Anthony and His Journey Through Music

Submitted into Contest #26 in response to: Write about a character who was considered a prodigy when they were young.... view prompt



Anthony grew up being a backward kid because no one could ever understand his love for music. As he started to get older his parents had realized that for a child his age he was pretty good at music and even though they did not understand not a day went by that they were not encouraging him to work harder at what he was doing. For Anthony music was not just something to do to pass the time when he was bored. When he would play his music it would take him to another place where he could always be happy. As he had started to approach high school he realized it was getting harder for him to juggle his passion for music with his life outside of music. As he was starting to get used to the way his life was things had changed some more and not for the better. When Anthony was fourteen years old his father passed away due to heart failure. This had made things difficult for his mother because Anthony was not the only child he had two younger siblings. Anthony’s family had started to face financial issues after they had to pay for his father’s funeral which leads Anthony to take on small tasks that brought in money. Some of these tasks were things like cutting the neighbors grass, taking his neighbors dogs out for a walk, and occasionally he would get paid to sing in the elderly home that his grandmother lived in. One day when Anthony was performing in the elderly home someone had taken a video of him and posted it online. The video had managed to spread throughout the people in his town and he did not know what to do. Even though he enjoyed playing music for other people he was not quite sure how he felt about everyone knowing about his talent. Little did Anthony know this video could potentially change his life forever, this video was starting to spread further than what he could even imagine. Anthony had not yet acquired his style of music at the time of this video blowing up. While he was trying to figure out what type of music he preferred the most he was not afraid to try his hand in all types of music, doing covers of songs ranging from country to pop. Anthony had no idea how good his music was he thought with as little time as he has been able to put into it because of everything that had been going on, however, the people that counted could see all the talent that he possessed. One day when Anthony’s mom was dropping him off at the elderly home the lady who had recorded him approached his mom, he had no idea what she could want from his mom and he did not have time to stick around and find out he had to rush inside and prepare everything for that night’s show. When his mom came to pick him up she showed up a little earlier than usual and waited in the car for him, from the time he had gotten in the car and throughout the whole ride home she had not said anything to him. Finally, when they had gotten inside he asked her if everything was alright at first she was not going to say anything but eventually, she had him sit down at the kitchen table with him. When Anthony sat down she started telling him what the lady at the elderly home had wanted someone had reached out to her claiming to be in the record business and he wants to meet Anthony. With him only being fourteen his mother did not know how she felt about him meeting this man that neither of them knew. Eventually, Anthony convinced his mom to meet the recording man to see who he was and what he wanted. The man turned out to be exactly who he said he was and all he wanted to do was sit down with Anthony and his mom and talk about his singing and where he thinks he could go with it. The man did not say anything about Anthony being able to sign up for any deals and his mom was afraid that he would think he would be able to and then get turned down. The man ended up wanting to meet with them again but this time in a studio so Anthony could sing in front of some of his coworkers to see how they felt about his abilities. Although they did not have him do any paperwork they did have him keep coming back and singing more and playing with the instruments. At this point, Anthony and his mother had no clue what was going on but they keep going with it anyways. One day the man started to ask Anthony how he would feel about someone helping him make his music to produce in the future. He wanted to jump at the opportunity but even at his young age, he knew it wouldn’t be that easy for him. They decided that maybe it was time to look into signing a deal with Anthony, his mom tried to interject and when she did she saw the devastation on his face. They chose to wait a day or two to sign the papers because they wanted lawyers to look at it and make sure everything looked okay. After the lawyers said yes and Anthony signed the papers he started to produce music left and right. By the time Anthony had turned fifteen he had released his album and had fans all over the world. His fame had lasted him up until he had turned twenty and even though people were still listening to his music he had lost his longing to perform music in front of people. Even though he had only been in the music industry for five years he had made an impression on many people.

January 30, 2020 05:01

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