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Romance Teens & Young Adult

Qetiyah and Silas had been in love since the beginning of time, and this had been no secret. They sat atop the old branch of the sycamore tree that stood in solitude at the edge of the rolling hills covered in emerald grass. The horizon had almost gulped the entire sun down and the essence of love in the air made the sky blush itself crimson. Silas would be gone before the sun appeared again; it was their last night together. Yet, Qetiyah took hold of herself and reassured her heart, they’d meet again. They’d been there for hours talking about what it would be like once he was gone and everyone but Silas could’ve seen the longing and grief in Qetiyah’s eyes, it was as if she was missing him even before he was gone. The trees bloomed to her touch, the dead fields had turned green all over again and the sky had changed its hue like never before, that is the strength a witch can have when she has complete control over her emotions. There was beauty in her sadness, beauty fueled by nature’s elements. Silas had promised he’d come back for her, in exchange for the spell she did for his immortality, he’d said he’d return to do the same for her. What he wasn’t aware, she was dying, the spell had taken a toll on her. The spirits had warned her not to touch that side of magic, but she couldn’t help it. Somehow, months after, when Silas headed back, Qetiyah had been preserved but was in a bad shape, it was only a matter of a few days before she finally would collapse and to no resuscitation. He had changed, but helped her. It took a lot, he had to gather rare herbs, a drop of the original doppelganger’s blood and werewolf toxin. Eventually, she was lifted. When she asked Silas about her own existence and reminded him of his promise to her, he seemed to resist. She was devastated. He said he fell in love with a girl he met in Italy, on his trip. He wanted to spend eternity with her. Confounded, she went to the same spot they met before he left, and sat there till she saw the moon rise. It reflected beautifully, the lake in the valley was all mercury. With a grieving heart and soul, she closed her eyes and took her life. That's the end. It always is the end. Happy endings are unreal. What's real is reality and as fictitious as this may seem, it was written keeping real stories in mind.


Qetiyah and Silas had been in love since the beginning of time, and this had been no secret. They sat atop the old branch of the sycamore tree that stood in solitude at the edge of the rolling hills covered in emerald grass. The horizon had almost gulped the entire sun down and the essence of love in the air made the sky blush itself crimson. Silas would be gone before the sun appeared again; it was their last night together. Yet, Qetiyah took hold of herself and reassured her heart, they’d meet again. They’d been there for hours talking about what it would be like once he was gone and everyone but Silas could’ve seen the longing and grief in Qetiyah’s eyes, it was as if she was missing him even before he was gone. The trees bloomed to her touch, the dead fields had turned green all over again and the sky had changed its hue like never before, that is the strength a witch can have when she has complete control over her emotions. There was beauty in her sadness, beauty fueled by nature’s elements. Silas had promised he’d come back for her, in exchange for the spell she did for his immortality, he’d said he’d return to do the same for her. What he wasn’t aware, she was dying, the spell had taken a toll on her. The spirits had warned her not to touch that side of magic, but she couldn’t help it. Somehow, months after, when Silas headed back, Qetiyah had been preserved but was in a bad shape, it was only a matter of a few days before she finally would collapse and to no resuscitation. He had changed, but helped her. It took a lot, he had to gather rare herbs, a drop of the original doppelganger’s blood and werewolf toxin. Eventually, she was lifted. When she asked Silas about her own existence and reminded him of his promise to her, he seemed to resist. She was devastated. He said he fell in love with a girl he met in Italy, on his trip. He wanted to spend eternity with her. Confounded, she went to the same spot they met before he left, and sat there till she saw the moon rise. It reflected beautifully, the lake in the valley was all mercury. With a grieving heart and soul, she closed her eyes and took her life. That's the end. It always is the end. Happy endings are unreal. What's real is reality and as fictitious as this may seem, it was written keeping real stories in mind.


Qetiyah and Silas had been in love since the beginning of time, and this had been no secret. They sat atop the old branch of the sycamore tree that stood in solitude at the edge of the rolling hills covered in emerald grass. The horizon had almost gulped the entire sun down and the essence of love in the air made the sky blush itself crimson. Silas would be gone before the sun appeared again; it was their last night together. Yet, Qetiyah took hold of herself and reassured her heart, they’d meet again. They’d been there for hours talking about what it would be like once he was gone and everyone but Silas could’ve seen the longing and grief in Qetiyah’s eyes, it was as if she was missing him even before he was gone. The trees bloomed to her touch, the dead fields had turned green all over again and the sky had changed its hue like never before, that is the strength a witch can have when she has complete control over her emotions. There was beauty in her sadness, beauty fueled by nature’s elements. Silas had promised he’d come back for her, in exchange for the spell she did for his immortality, he’d said he’d return to do the same for her. What he wasn’t aware, she was dying, the spell had taken a toll on her. The spirits had warned her not to touch that side of magic, but she couldn’t help it. Somehow, months after, when Silas headed back, Qetiyah had been preserved but was in a bad shape, it was only a matter of a few days before she finally would collapse and to no resuscitation. He had changed, but helped her. It took a lot, he had to gather rare herbs, a drop of the original doppelganger’s blood and werewolf toxin. Eventually, she was lifted. When she asked Silas about her own existence and reminded him of his promise to her, he seemed to resist. She was devastated. He said he fell in love with a girl he met in Italy, on his trip. He wanted to spend eternity with her. Confounded, she went to the same spot they met before he left, and sat there till she saw the moon rise. It reflected beautifully, the lake in the valley was all mercury. With a grieving heart and soul, she closed her eyes and took her life. That's the end. It always is the end. Happy endings are unreal. What's real is reality and as fictitious as this may seem, it was written keeping real stories in mind.


November 18, 2020 12:12

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Maiko Koberidze
13:08 Nov 26, 2020

Hi, this is my very first feedback. Before I share my opinion, I'd like to ask you one thing: is there a particular reason/aim for repeating the story three times?


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