Ava Learns the hard way

Submitted into Contest #14 in response to: Someone in the story has a lot of hard lessons to learn.... view prompt



Ava spun round and round. Her eyes were closed. Her arms flung outward, and her wide skirt, a rainbow of colors twirled into the shape of an open umbrella.

“Ava, stop spinning, darling,” her mother called from outside where she was weeding the garden. “You will soon fall.”

“Ava can’t fall, Mommy. Ava is a spinning top.” 

So Ava kept on spinning round and round, eyes shut tighter, skirt flying higher, short, plump legs going faster and faster. 

 “Ava!” shouted Mommy. “Ava, stop this minute! You’ll be dizzy!” 

 “I can’t stop,” came the frightened cry. “Ava can’t stop! Mommy, please catch me!” 

But Mommy was too far away. And Ava kept on spinning like a top. Her little head felt very heavy. Her little eyes could not open. Her little arms could not come down, and her little chubby legs kept getting weaker and weaker until … bump!

By the time Mommy came inside, Ava lay in a heap on the ground.

Mommy picked her up and put her on the bed. Ava felt much better after Mommy put a cool washcloth on her forehead. She sat up in bed and looked at her mother. 

“Is Ava a spinning top?” Mommy asked with a smile.

“No, no,” Ava replied, shaking her head. “Ava is not a spinning top. Ava is Mommy’s little girl.”


November 06, 2019 10:36

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