Christmas Romance Happy


Romania had wished for a proposal this Christmas. All her high school friends were already married and had started their families, and she was tired of being the professional bridesmaid or wedding arranger. She dreamed of the day she would walk up the aisle with Sam Rogers, but somehow, he seemed to see her as a good friend. They had spent countless special times together but, he seemed unaware of her love for him. Romania had dated a few men over the past two years, but none of the relationships seem destined for the altar, at least so she thought.

Apart from Sam, there was James an astute businessman who spent most of his time at the office and, when on dates, on his phone. Then, there was Terry, the boisterous, humorous guy who always made her laugh and could move the clouds away on a cloudy day. She loved being with him but felt he needed to be a bit more balanced. He didn’t know the meaning of the word serious. Alex was a fitness instructor who kept her on track to maintain her fine figure but, would she have to be constantly looking over her shoulder every time she went to the refrigerator? He was so particular about the types of food she should eat, and how often she should snack.! And finally, there was Nathan. Nathan was fun, cool, and romantic, but he was a spendthrift with no thought of tomorrow. So, here she was seven days before Christmas, wondering if she was going to end the year singing Celine Dion’s “Another Year Has Gone By” to her ever- present teddy bear. The guys had all asked her out to dinner that week so, at least her schedule did not shout loneliness. She would make the best of it and forget about her musings.

Dinner with James was the usual, and she wondered why he had bothered. His attention was so focused on the phone and constant business calls that he did not even enjoy the beautiful and cheerful songs played by the band. Was she surprised then, when during desert, he handed her a beautifully wrapped tiny box. “Thanks James”, she said as she gave her gift in exchange, thinking that a pair of earrings was just what she needed. But much to her surprise, James put aside his phone as she opened the gift and asked, “Will you marry me?” Shocked at the question, Romania hesitated then told him she was not sure about it. Seemingly a bit disappointed, he agreed to give her time to consider as he answered another call. Well, that was enough for her to make her decision!

Her next date was Terry, and what fun she had as they sang along with the carolers, took pictures with the snowmen along the way and bit into juicy burgers (Terry’s favorite). When they arrived at her door, Terry jokingly reached for a twig of mistletoe from his pocket, hung it over her head and kissed her. “Christmas will be truly the best for me”, he said if you’ll agree to marry me”. Dazed, she wondered if Santa was playing tricks on her. Did he really hear her plea for a husband? She knew however, that Terry was not her choice and she told him she only considered him as a very good friend. “Ouch”, he said, but his disappointment quickly disappeared as he returned to his old bantering and kissed her good night again.

Well, two proposals in one week was a record she thought, but when Alex proposed to her the next night, she could not keep silent. “How can one girl get three proposals in three days?”, she asked. He was taken aback at the question and, after some discussion about the proposals, asked about her choice. Of course, that was easy. No! She wanted her moments of cheesecake and chocolates and fun! She did not tell him her thoughts though. She just said she would rather they remain friends. It was more difficult for her the next night though when Nathan proposed openly at the mall. Singers came from every area of the mall singing “Will you Marry Me” to a Christmas tune, as he knelt on his knees and proposed to her. Everyone waited with bated breath for the “yes”, but she hastily took his hands and lead him to a corner to explain how great a guy he was but was not sure about marriage to him at this stage. He was crushed but said he would not give up.

On Christmas Eve, Sam picked her up to take her to her favorite restaurant. She wondered if Santa’s proposal surprises would continue! During the meal, an announcement was made for a special song dedicated to her from Sam. As the song ended, the singer approached their table and handed Sam a tiny gold box. Sam then knelt as he opened the box, while Romania watched on in utter disbelief. She could hardly believe the words she was hearing. Sam was asking her to be his wife. He was telling her how much he always loved her and how he wanted them to be together forever! She felt like pinching herself to ensure it was real. Without a second thought, the words four other men had hoped to hear that week came out without hesitation! “Yes”, she said. “I will marry you”, as he slid the diamond ring on her finger. A loud applause resounded through the restaurant. For a moment, she had forgotten there was any one around and as they left the restaurant holding hands, Romania knew that the next wedding she would attend was her own. The air was crisp, the carolers were singing, children were shouting as the songs of Christmas filled the air; but Romania was in her own world, with Sam right beside her. She would finally be the bride, and not the bridesmaid. The lights seemed brighter, the carols sounded sweeter and she truly felt that she had gotten the best gift for Christmas. She was going to be Sam Roger’s wife! Mrs. Romania Rogers! Her wish had come through!

Carolyn G. Philip

December 18, 2020 22:58

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