Friendship LGBTQ+ High School

Toss and turn, back and forth, left and right, no comfy spot on her uneven mattress covered in too many pillows and ‘not enough’ blankets. Sofia Marsh, the biggest mean girl in town, wanted to pick on her, and for what reason, she had done nothing but mind her business and keep to herself. The only reason Sofia even noticed her was because Maddie Close, Sofia’s girlfriend, was now her lab partner by no choice of her own, because if it was her choice, she would’ve worked alone, but Mr. Scott insisted everyone must have a partner. It’s not like she would steal her, Miah Luck, the schools reject, wasn’t even out yet, and had absolutely no game at all.

Miah barely had a voice box, she only spoke when she was spoken to and had no place in popular girls drama. She had to go to school, she had to have a lab partner, and Maddie Close had to go to her house after school to finish the project. She started to get ready for her day, brushed her long hair up into her usual ponytail, put on her favorite sweater and her leggings, and started to do her makeup. She kept thinking over what she would say to Sofia if anything happened at school. “Are you jealous? Why do you see me as a threat? Why are you so insecure that Maddie is my lab partner when you’re not even smart enough to be in the class in the first place? I have done nothing to you in my life to make you hate me as much as you do so I have no clue what your issue is with someone as unpopular and out of the loop as me, just because your parents have money doesn’t give you the right to scream in my face.” 

Her train of thought was broken by her mother downstairs, “Miah, Bus!”

So to school she went, backpack and laptop in hand, she rushed out the door, she kept her head down getting onto the bus, until she heard a voice come for the middle of the bus, “Yo, Miah, come here.”

When she looked up, Maddie was standing smiling at her. Maddie had shoulder length auburn hair, bright blue eyes, and the best style in the school. She didn’t wear girly clothes, and was more masculine then some of the boys. Miah made her way back towards her, she remembered she was safe on the bus, because Sofia drove her own car, but never seemed to have the time to pick her ‘beloved’ up for school. As she sat down Maddie smiled and began to ask about their project and the plans for it, “So I was thinking i’ll just get off at your stop after school so we all afternoon and night to do it, is it cool if I just spend the night? Me and Sofia aren’t good and I'm supposed to go to her house but “f” that man, she’s crazy.”

“I just don’t want to have any issues…”

“Man if she comes at you tell her it was my idea, or just whack her, she can’t fight.”

“I-, I just, I mean, okay sure.”

As they arrived at school, Miah felt Sofia’s harsh eyes come through the window, but wasn’t ready to face her yet. Miah was at the door before the bus stopped moving and  ran towards the school. Her morning classes dragged on, math and band are her least favorite. To get into university, she sat and suffered. Lunch had then rolled around as her heart race picked up, the cafeteria was not her element, and she discretely kept an eye out for Sofia. Knowing she  would be there ready to pounce as her mean girl self. Best case scenario, Sofia would take her lunch and leave her be.

As the lunch bell rang, Miah gathered her belongings and picked the washroom before the lunch room, because with all the traffic it would be the best time for Sofia to cause a scene and get the attention she craves, but as she locked her stall,  the bathroom door swung open and two oddly familiar voices flooded the room. 

“She’s not even a threat to you, what is your issue?”

“She’s obviously gay, theres no way shes not, that’s a threat to me.”

It was Maddie and Sofia, the picture perfect couple, arguing in a small and stagnant school bathroom.

“You’re going to her house! That’s what's wrong with me!”

“Bro she’s my lab partner.”

“She’s a bitch.”

“She’s actually really sweet.”

“Oh so now you like her, I thought you were my girlfriend, am I not sweet enough? Am I too rich for you now, too bossy and arrogant for you? Huh Maddie?’

“Actually, yeah, you’re crazy man, we are done.”

Just as she thought she was safe, she felt a sneeze coming on, and as it hit she tried her best to keep it silent, but Sofia’s hawk ears picked it up.

“Okay seriously, who’s in there?”

Miah tried her best to remain calm as she opened the door, thinking surely they would both be mad, but to her surprise Maddie’s face lit up when she swung the door open.

“Miah! Hey, how long have you been in here?” Maddie exclaimed with a shy smile.

“Oh uh, just..”

“Enough, are you kidding me, this day couldn’t get any better. So bitch, what do you have to say for yourself?” Sofia barked at her.

“Um well, I-”

“Sofia you need to leave her alone”

“I wanna hear what she has to say.”

They continued back and forth until Miah felt Maddie’s warm hand grab hers, and start to pull her away towards the bathroom doors. She didn’t know what had happened but when she snapped back in she heard Sofia’s ear wrecking voice again,

“So Miah, what do you have to say for yourself?” 

With a sly smirk on her face, Miah whipped around, looked Sofia in the eyes and confirmed,

“You were right, I am gay.”

As they left the bathroom, they heard Sofia’s glass shattering scream, and as Miah looked at Maddie they both started to laugh. Who would’ve thought the schools least popular would be able to get the schools most wanted without even trying.

“I’m glad you can spend the night.” Miah exclaimed.

“I’m glad you found your voice, and me too.”

January 11, 2021 17:40

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