Race it out.

Submitted into Contest #66 in response to: Write about a contest with life or death stakes.... view prompt


Crime Fiction Suspense

Hello there, thank you for clicking on this. I'm just experimenting, I don't expect it to be written well(especially in the grammar and the pov parts), but if you have a chance to read it, I hope you like it :) God love and bless you.

This is absurd. What was I thinking, joining this race when I don't have a license? Never have I been behind the wheel, but tonight will be the first. The hairs on my skin are on edge as I reach a small building, lit by dim lights. The crumpled paper in my hand read the exact address I was told to come to. Larry's Lounge. Butterflies stir in my stomach and get unbearable with each step I take. Faint laughter fills my ears but diminishes when I swing the hinges open. There were unwanted scowls, frowns, and curious looks directed at me. I do not want my Saturday to end like this.

¨ Code?¨ A gruff voice called out amongst the quiet. He furrows his brow when I don't answer. His chair scrapes against the wooden floor. I took a step back involuntarily. I tried to be brave about it and shake away the bad feeling, but I answer with a shaky voice. 

¨ Shark¨. I cleared my throat to hide the fact I was nervous. It would have been alright if I didn't flinch at every move they made. Bat with bent nails and rods take up space on the floor.

A different person speaks up. A younger one, around my age. To my surprise, it's my lab partner for chemistry. Amanda Black. Her red hair almost blended in with the interior. 

¨ OI! You're the racer for the Toyota ain't ya?¨ she pips in.

I nodded, still surprised, and a bit at ease that she's even here. Isn't it too dangerous here? I know it's ironic I'm saying it. I don´t want to be here, I dreaded this day when my parent's car went missing after I borrowed it. Then a crumpled paper fell out of my locker telling me to come here if I wanted the car back. Signed by, 'The Street Wreckers.'

This, unfortunately, was the only way to get my parent's car back. Hah! I'm racing to win back a car that is already owned. I use to think this was a joke. But I soon came to realize the street wreckers are serious and dangerous. They are a group of thieves. The only way to get back things they took it to race. Or you could just leave it. At first, many people had raced, but that resulted in death or dreadful injuries. No one knew why, and no one ever found out how. 

¨ Follow me Tobis ¨ Amanda called out. With my head down and my hands in my jean pockets, I followed Amanda to the back where she was already heading. I sped up when she started disappearing, not wanting to be left with the group. As I go after her, our surroundings get darker and darker. Amanda halted. She told me we're almost there, yet the only thing around us is water and sand. Nothing in sight. Amanda takes out a brightly lit, red button. She smirks as she sees the worry on my face. 

An underground tunnel opens up and Amanda goes ahead of me. I follow suit. The tunnel wasn't a tunnel but an underground aquarium. The place was dark, only Amanda red button glowed in the dark until we got to a large room. Three other people were waiting there, one woman and two boys. All direct their attention to Amanda as she made her way in front of us.

¨Welcome to the Street Wreckers, Underwater, Race it out the contest. All of you will compete to gain your items back, and of course, the one who comes in first will win their item back.¨

Underwater!? What sort of race is this. I look at the others to see their unfazed face. 

¨Underwater?¨ I repeated.

¨Yes, you heard me.¨

¨Woah hold on, I was promised by ring back if I raced!¨ The blond adult women called out. The other boys furrowed their brows but said nothing. 

¨You were promised that. Only if you win.¨ Amanda explained calmly.¨

Amanda continues.

¨This race will of course be between all four of you. There are no rules, only that you have to go forward to the finish line, whether youŕe first or last. Very simple, right?¨

Each one of us nod. It does seem easy, too easy. I´ve always wanted to say that. In all seriousness, I don´t even know how to swim I should just go back.

¨Are you sure that's it?¨ I ask.

¨Ah, Tobias, you finally have your voice back. Well, maybe I did leave one or two things out.¨

¨Well what are they?¨ The boy with black hair asked.

Amanda holds up one finger. ¨One, you will be provided aquariums for this race. Two, The aquarium of course is your track, although It will be completely dark, That's what the headlights are for. Last, you should peaceful of jellyfishes, whales, and sharks.¨


¨A shark?¨


¨Are you insane¨

We all asked at the same time. Amanda laughed.

¨Im not insane, this race is, and if you want your stuff back, this is the only way.¨

¨Forget this I´m leaving.¨ The women said, heading for the doorway. The others and I also follow her, but the door shut in our faces.

¨That is what you can´t do. The other side is being filled with water as we speak, go in now and there will be sharks to meet you there. Remember, you can´t go back.¨

All of us freeze. I feel my heartbeat start accelerating again. Thump, thump, thump.

¨Then how will you get out?¨ I ask.

¨I have my ways. Follow me.¨

After that Amanda showed up 5 Subamires. We each chose one and went beside it. The others were already in their Submarines. I stop to look at Amanda before I got in. The smile she held all along slipped and she mouthed ¨I´m sorry.¨ Then she pushes me to get into the submarine. We were lowered into the water. It was in fact pitch black, only the headlights showed a very limited way. We each started, but couldn't see each other. The butterflies never left my stomach, only increased. And I think It became worse when I saw a gray fin encircling me. What have I gotten myself into?

November 07, 2020 02:10

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20:37 Nov 17, 2020

Extremely intriguing. I would have liked to know more about the race course but I understand with having to adhere to a limited word count, that is difficult. Do you plan on extending this idea into a longer story?


Pen Holder
04:46 Nov 18, 2020

Hello! Thank you so much :) It was a risky try but also fun to write it. I'm not sure if I'll continue but if theres a prompt that relates to it, I would like to write more. Thank you for your comment. Jesus love you, God bless 🙂🙂


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