
I walked out of my room to a corner of the street, where I stood gazing at the stars. There was a full moon that night which added a scenic beauty to the surroundings, but it was the stars that caught my attention. I had never thought so much of them, until this particular night. What a beauty to behold. Clusters of stars, shining a million miles away to provide the earth with brightness. They look like decorations hanging from the ceiling. The stars are wonders to behold with the eyes.

Men are always busy, looking for material wealth and ignoring the beauty that nature has to offer. In our journey on earth, we have given little time to appreciate nature. Our hearts are filled with wants and needs, Making us blind to beauties that surrounds us. Nature is a gift that must be appreciated by men. Nature sings sweet rhythms that can only be heard by a listening ear. This night is a great night. It has brought forth the beauty of nature right before my eyes. Tiny little beauties, hanging like silver fruits on a Christmas tree. I always wish to touch you. Although, my hands cannot reach you, my eyes have seen you. I gaze at you, from the corner of the street with eyes wide open. Wondering what element make you shine so bright. You radiate the earth with your beauty, and make bedtimes full of memories.

As I stand gazing at the stars, memories of my childhood came flashing like a raging river, bringing out tears of joy from my eyes. Shining star, you remind me of my childhood moonlight plays. Those days when we ignore sleep just to play under your charming light. Oh, memories of childhood friends long forgotten. What would I give to see those days again. Lovely stars that adorn the earth with beauty. Whenever you are out, sleep fades from the eyes. Children always say goodbye to you through their Windows before going to bed. I sang for you as a child back in school. The twinkle little star that makes everyone wonder who you really are. After many years of knowing you, you still shine with the same beauty you are known for.

Gazing at you, this night has taking away my loneliness. I can spend this night gazing at you, till you fade with the morning light. Out there in space, you have carved a niche for yourselves. Tender lightening balls, shower your shining beauty upon this earth bringing back memories long forgotten. I know that millions of people would be gazing at you at this moment. Even the animals locked up in the jungles would gaze at you from their hiding place. You beautiful lights will tease their young ones to come out and play. Oh shining light, you are a God given gift. Shining on the earth when night comes. The silence of the night reveals your beauty, and make bedtimes pleasant. This night, I have seen the hidden beauty of nature with my eyes. I have paid you a visit on s lonely night and my heart is full of joy. When it is time for me to go to bed, I will say goodbye to you through my window; like a little child astonished by your beauty. Nature has done a great thing for mankind. You are a gift that few people ever noticed. This night has made bare all the beauty locked up in you. Wonderful creation, shining down to brighten our nights.

As I sat by the corner of the street, praising the stars above, I noticed many people hurrying to get home. It is getting late and everyone must get home to have a pleasant night rest. I know it is the stars that brightens the way for them as they hurry to meet their beds. I saw two lovers, holding hands and walking casually. The night was quiet and beautiful as they walk home. They did not notice the stars above that surrounds them with beauty. Without the stars, nighttime can be boring. People began to pass in trickle as the night gets older. The stars became brighter as we walked deep into the night.

This very night, even the insects could not hide their joy. They came out of their hiding place just to fly under the brightness of the star. They beauty that radiates the stars was to tempting for these insects, as they congregate to great the stars. What an amazing wonder.

I was told in school that the stars are million miles away from the earth. Yet, its shining light brightens our world. With the stars, nature has done great wonders. I sat there, captivated by the shining stars; still looking and wondering from a distance, how they cluster together in space.

In that little corner of the street, I thought of tomorrow. Will they stars come out to greet the earth? I wonder why some nights, you don't find them in the sky. Where do they go? I cannot give an answer to this question. But all I know is that even if they fail to show up tomorrow, we must surely see them some other day.

Still gazing at the stars, I wondered what forces had kept me there, looking at the sky. I said to myself, it is the charming and amazing brightness of the star. I have discovered an amazing beauty in the sky which has kept me looking up the sky for a long time. When I go to bed, this night, I will dream of the stars. I will ride on them to a distant place. Touching and admiring them from a close range. Amazing wonders of the earth, shine your light on us forever. Forgive me because I have failed to notice how beautiful you are in the past. Men are always in a hurry; moving to their places of work. They come and go, day and night. Without sparing time to look around and appreciate what nature has to offer. I said to myself, I will tell the story of this day. The day I discovered a hidden beauty hanging up in the sky.

Nature is a Wonder and never seize to amaze humans. No matter how much we try to understand nature, the more surprises confronts us. From childhood to adulthood, we continue to ask questions concerning the wonders of this world. These wonders are hidden beauties in our universe that men can only see from a distance.

I left that corner of the street, still looking at the stars, and walking towards my house. I couldn't explain how the Stars were able to captivate me for so long that night. I stopped close to my house, still looking at the stars up there in the sky.

April 26, 2020 19:09

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