep 07, 2020

Good job building tension!


Alwyn McNamara
03:16 Sep 09, 2020

Thank you


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