Bedtime Creative Nonfiction Inspirational

What is in a window? If one speaks the word window by splitting it into two halves, the result will be 'Win' and 'Dow'. 'Win' means to achieve victory in something while 'Dow' means something of value or something which is worthy. Combining it, the result is a thing which is worth of victory or something capable of giving someone victory. Watching outside the window aspires someone to become something or aids someone not to do something in life so that catastrophe does not occur in his/ her life as well as their family members' life.

Now question arises, what a window helps you to become?

It helps you to become a painter by watching nature filled with mountains, cool air, flowing crystal clear waterfalls and many more. It helps you to become an NGO by helping poor people, a dancer by seeing the trees dancing to the tunes of the breeze, a motivational speaker by seeing the black clouds of depression fade away due to the motivational power of the wind, become a hiker by dreaming to scale tall and humongous mountains, a Navy officer or a navigator by sailing through the rivers, a geologist by investigating rocks, an astronomer by studying the stars and planets in the solar system, a marine biologist by studying different marine animals, and if nothing else then a writer or at the end, a matured citizen of a civilized country. A window helps you to beleive in god and his creation if you are an atheist and makes you beleive more in the the power of God if you believe in Him. It also helps you solve family issues and teaches life lessons. When one sees the tight grip of the roots holding a tree, it reminds us of our forefathers who are already forgotten that how hard they worked to earn us this living. It also inspires us to carry the same bond with our descendants as the buds of a tree do. A flower outside the window on the garden inspires us to stay blossomed and bright in the family during tough times abd give them some fragrance of help and petals of hope. A flower also teaches us to help the world and not ask anything in return. The tall mountains tell us to stay strong in any conditions as they did in different seasons and to keep your chin up even though you are poor. Black cloud teach us not to become rude with others or there will be rains of anger and disputes in the family while the clear sky tells us to become pure from the bottom of our heart. The sun teaches us to shine everyday even though the black clouds of depression cover and hover around you. The flowing river teaches us to flow even tough rocky situations come in our way while the ocean teaches us not to be lazy like her or impurities will cover you. The breeze teaches us to stay calm in every situation while a gale or a thunderstorm shows us the result of what devastation will happen if we get angry. Fire teaches us to stay lively. But on the other aspect of teaches us even to glow in the dark, sad and depressing times of your family without any fuel. A withered leaf teaches us not to get separated from our family while a trunk tells us to stay close to your family. Well let's keep aside the elements of nature but let's talk about our topic window.

What can and must one learn from a window?

A translucent window passes good rays of sunlight instead the harmful ultra- violet rays. Similarly we must protect our family from bad vibes of the world. In monsoons and winters, rain and snow cover the windows and prevent the sunlight to enter the house. We regularly clean the windows after snow and rain so that again the sunlight enters into the house. So taking this as an example, always realise that if you get into trouble or get yourself covered with demotivation then keep in mind that there is always a helping hand to clean you. Simultaneously, you must also help others to clean the rain and snow from their windows. Weaker windows break easily but stronger windows resist even a bullet shot from a sniper gun. This teaches us to stay strong because there are many people who learn from you.

We can precisely say that a window is a dictionary of life. Let's read a similar story on this topic.

It was a gloomy day when a poor lad was walking on the street, who had everything except money. His sister's marriage was lined up next week with a worthy politician who needed a car and few other things in dowry. He needed money instantly and thought to injure himself seriously by crashing himself into a truck and then bribing the driver for money. He was just watching the trucks and cars go by when an advertisement window showed up. It read someone's quote which said "I have seen many poor people who only have money but nothing else. There are many rich people who have happiness and family in the world but no money." He went to the advertisement board and read further. "The bigshots earn money without perseverance by conducting various scams and scandals as they don't have much experience and thus they fall from grace. While a poor man who is acquainted with failure does not matter loss. Every bigshot has a criminal stain left in the pages of history while a poor man doesn't. So if you think that you are poor or jobless, then work hard. Join our club where you will find your job as quickly as possible. Call on the following number...

This advertisement window changed him totally. He worked hard and achieved his goal of earning money.

This is the story of the Winning advertisement dow.

Hope this story will change someone's life. Thank you very much Reedsy for providing this platform to express my thoughts. Once again thank you!

June 11, 2021 16:55

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