The Summer In A Tree House

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a summer afternoon spent in a treehouse.... view prompt



Whack! The colorful round object had a lasting impact on my skull. I turned to see Chloe, Joey, and my parents’ mouth hanging. As I stepped on the freshly mowed grass of our summer house, a large wooden space caught my eye. I slowly moved towards it to see that it was a treehouse. One that I have never seen before. “ Stop!” My neighbor exclaimed as I drew closer to the treehouse. The exclamation took me by surprise, but I shrugged it off and walked back into the house. 

My boring afternoon was spent having meaningless conversations with Chloe and Joey. The whole time, the treehouse was in the back of my mind. Having enough of the lingering thoughts, I excused myself and made my way towards the treehouse. 

When I went to the treehouse, I started to notice the round object more. I still didn’t understand why my neighbor didn’t want me to go in because I did not see anything that would pose a danger to me.  I started to observe the contents of the treehouse until Joey and Chloe saw me and asked me what I was doing. I told them I found a cool object and was exploring the treehouse. I showed them the object and since it was unusual they enlisted the help of my parents. My parents thought it was a unique object but were wary since they didn’t know what it was or if it was harmful or not. Since Nicky knew a lot of stories and facts, we raced to her and asked if she knew anything. She started her explanation and we all tuned in to hear. 

Leaving Nicky’s house, we were in shock. We never would have thought that the glowing round object could turn us to stone if we touched it for a long amount of time. We all came to the conclusion that we should throw the stone away, not wanting to risk anything. In the meantime, we were checking if there were even more dangerous objects. As the temperature rose in the treehouse, I made a brief trip back into the house to get snacks for everyone. Once I returned, I saw that my parents were scared and Joey and Chloe were trying to cheer them up. They pointed to a round object that resembled a mood ring. I warned everyone to stop touching it. “It could be dangerous, stop touching it!” I exclaimed. Nicky overheard the commotion and quickly called specialists to help.  Once the specialists arrived, they rushed everyone out of the treehouse so they could see if anything in there was unsafe. The specialists quickly ran tests and discovered that there was a dangerous, and wicked being that lived in the treehouse before them. They had left the rock and mood ring intentionally. We didn’t think much of it as the end of summer was already approaching, so we left. We adjusted to our lifestyle without the treehouse and slowly forgot about the ordeal. There were times where the treehouse crossed my mind, but they vanished just as fast. I cherished my time with Joey and Chloe after the ordeal.  When they had left, I decided to make a memory book for each of them to keep as a memory. It seemed like they really enjoyed it and they also had fun. 

A week later, we decided to sleep over the 3 of us. I knew it would be fun. Since my family was getting a pool near the time Joey and Chloe were coming, we were swimming and also slept outside. 

The night before the sleepover, we had a three-way call and planned what was going to happen. The first thing that we had to do was invent something cool. The night they both came we thought we would make our own magic rock. We went to the magic store to buy some special ingredients and started making the rocks. Near the end, the rocks were glowing in the dark and looked close to the one we saw, we just knew ours were not harmful. We had some fun playing with them, getting dirty, and we wanted to see what would happen if I put the magic rocks in my new pool. Turns out, it was really pretty and with all of ours, we created a rainbow. We also thought that we could watch a movie all together outside and buy some candy. Some hours later, we thought the movie was really good and went swimming for a bit. I felt a bit sick afterward because I was eating candy and then right after I went into the pool.  Since Joey and Chloe brought their phones, I decided I would text Joey a private message. I wrote “Hey can we hang out the two of us after the sleepover once Chloe goes home? I want to spend some more time with you “. He responded fast and sweet. “Hi Amber, of course, that would be great! We can arrange it soon and talk later.” We all wanted to stay up until the early morning but we were too tired. It was a really fun time we all had, for breakfast we all had french toast with bacon bits on top and syrup. Sadly after that, Chloe’s parents were there to pick her up and before Joey’s parents came, we got to talk and make plans to hang out next. We decided to make plans for tomorrow at the most expensive restaurant in the world. I told him not to bring money because I was paying but he snuck his money anyways so he can pay. During dinner, I gave Joey a gift that I had made all this year for him. The first thing that I gave to him was a matching t-shirt so that we would match. As an extra gift, I left him a diamond ring. For dinner, we decided to share a twelve oz steak piece with fries and a salad. The restaurant was popular for having great meals. When Joey and I finished eating, we decided to order dessert, for dessert we had an ice cream sundae and a big slice of cake. It was delicious! We had a really good time and enjoyed each other's company. When we all got home, it was pretty late so we then decided to sleep over at Joey’s house this time. For breakfast in the morning, we had a mango smoothie with pancakes. Amber left early to get a head start for school in the coming week. 

July 17, 2020 19:27

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Sue Marsh
15:53 Jul 23, 2020

the story line is great I enjoyed the story...keep writing


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Maya A
00:15 Jul 24, 2020

Great story Ashley! Keep up the great stories.


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02:12 Jul 23, 2020

I enjoyed reading this story! Good luck in the contest!!!


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01:18 Jul 23, 2020

Great story!! Hope u win! 🙂🙂


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Spencer Pinkus
22:52 Jul 22, 2020

An intriguing story, especially the fantasy elements. You successfully create a sense of mystery and otherworldliness. Perhaps something you could develop further in another story? Many thanks.


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Rose Zupnik
22:17 Jul 22, 2020

Really enjoyed the story. Very detailed interesting and kept me wanting to keep on reading as i found the story very engaging and Interesting


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Galit Z
17:26 Jul 22, 2020

What a great story!


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Paula Agulnik
17:02 Jul 22, 2020

Very interesting Story. I liked the characters and description of the various food that everyone enjoyed together as well as the making of new friends. Good writing !


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Adam Agulnik
14:25 Jul 22, 2020

Amazing story!!


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