More than the art of stopping time

Submitted into Contest #258 in response to: Start your story with someone who has lost everything but finds solace in photography.... view prompt


Fiction Fantasy Contemporary

Photography is truly amazing! Some believe that photography is great for preserving memories, but it can do so much more. While most people take photos to capture and preserve special moments, that's only the beginning of what photography can achieve. Photography has the power to move and inspire us and even change the way we perceive the world. It can also profoundly impact our lives, which is what makes photography incredibly exciting!

Richard always had his fantastic way of spreading the genuine joy that has lifted everyone's spirits. His bright smile could illuminate even the darkest corners of people's minds and hearts. For those who were open to it, his smile was like the most beautiful music from far, bright world.

Richard loved riding horses, skiing, and playing tennis, which kept him active and optimistic. But one day, while playing tennis, he fell hard and felt a lot of pain. At the hospital, doctors said he had a herniated disc, which was the beginning of a sudden health crisis. Time passed slowly as he stayed in the hospital room. Each day, he felt like an eternity, filled with longing and despair. Despite the challenging situation, he held onto a glimmer of resilience that kept him moving forward despite the challenges ahead.

As he stood in the clinic hallway during a follow-up visit, he heard his name being called. He entered the room, where the surgeon greeted him and asked, "Hello, Richard. How are you?"

Unsure, Richard replied, "I don't know what to say. I've never been in a situation like this."

"Are you starting to feel better now?" the surgeon inquired eagerly.

"Thank you. I'm feeling better," Richard confirmed with a hint of relief in his voice.

"Imagine a future where you could not only walk, stand, and sit on your own without any assistance but also achieve many things beyond. You are saved - it's not just 'better,' it's miraculous!"

"Understood," Richard stated.

"Are you experiencing symptoms like neck or back pain, leg pain, weakness in the arms or legs, or difficulty with movement?"

"No," replied Richard.

"Okay, I'll include physical therapy and medication in your treatment plan. You'll be able to leave for home tomorrow."

Richard expressed gratitude to the doctor as he began to rise from his seat.

"Wait, sit for a few more minutes. I have both good news and bad news for you."

"Just one piece of bad news?" Richard quipped.

The doctor was strict. "Richard, this is no time for humor. What would you like to hear first?"

"Let's start with the bad news."

"The bad news is that we have discovered that you have diabetes. Your body is losing the battle to maintain a stable and normal blood sugar level."

"It's surprising," Richard confessed. "My mother and two aunts on my dad's side have diabetes, but I never expected to have it myself."

After a brief, agonizing silence, the doctor went on, "You've been able to keep your sugar levels normal through diet and exercise. However, during your hospital stay, despite sticking to a controlled diet, your body wasn't effectively processing sugar, leading to elevated levels in your blood."

Richard tried to make light of the situation, "So is the good news that there's only one bad news?"

"Your humor is refreshing," the doctor smiled. "The good news is that with the guidance of an endocrinologist and making necessary lifestyle changes, you can effectively manage diabetes. Many people lead long, healthy lives with proper treatment. You'll live to be a hundred."

"That's true. My mother lived a full life until her accident, and one of my aunts was 90. The name of the game is patience and discipline."

"That's correct. Even as your life goes through significant changes and you have to adjust to new situations, staying on top of your condition with discipline and receiving quality medical guidance can lead to a long and satisfying life. Your loved ones may come and go, but you will, but you will continue to live."

"Thank you, doctor. But how can I stay active after my spinal surgery?"

"Consider low-impact activities such as swimming and walking to protect your spine. Avoid activities like horseback riding, tennis, and skiing at all costs."

"For how long?"

"For the rest of your life."

After leaving the hospital and seeking advice from an endocrinologist, Richard set out on a journey of physical healing and profound self-discovery. Patience and self-discipline became his guiding forces. He began swimming three times a week and was meticulous about his diet. Initially, the monotony of walking long distances left him feeling drained, and even the music playing through his headphones didn't alleviate the fatigue. He attempted to learn languages using audio lessons, but he was uncomfortable with the headphones, which hindered his efforts.

As Richard went through the same old routine of long walks, he found himself craving something more. The vibrant wildflowers, playful squirrels, and soaring eagles in his surroundings sparked his imagination, and he wanted to stop time and become a part of the beauty around him. He dreamed of a device that could freeze time and transport him to those enchanting scenes he longed to be a part of. As fate would have it, in his long walks, he came across the window of a camera shop. "Eureka!" he exclaimed. "These little devices can stop time and capture the very essence of the scenes they capture." Following this discovery, Richard bought his first camera, intending to capture the fantastic moments he encountered. After that, his daily walks, aimed initially at fighting diabetes, turned into photographic escapades, reigniting his zest for life. Replacing the rush of sports for the excitement of shooting nature, urban scenes, and portraits, he effortlessly covered up to 15 km a day, tirelessly searching for the perfect objects to catch with his lens.

Richard has created a new game for himself called the "Photography Challenge." As part of the challenge, he made a list of tasks for the entire year, and one of the most enticing items on the list was to photograph a grizzly bear hunting salmon in Alaska. In preparation for the trip, which took place in July, he spent a lot of time studying bear behavior for safety reasons and understanding how to capture a compelling story through his photos. He also obtained a suitable telephoto lens and practiced using his drone. Richard was very excited to travel to Alaska with his camera and drone, eager to meet a grizzly bear and capture its majesty in a photo.

Upon arriving at Brooks Falls in Katmai National Park, Richard snapped more than a hundred photos of grizzly bears pouncing on salmon leaping from the river near the small waterfall. However, the scene felt somewhat staged, resembling a zoo atmosphere. Richard firmly believed that genuine photographer emotion and passion are the essential elements in photography. He was confident that a genuine encounter with a wild grizzly bear would awaken his deepest feelings and enhance the beauty of his photographs. Determined to capture a grizzly bear in its natural habitat, Richard embarked on a quest to find a remote river teeming with salmon. After days of driving with a rented 4x4 and camping in the Alaskan wilderness, Richard eventually observed signs of grizzly bear activity. He noticed paw prints in the mud, claw marks on trees, and the occasional mound of droppings, indicating that he was nearing his goal. As he arrived at a riverbank with sparse tree cover, he deployed a drone to scout the area, hoping to locate the grizzly bear without endangering himself.

As the drone hovered high above the river, Richard skillfully piloted it, scanning the ground below. Suddenly, on the screen of his mobile phone displaying a drone-captured image, he witnessed several grizzly bears entering the water and beginning to hunt. Richard's heart raced with excitement, reminding himself to exercise caution. He returned the drone to position beside him and approached the grizzly from the opposite side of the river to ensure his safety. The sight of grizzly bears perched on top of a small waterfall, hunting for salmon, was truly spectacular. Carefully maintaining a safe distance, Richard captured a multitude of photos. After taking a few shots, he reviewed the pictures on the camera screen to confirm the quality of the lighting and sharpness of the images. Adjusting the aperture, ISO, and shutter speed, Richard continued to take rapid shots, contorting his body to capture every angle, no matter how daring.

As he was on the verge of getting the perfect shot, a shift in the wind blew his scent toward the bears. This alarmed one of the grizzlies, causing him to raise his head and sniff the air in Richard's direction. The bear stood on its hind legs, showing signs of both curiosity and potential aggression. Richard's heart raced as the bear moved through the water towards him. As he packed the equipment into his backpack and took the drone's joystick in his hands, he remembered his training. He knew he had to act quickly, but with slow movements. Speaking in a calm, steady voice, he began to back away slowly, careful not to turn his back on the bear. Despite his careful retreat, the grizzly continued to advance, grunting and showing signs of distress. Richard prepared his bear spray, ready to use it if necessary, all the while watching the bear and making slow, safe movements. He suddenly remembered something he had read about grizzlies – they are often intrigued by unfamiliar objects. He picked up the drone and positioned it between himself and the bear. The hum of the drone caused the bear to pause. Seizing the opportunity, Richard continued his slow retreat, using the drone to keep his distance. The bear seemed more curious than aggressive, trying to shoo the drone away with paw movements. Richard continued to talk to the bear, gradually moving back and increasing the distance. It seemed like forever, but he finally made it to safety. Watching as the bear lost interest in the drone, turned, and started hunting for salmon, Richard returned the drone with a sigh of relief. Taking his gear to his 4x4 at the motel he found, Richard reviewed the footage from his drone and camera. Despite the tense encounter, he managed to capture stunning footage of the grizzly bear. Richard developed a deep respect for wild creatures and a renewed appreciation for the delicate balance between human curiosity and nature's untamed beauty. Whispering to myself, "It was so close, so much adrenaline, and it all happened because I just wanted to take the most beautiful photo in the world."

After the encounter with the grizzly bear, Richard completely forgot about tennis, cycling and even horse riding. The only time he remembered skiing was when it snowed or when he saw snow-covered mountain peaks, which brought back fond memories. Photographing landscapes and wild animals in nature became an essential part of Richard's photography and his life.

One beautiful sunny morning, Richard set out on his way to the Big Mountain. Armed with his expensive camera, tripod, and other photo equipment, Richard spent hours climbing one of the randomly chosen peaks of the Big Mountain. Although he climbed a less vertical side of the cliff on the other side where the eagles nested, it was a very difficult and long way to the top.

When he finally reached the top, very tired, Richard smelled the crisp air filled with a unique scent. Finally, at the top, Richard's eyes met a beautiful and breathtaking landscape. Majestic mountains rose in the distance, their peaks hidden in a thin veil of clouds. He imagined how the pristine lake in the distance would glisten under the golden rays of the setting sun. Richard's heart was filled with a mixture of emotions – awe, wonder, and a deep sense of connection with nature. Time seemed to stand still.

As Richard rinsed with water, the taste of coffee and cake as he watched the sunset bathe the mountain in a rosy glow. He was very sleepy when he noticed a huge shadow moving towards him. When he moved to the side, he realized it was a bald eagle flying straight towards him. Startled by the size of its outstretched wings, he grabbed a spare camera tripod, ready to defend himself in the event of an attack. The eagle landed a few meters away and looked at him intently, turning its head left and right.

Eagle: "Are you afraid?"

Richard: "I'm not afraid! I only want to defend myself if I'm attacked."

Eagle: "With a tripod against a golden eagle, prince of the sky? Would you use a tripod to fight wolves as well?"

Richard: "Yes, I would!"

Eagle: "Wolves would die laughing at you. But don't be afraid. I didn't come to attack you."

Richard: "Then why did you come? Do you want me to take your picture? Just smile or say cheese, and I'll send you photos via WhatsApp."

Eagle: "I don't use WhatsApp."

Richard: "But you speak English like you were born there."

Eagle: "You are impressively naive. We don't speak English. I communicate with you telepathically - sending you my thoughts and receiving yours."

Richard: "I don't know how, but that telepathy seems to work well."

Eagle: "Are you afraid of losing your life?"

Richard: "I don't enjoy every moment, but I appreciate and love my life."

Eagle: "How can you appreciate life without friends, relatives, or companions, so deeply immersed in solitude? It sounds miserable."

Richard: "But my life is not very lonely. My photos always follow me."

Eagle: "Photos - as your only company? It's a sad life. But today is your lucky day. I offer you something much more meaningful. Follow me to the edge of the cliff and jump as I fly. Today, I'm here to share with you what happens to those who follow a path that leads to true freedom and experiences beyond anything you have ever known. In this world, we are often trapped by the illusions of material existence and our limitations, but Richard, believe me, that true freedom is within each of us and can be connected to these or other worlds beyond us.

Richard: "And what do I get if I die jumping off a cliff?"

Eagle: "Today, you will do what will free you from the chains that bind you. You will discover the freedom that comes from understanding your true nature and the limitless potential that lies within you. Can you imagine living without fear, without doubt, and without burdens weighing you down?”

Richard: "I might get something, but I'll lose my life and my love for the photographer."

Eagle: "Photography is a fantasy to which you give more energy and emotion than it deserves. I offer you something that is not just your fantasies and dreams but a direct encounter with the great universe. You just need to have the courage to jump and feel the unity of incredible creation and true peace. Join me. Whenever I fly over the edge of a cliff, you run with me and jump, jump Richard, and feel something priceless. Don't be afraid, I will fly with you. Together, we will explore the mysteries of existence, unlock the secrets of the universe, and realize our greatest potential.”

Richard: “Dear Eagle, or whatever your name is, facing the daily challenges of life is hard enough for me. I get fulfillment from the beauty I capture with my camera. I just don't want anything more or different.”

Richard: "Hey there, Eagle, or whatever your name is. Dealing with life's challenges is tough for me. Photography is my passion, and I love studying the photos taken by others to keep learning."

Richard tightened his grip on the tripod, thinking about hitting the eagle with the tripod.

Eagle: "You seem scared once again. I can feel your fear and your intention, but there's no need for violence. I'll leave you to enjoy taking photos in this beautiful spot."

The Eagle then leaped over the edge, swooped down, and swiftly ascended, teasingly saying, "Richard, you'll always be just a scared little mouse."

Richard stood up, dropped his tripod, and shouted into the vastness, “There is too much sea, too many mountains, too much sky, too many stunning wildlife scenes waiting for me to photograph! I cannot now chase an uncertain eternity.”

The Eagle retorted, "You're going to die, Richard; that's for sure. You have a chance to escape death and gain Eternity right now, but you're too timid to take it. You'd better defecate in your underpants while you're running away from the grizzlies." Eagle croaked and laughed at him.

Richard woke up late in the morning. Waking up, he realized that he had missed the ideal light for his photos. He gathered his gear and looked down from the cliff, now intrigued to photograph this precipice that promised a leap into other worlds. Descending, he noticed eagles pecking at the remains of those who had been tricked into jumping, believing that they would gain unparalleled freedom and escape death. Then, the thought occurred to him that those cunning eagles had lured their victims to their deaths so that their bodies would be served to them for a good meal. Ideal manipulation! He had no desire to photograph this scene and carry memories of what he experienced. It was quite enough for Richard that the photograph had once again saved his life.

Richard discovered that photography is not merely the art of stopping time and keeping our cherished memories; photography is so much more.

Do you really believe him on that?

July 10, 2024 04:39

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Nancy Wright
20:07 Jul 18, 2024

Good job on this story, Mirza! His solitary way of approaching life and relief at finding photography came across quite clearly! I thought maybe some of the injury/doctor conversation could’ve been condensed and the story could’ve been started more in the “action” of his new limited/injured life and relief at finding photography, but that’s a stylistic choice. I really enjoyed your story as it is. Well done!


Mirza Pasic
04:00 Jul 19, 2024

Dear Nancy, Thanks a lot for your coment! I completely agree that tempo is crucial and adding a surprise element can really make a story engaging. It keeps the audience on their toes and adds depth to the narrative.


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