
Red Sand

What else can go wrong? Life lately has been crappy. Get a grip ! Its’ only a popsicle ! As I’m staring down at the melting red popsicle lying on the ground, I can feel my heart beating way faster than it should be for such a trivial event. The popsicle had obviously gotten soft while I walked down the beach in the heat. After finding a spot to sit , taking the wrapper off, it had just fallen off  the wooden stick as soon as I went to take my first bite. Now it lay there on the sand, taunting me.

It’s hot. Real hot , early August hot, hot and humid. Just wanted to give myself a little treat and think about things a bit. Even that isn’t going as planned. Looking up the beach to the crowded sandy area, I feel isolated, having walked past all the people and finding a seat on a large rock by some drift wood. 

Looking down at the slowly melting popsicle making a red blob on the sand at my feet, I can’t help thinking about the past few weeks. 

So , Nick my jerk of an ex-boyfriend was seeing someone else while we were dating. Wouldn’t have been so bad if I hadn’t moved here to be with him. Found a job, found a place to live and 2 weeks later all I get is a casual “ I’ve been seeing someone else, you okay with that?”. Nope, not okay with that.

What to do ? Do I stay ? I like my new job, like my apartment and l like the small town with its touristy attractions and constant parade of people stopping to take in the local scenery.

Moving away from home was a big thing. Sure, I knew there would be some difficulties and struggles just not such a major upset so soon after my move. It just seemed that everything was conspiring against me the last number of weeks. I had thought my moving would fix that something that was missing in my relationship with Nick. Maybe I had known all along we weren’t that great together.

A picture of Grandma popped into my head and her words to me right before I left. “ Everything happens for a reason” she had said. “You have to keep your mind open to all things and look for the good that can happen”

So, think positive. Try some new stuff.  Going to stay, avoid Nick and build a new life. Out with the old and in with the new and all that stuff.

Having made the decision to stay, I need to make some plans, perhaps pursue my desire to sing while I’m waitressing at the local restaurant. Always loved to sing, everyone back home said I had a good voice. Mostly I just liked to sing. Sitting in the sunshine on a warm afternoon, anything seemed possible.

Looking down at the now half melted popsicle, I hear some snuffling and a beautiful chocolate lab comes across some rocks, sniffs the air a couple times and comes right up to me. He looks me right in the face then down at the popsicle melting on the ground. “Hey boy, help yourself if you don’t mind a bit of sand” I tell him. The dog licks at the popsicle until he gets the blob in his mouth, he makes a loud gulping sound as he swallows the blob, then licks his lips a few times and sits down. He wiggles his rear end a few times until he is comfortable between rocks and sticks, then just looks up the beach, panting in the hot sun.

I am glad for the companionship. Maybe I should get a dog, I think. I like dogs. I wonder who you belong to ? Where is your owner? The dog and I sit in the hot sun, I tentatively reach out to stroke his sand covered fur. He glances at me as I touch him and leans in to me a bit so I can pet him easier, then his eyes go back to the crowded beach as if he is searching or waiting for something or someone.

A few minutes have gone by and the dogs body goes rigid and he focuses on a man coming up the beach. His tail thumps on the ground a few times, but he does not move. The man looks to be mid twenties, about my age I think as I watch him come closer. He spots the dog and gives a whistle, “Max, here boy” he calls out. The dog still doesn’t move, just continues to pant and thumps his tail on the sand.

The man has a puzzled look on his face, then walks a bit faster toward the dog and I. Probably thinks I am holding on to him or something. Not bad looking, I think as he gets closer. Taller than I, medium build with nicely muscled arms, clean shaven with dark hair and as he comes to a stop in front of me, I notice the rich dark brown eyes.

“Hi, that’s my dog” he says looking down at me, his eyes slowly travelling up the length of my body from my sandal clad feet to my shoulder length blond hair. From the look on his face, I think he likes what he sees.

“He came for a visit, he likes popsicles” I reply not knowing what else to say.

“Max didn’t take yours I hope. Funny, he usually comes right back when I call him. I’m Jason “the man said sticking out his hand.

“No, mine landed down there before he showed up” I said pointing down at the red sand where the popsicle had landed. Jason’s eyes followed to where I was pointing.

“I’m Sally” I say as I slowly stand up and take Jason’s hand.

Jason gives me a big smile, “Well, Sally. Max looks like he could use another popsicle on this hot day. Would you like to join us ? My treat” he says with a wink.

As I nod yes to this handsome man, I can’t help but think of my Grandma’s words that “everything happens for a reason” Even a popsicle melting in the sand.

August 03, 2020 18:31

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Lonnie Larson
17:15 Aug 13, 2020

This was nice. Good job. Everything happens for a reason. You submitting this story could eventually lead to a book deal. Good luck.


Margaret Veinot
18:43 Aug 13, 2020

Thank you for you praise, my first time putting my writing out there. Am actually working on a couple of books. Love letting my imagination go.


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