Fiction Mystery Thriller

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

(Language and death)

Wow I finally bought a lake house with private property Zak said. Zak chose to live by himself because he wasn't a social person. And he just liked to make YouTube videos or type stories. Some people did tell him stories about some ghost lady roaming the waters around the house, but he didn't believe them. He thinks there just trying to snag the house to themselves. But Zak usually did get chills when he went outside though almost like someone was watching him. But he brushed it off. And would go back to working or relaxing on his deck. Because he sometimes was a person who didn't give a fu. But one day he looked up from his computer and he saw someone walking near the water. Being the curious person that he was he decided to go look who it was and when go to look no one was there. Which was confused him but he did start feeling weak like he was going to pass out almost. So, he ran before he passed out because he wasn't risking being dragged in the water by an animal. Once he got back, he realized something wasn't wrong with the house but with the lake. So he did a little bit of digging and he saw a buch of stories of how people have saw a women near the lake. So the people weren't lying by something is roaming the water Zak told himself in a very worried voice. But he payed for the house and it's everything he had ever wanted in a house that's on the water. But still shaken and curious he looked into the women's past. And apparently her sister drowned her as joke and thought it would be funny. But when the sister realized she wasn't alive she claimed to her family that she had drowned herself. Wow what a bitch I would never do that to my brothers even though they annoy the sh out of me Zak said while he was staring at the deep story. Now she the ghost seeks for revenge anytime she gets a chance. Now Zak was a little spooked about this story, but he went back down to the water, and it was somehow much quitter. Not even a sound of a animal nearby. He was way too scared to call out to the spirit, but he just wanted to get a glance at least and once he saw it, he would run. As he was looking around, he felt chills go down his spin scared to look behind him he kept going forward. Knowing that this was a stupid idea he eventually called a quits because he started getting dizzy again. But it felt like a stabbing pain at the same time. It was so painful that he fell to his knees. He looked up and there stood a woman with a soaked dress and her hair and makeup messed up. H e wanted to scream and run but he was frozen in fear. He actually got up fought through the pain and just bolted back towards the house. But once he got home he looked around and saw her standing by the steps that led to his house. So he had 2 options either he just went back and drown himself or he just sit there and wait for her to leave. And he chose the seconded option scared to death he didn't look at her but he just wanted to go back home. When looked back up though he saw her staring down at him. At this point when he made it back, he would move out Because he was sick of this sh**. Listen I'm sorry lady if I bothered you, I won't come back here again just let me leave pls Zak begged in a low voice. And after asking that she just disappeared nowhere to be seen. Zak didn't stutter he just left he couldn't handle it no more. So he packed his stuff and left and no turning back. (Now here's a non ghost story but something similar)

Man finds a siren


If you have ever been to the beach before you would know what the salt air smells like, and what the crash of ocean waves sounds like. And if you are into marine life of mythology then you would know about the kraken, sirens, leviathan, or even the megalodon which lived thousands of years ago. Well, I'm going to make this story about a man that falls in love with a girl from the ocean.

There once was a man that liked to chill at the beach every morning his name was Zak. He wouldn’t surf though because he wasn’t that good at it. But that really didn’t matter right now staring at the water alone was pretty depressing and annoying to him. He wanted to share it with someone who he could share the rest of his life with, but he had no chance. He has never been with woman he tried once in high school but that didn’t turn out so well. But he brushed off his depressing feelings and went on with his day by getting on his boat, it wasn’t big but wasn’t small. Now let’s just go on a little adventure shall we Zak told himself.

But while Zak was untying his boat from the dock, he heard a little sound coming from the water he didn’t think much of because it could have just been the wind or a splash from a fish. A few minutes after hitting the water he herd it again. Now he was getting a bit worried that someone was watching him. He peaked over the edge of his boat and a woman suddenly popped out of the water. And she did NOT look human. WHAT THE FUCK Zak yelled when he saw the creature. Oh, sorry if I scared you, I didn’t mean to I am just lost and confused the siren replied. Zak had been living by the ocean his whole life but never thought he would see such a thing.

He has heard stories of sirens and other kinds of sea creatures lurking in the deep parts of the ocean. She looked desperate for help, but he didn’t even know her and plus she’s a FUCKING SIREN. Around those parts people are told to stay away from them you see one you kill it. But she seemed different, like she didn’t want to be a siren. Dude your life can’t be that bad, mean you're in the ocean yes, the ocean is in bad condition, but you don’t have to witness all the horror Zak told her. "Oh, then let me show you then if you think it’s not that bad," she told him. Then she dragged him into the water but does also give him ability to breath while under the water.

SEE LOOK DOES THAT LOOK LIKE A SOCIETY YOU WOULD WANT TO BE A PART OF she yelled at him. Zak seeing all of these sirens being torched by other sirens hurt's. He is willing to help her now that he sees the way she has been living. Alright let's get back to the surface and I will help you. Once Zak help her out of the water she turns into a beautiful woman. He was stunned to by the sight of her. He was not expecting to see her turn into a woman that quickly.

Finally, they got to land and then headed to his house because he had some stuff that could make her a permentley human. Are you sure you want to become a human permentley Zak asked her. Yes also i'm surprised you haven't asked for my name Hannah replied. Oh that's a pretty name well your also very kind to be a siren anyways let's get this shit started Zak told her. As they were doing the spells and rituals to get rid of the ability he warned her it will be a little painful. But obviously she didn't listen but she's new to land so she won't understand much yet.

After the spells or rituals (However you want to put it) they go out and Zak shows Hannah how to do normal human stuff. It was complicated for her at first but she then got the hang of it. Once she got the hang of it, it was great from there Hannah was finally living a life she wanted. Yes, she missed the ocean every now and then but it's a lot safer on land then it is in the water. Plus she found the man of her dreams. Zak would always make sure that she stayed happy because he found his dream girl. He would buy her anything by the beach he loved the beach and she's from the ocean, so it only makes sense that they spend a lot of time near or on the beach.

Hey, I got you a smoothie and it's your favorite kind of smoothie Zak said. Aww thank you love it's strawberry and banana Hannah said thanking Zak. I got you something too it's uhm blueberry muffin I know you like them, so I got you one Hannah said cheerfully. Thank you Zak replied. (Both laugh with a smile on there face) And they lived happiley ever after.

October 22, 2023 19:56

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