
One of my human’s is home! My tail is wagging of its own accord, but I don’t get out of bed just yet, I know they’ll come to me. A human opens the kitchen door, talking to me immediately in their strange human-babble. It’s the little girl who is not as little as I remember she used to be. She doesn’t come around as much anymore, it’s like she doesn’t live here but I know all her stuff is still in her room. I know this because I sneak in there and lie on her bed in the sun when she’s not home and no one is looking. Now when she comes home, she brings a couple of bags, but this time she has a bigger bag on wheels. She doesn’t look as happy this time though, I wonder why?

She crouches by my bed while I continue to wag my tail at her, she slowly strokes over my head and goes to scratch my ears. Oh my god I love when the humans scratch my ears. I lean into her hand and wag my tail even harder. She’s still chatting to me as if I’m another one of her human friends, it’s sweet really but I hope she knows I don’t understand her. Quite soon another human is coming home, the little boy of my family. He is also not so little anymore; he’s gotten taller than his mum and his sister and is less playful than when he was little. He grumbles about how boring school was today and goes looking for snacks, but he never leaves the kitchen without coming to say hi to me first and giving me a belly rub. Later, the human’s mum comes home as well and she spends a lot more time in the kitchen, talking on the phone, making food, and talking to me while she does it. The dad also comes home and the whole family has dinner together. This happens every night and, to make sure they know I’m a part of the family, I sit right underneath my mum’s legs and watch her while she’s eating.

This is basically the routine that happens every day, but lately it’s been a lot more exciting! The girl is home all the time now, I’m not sure why but I’m not complaining. After everyone has said goodbye to me in the morning I go back off to bed, only to be disturbed a short while later by the girl coming downstairs to make breakfast. Although she’s home now she still seems busy, so I watch her make breakfast and then she calls me to follow her upstairs. I trot slowly behind her, but she always waits for me at the top. She only really sits on her bed, pressing lots of buttons on her laptop. I think she’s busy, but she likes my company. I’m sure she likes it even more when I help her by resting my head on the buttons! It makes her giggle. For most of the day I lie in the sunny part of her bed, or in between her legs, while she types away. We take breaks for lunch and for snacks (the best parts of the day). This lunch time she is being super nice to me, she gives me some of her food and I gently accept it, and then after lunch she slowly sits on the floor. She crosses her legs and calls me over; she knows that I love curling up on her lap. It’s kind of like a personal game I have, she does this a lot and I try and curl myself up so small that I can fit my whole body on her lap! It almost always works, and this time it’s slightly easier. She puts a hand on my belly and starts talking to me again. She really doesn’t seem happy this time, I might not be able to understand what she’s saying but I can hear how she sounds, and it is not happy. She’s whispering to me and stroking my back softly. Time to shine, I must make my human happy. I sit up and look at her face. She looks like her eyes are leaking? I shake my whole body side to side and sneeze on her afterwards, that always makes my humans laugh. She does laugh at me, so my job here is done. We go back to bed.

I woke up in the middle of the night last night, I didn’t feel very good. I know I’ve made a mess all over the kitchen floor, but I really wasn’t well, I hope my humans understand and aren’t mad at me.

 My girl human had to clean up my mess this morning, the other humans just didn’t have time to do it before they went out. She didn’t seem very happy about it, and it took her a while to do, so I stayed in my bed the whole time. After she’d finished, we went into the living room together, she patted the sofa to call me up to cuddle her. I get ready to jump up, do a little butt wiggle and go for it. But I don’t make it? That’s strange, it’s not even that high up. She starts talking to me again and the next time I try and jump up she lifts my back legs up for me. I love my humans.

All my humans have been home over the last two days, so it must be the weekend. We’ve been having a great time; they’ve been hanging out in the kitchen with me and letting me up on the sofa. They’ve been giving me very nice food, and I know they tuck little tablets into the pieces of food, but I don’t mind because it’s still good. Today I went into the back garden with my mum human and dad, I sat panting happily with the sun on my fur next to my mum while we watched dad cut the grass. I didn’t go too near – the lawnmower is scary. My mum spent the whole time outside stroking my warm fur, giving me fuss and chatting to me like I was her best friend. I love days like these, with all of the family around me. I do wonder why they are all home at once, especially the girl, but I don’t worry about it too much, I just enjoy it.

It’s dinner time now, so once again I’m sat by my human’s feet watching them eat their dinner before I get mine. The younger boy gets up to feed me, I get chicken, potatoes and gravy so it must be a Sunday! He feeds me and strokes my ears and then runs upstairs back to his bedroom. I don’t try and follow him, it’s getting a bit hard to get up the stairs and he’s way too fast for me to follow. I eat my dinner and my girl comes over to me. I sit down, looking up at her, and she holds my head and rubs both my ears. I like that. She goes upstairs too, probably to tap on her laptop, but I don’t join her this time. instead, I go with my mum and dad into the living room and we relax in there together. They let me up onto the sofa, which they’ve been doing a lot lately. They stroke my back and rub my belly until it’s time for them to go to bed. My mum always goes upstairs first, because my dad has to lock all the doors. He does this like a ritual, and his last stop is to always give me a treat before going to bed. He gives me a treat and says goodnight. The kitchen door shuts.

I’ve had such a good day today. I love my humans. I get up again a few hours later and wonder around the kitchen. I make lots of mess in the kitchen again, but I know my humans won’t be mad at me, they love me. I think I know what’s going to happen to me tonight, I can feel it. Did they know I wasn’t well? Is this why they’ve all been staying at home so much and why my girl came home, for me? I hope this doesn’t cause them too much pain, I love them and want them to be happy. I want to be close to them. I’ll wait by the kitchen door for them, that’s where they always come in to see me. I lie down with my back against the glass door and rest my head on the floor. I close my eyes and take a heavy breath. Goodbye, my humans. 

March 27, 2020 20:23

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