American Romance Teens & Young Adult

It had been a long day at work, and all I wanted to do was relax. But, I had promised myself that today would be different. Today was going to be different. I took a quick shower and put on a 

t-shirt and a pair of jeans, a far cry from the business casual look I had grown so comfortable in. I put on some light makeup, grabbed my keys, and headed for the door. 

Being part of such an international company like Global Industeries, nights like these were rare. Even if I didn’t have work to complete, I would find a way to occupy myself with this and that until the office security would seriously consider throwing me out. But all that had to change. 

I locked the door, and headed towards my car - a simple Toyota Camry - that I had grown to love. I put on a song that I hadn't heard in years and started driving towards my destination. I pulled up in front of a small house that looked like it belonged to an old, happy couple. The one thing that didn’t fit this mental image was the thumping music that could be heard from the driveway. 

I parked my car in the allotted space, and, taking a long deep breath, turned off the engine. As soon as I got out of my car, I saw a couple leaving the house, trying to hold each other up. My first thoughts were that they had had a few drinks, but this confused me as I had suspected that the party had just begun. I entered the house, trying not to crash into the dozens of people, as I navigated my way to the living room. Over the people and the constantly changing lights, it was difficult to find my path at my best friend’s childhood home. I finally reached the heart of the party and saw him - my best friend, Alexei - sitting on the couch with two girls on either side of him. I walked up to him, and stood with my arms crossed in front of him. At first he was unable to recognize me, but as soon he did, he got up and encaged me in a huge bear hug. “Katy, you made it! The party started an hour ago. Where were you?”, he asked, genuinely happy to see me. “Oh, you know - LA traffic.” “Right. Right. Got it”, he said, slightly unsteady on his feet. “Well, enjoy the party. So glad you could make it.” “Alright, see you later, Alexei.”  

Alexei, my best friend since childhood and my total opposite. Partying and just having fun in general was one of the things that made him......him. I tried to maneuver my way around people, but soon I felt claustrophobic and started hyperventilating. Parties were not my scene. I exited the house through the back door and took in a deep breath of fresh air. For the first time in years I was........nervous?

Tears welled up in my eyes as I stared at the endless sky above me. I was always so confident in my day-to-day life. Yet now.....now, I felt vulnerable. A cold breeze blew through my hair, making me wrap my arms closer around myself. I was in an unknown environment, and I was.....alone. I had Alexei but I didn’t want to ruin his night, as well. 

Pondering all of this, I hadn’t noticed a stranger standing next to me. He was standing a little off to the side, and I only barely saw him in my peripheral vision. “I thought the party was back there”, he said, nodded his head in the direction of the house. I remained silent, mainly because I didn’t know what to say. He stepped forward and silently handed me his jacket. “Here. You look cold.” I blinked back my tears, and looked at him, for the first time really looking. 

He was gorgeous. His highly defined cheekbones and his dazzling blue eyes, made him look like a knight in a fairytale. On any other night I would have been flattered that such a good-looking human being had decided to talk to me. But tonight was not “any other night”. Today was my first night out in an awfully long time. 

I felt the coolness of the night air again, and took his jacket before I could catch a cold. “Thank you”, I whispered, as he smiled in response. “I’m Seth, by the way. I’m a up and coming director.” I simply nodded. “And...you are......” “Oh, sorry. I’m Katherine. I’m a senior agent under—” 

“—Global Industries, right? I should have known. Katherine Thomson it’s an absolute pleasure to meet you.” “Thank you”, I said, smiling. A minute of silence followed, as we were both consumed by our own thoughts while gazing out into the vast endlessness of the universe beyond our own. 

“I didn’t mean to make it weird. I just...I’m a huge fan.” “That’s alright.” “I’m guessing a party with Hollywood’s heartthrobs isn’t your idea of fun.” “No, not really. But I don’t want to upset my friend. So I decided to come. But, I’m not sure I fit in. I’m more of a behind-the-scenes person myself.” “That’s alright. I don’t like it either. Luckily, I’ve learned to fit in even when I don’t............How about I help you? I could give you a few tips, y’know.” “Alright. I was sure this party was missing a bit of entertainment”, I said, giggling. 

I took a hold of Seth’s hand, ready to face whatever was inside with more confidence than before. I was determined to make this my scene. 


The rest of the night went by in a blur, and I ended up having a few too many shots. I sang and danced to a few songs, and Seth, who hadn’t drunk nearly as much, drove me home. I was, somehow, able to turn my keys in the lock and enter my apartment. I kissed Seth goodnight, and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. 

I woke up the next day with a massive headache. I understood that letting loose wasn’t my second nature, and it would possibly never be, but I was ready to give it a chance. But for now I had had enough partying for at least a month. I got up and quickly brushed my teeth. 

After all, I did have a date to get ready for. 

May 09, 2021 09:29

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