“Valerie you will never believe what Mabel did to me yesterday!”
“Hold on let me put the phone down for a minute and grab a glass of water. Something tells me we are going to be on the phone for a while.”
“Okay, but hurry up, I’m so steamed! Curse these darn phone cords, they really need to make them longer.”
“I’m back Sister, go ahead and tell me what Mabel did this time.”
“She came into the middle of the room, in front of God and everyone, and screeched at me.”
“Why did she do that sister?”
“At first I had no idea, it wasn’t until later I found out what her problem was. I guess she didn’t like that there wasn’t enough food at the church luncheon. You know she is crazy and her moods swing up and down. I wonder if she has dementia or something.”
“Is she old enough for dementia? It’s possible she might be a little crazy.”
“You might be right Valerie. Crazy probably runs in her family.”
“Do we know who her parents are?”
“I have no idea where she came from. Everyone I talked to about her didn’t know anything. It’s like she just showed up out of nowhere one day.”
“You are no stranger to taking in orphans, you should try to be friends.”
“Are you insane? Why would I? Taking into consideration everything she has done I wouldn’t be friendly with her even if I was being paid.”
“Has she really been that difficult?”
“Well, let’s count the ways. One: At the community picnic she came and knocked down that pitcher of lemonade right onto my lap and in the midst of me and everyone at my table cleaning up she suddenly disappeared.”
“I remember you telling me about that. What else has she done that is so horrible?”
“Okay. Two: She chased that varmint around the church and caused havoc in the sanctuary, right in the middle of the Pastor’s Sunday sermon I might add.”
“Sister, that wasn’t directed at you personally.”
“Fine. But still. I was there.”
“These reasons seem inconsequential when considering whether or not to be friendly with her. Are you sure you have no room in your heart for her?”
“Oh I’m not done. Do you remember that time when I wasn’t getting any sleep because of the racket she was causing all up and down the street after dark?”
“You didn’t tell me that it was Mabel keeping you up. I don’t know what possessed her to be hootin’ and hollerin’ out there.”
“I’m telling you she has it in for me.”
“Now Sister, you can’t mean that. It seems like she just needs someone to look after her for awhile. Do you even know where she lives?”
“I have no idea. I’ve never bothered to see where she lives or what she does apart from her shenanigans near the church.”
“I know we have a small stipend set aside for community needs. We can use some of that to help her.”
“Do you think the Pastor could hold an intervention and confront her for me?”
“You know the Pastor wouldn’t mind. He keeps himself available for any and all conflicts. Although this will be the first of its kind.”
“Oh thank goodness!”
“Sister you know we appreciate you moving in the extra room at the church and taking care of the upkeep and cleaning.”
“It’s not a problem! I was happy to take on the job and it couldn’t have come at a better time. When my Harold passed away it was a burden to keep that big old house. This suits me better and gives me purpose. Our nest has been empty for quite some time. The last of our adopted children moved away years ago. With no one at home I love being able to come here and keep God company.”
“You definitely have been a blessing to this church community. We were so surprised when you donated your house to the church and made it available to us.”
“You and the Pastor have integrated so smoothly and easily into this community and when I found out that you were expecting! I was just so tickled! I can’t wait for the baby to arrive! I knew you would need a bigger house to raise your family in. It was divine intervention that made everything possible. Our God is great!”
“Yes, I agree whole-heartedly!”
“Valerie, is the Pastor available right now?”
“He is next door at Mr. Sorter’s house helping to cut down that large tree in the backyard. These past few windy days have blown some dead tree branches down and Mr. Sorter wanted to remove it so it wouldn’t cause any damage to the surrounding houses.”
“Ah yes, Mr. Sorter has been talking about removing that tree. Is he still recycling the wood into an outdoor seating area for the church?”
“He is! He is such a wonderful carpenter! They are gathering all the dead branches and will be using them for the bonfire in 2 weeks. Mr. Sorter hopes to have the large stump pieces turned into stools. I’m not sure how many he will be able to make but I know that they will be beautiful.”
“You know, Jesus was a carpenter. I wonder if He ever made stools from old trees.”
“It certainly is possible isn’t it, Sister?”
“Thinking things like that is what is amazing. Jesus had a life here on Earth. I’ve often wondered what He worked on when He was a carpenter. Can you imagine how it would feel to hold one of His pieces in your hands? What kind of furniture did He work on? Did He build houses?”
“What wonderful things to think about! I suppose we can ask Him when we meet again.”
“Yes. I suppose we can. Alright Valerie I believe I have done enough ranting for today. Please let the Pastor know about my plight with Mabel the cat. The sooner I resolve this the better I will be.”
“Okay Sister, I will let him know. Talk to you soon!”
“Talk to you soon! Bye!”
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