Fiction Thriller

A blue coat enveloped the decrepit house.Not even smiles of joy could tarnish the ever present gloom that rested in there.Living there is a family we have watched dutifully through the years . We do not get attached, our feelings are not the same as yours so when we felt something for them it was new. You must understand we are God's to them small but worshipped nonethless. Every morning,night and day they search within us but over the years we have dared to look back. When the small one began to walk and the tall one began to cry we did not understand. When the small one fell and screamed and the tall ones ran, we did not understand. When the small one smiled,laughed and shared with us her mind we finally did,understand. Fooled by this enigma we all felt something, like she was our kin,a caring beyond what we knew possible developed.So when things began to change we noticed.

No one expected him,no one does but we do.We know what he does at night when his family is gifted peace. We know what violence dances about when the warm cloak of night comforts him. See we never rest,our duty is to reflect and what we saw we cannot unsee.Everynight it traumatises us a new chip forms like a crack in us.Slowly breaking from the sight,it haunts us.

When she climbs into bed and sniffles into her stuffed baby giraffe at night we saw him. When a tall woman rests her head at exactly 9 :47 every night we see him. He waits patiently like a hunting snake. First he walks down the stairs barefooted in nothing but a loose trousers and top. He slithers into the kitchen with a eyes which hold great secrets,it weighed on him. Thirsty he always drinks a quarter cup of fresh orange juice .He never finishes it.

Eager he leaves the cup on the counter and hurries to his daughters room. He reaches her room and slowly with care he opens the door. He allows it to fling open wide. Strange,he never steps inside but just stares at her. The concept of time we cannot grasp but we have noticed it's power over the years. So we know now that he spends about 4 hours watching her. No movement,not even an itch he stands there with a look that we wish we never saw. So unwavering in its intent,so cold in its delivery but what really scares us is how determined it is that it's almost eerie.

After this he goes down stares into the basement in a rush. When he comes out a smirk is always plastered on his face.A look of relief or fulfillment one seems to disappear the next morning.He wakes up early and shakes her up.She always insists on taking her stuffed giraffe with her.It feels sinister when he grips her hand dragging her down stairs towards the basement.Her giraffe bashes it's head against the steps while the girl let's a tear escape.Everytime.

We do not know what goes down there in the basement but it is not right. When the sun creeps away and the girl hides under her covers she cries rivers. She always grabs at her tissue box next to her light when it overwhelms her. Her melancholia overtakes her,outruns her and it will drown her.To witness her tears every night is torture so we like knights shall fall on our swords to end our suffering and hopefully hers.

A plan has been devised one that needs to be conducted with stealth. See every night the tall one that sleeps beside him wanders to the bathroom at 2:50 am. She relieves herself then returns back into bed at 2:54am.This gives us a 4min gap to end him. One of us is situated above the bed where we have seen horrendous things occur. We shall all crack and break in protest to our dear little friends slow shattering.

Hopefully our shards shall penetrate those eyes that haunts her and all of us each night. Hopefully tall one will feel free and not cover up her scars with us. We are exact but we have studied them,appreciated them that it has softened our eye. So although we may never die, we will never see our dear friend again. Hopefully they will move out this house. It never suited them expect for him. It enfolded him,welcomed him in like and old friend. This houses suited the kind of secrets he held in his eyes. The house was not cluttered it was almost sterile void of feeling and life. Everything was so clean and put neatly together expect her. She was a little walking chaos and this always infuriated him. It also interested him to a point we wished someone threw a dark cloak over us all.

Sadly duty does command us and to not listen and reflect would be denying our very being. So when we all shatter into pieces we shall hold her close. We captured her broken heart and our broken shards will piece it back together. That baby giraffe will not have to bash its gentle head against those cold wooden steps again. Tears will not fall upon her pillow anymore. The tall one will not hide those blue marks by her arms. We will not have to see all this and more.

We will never know why there was so many of us in that house in the first place. A family with so much to hide next to us who reveals everything was odd. 

There smiles did not fool us and he certainly did not.

 We knew the day we saw him first when he hung us all around except the basement. When he stared into us just a little too long. Desperately he scoured us top to bottom for himself we wonder. Maybe he wanted to see if we could see what others could not.That dark blue coat that sits on him heavily.It was the way he smiled at us like there was something hiding crouched behind it.He fit in well with the decrepit house, too well.

November 25, 2023 00:56

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