
Cici wakes up early and uses the old can opener to open her beans. She is seven years old today. Her sister, Jade, says she is a big girl and can do anything she puts her mind to. Cici can only eat half the beans so she wakes Jade and shares. She gets a ladle full of water from the water barrel in the corner. It is too dangerous to go outside so everything they need is in their one room home. Jade organized all the canned food around the room like metal wall. They have a bathroom made from a curtain. The girls play cards and dance then Jade gives Cici a Twinkie with a toothpick as her candle. Her gift is a blanket with the alphabet sewn into it. They had peaches for supper and talked until late about their parents. The days pass slowly and Jade stays busy. Cici does her lessons and then plays. It has been a cold spring and the girls are out of burning materials but the days are beginning to warm up. They have plenty of blankets to keep warm at night. Soon, it will be summer and heat won't be needed. Cici wants to run and play but there isn't room. She wants to go outside but it is too dangerous. Cici runs through the small space and bumps things. Jade wants to scream but she decides to distract her sister with a game. Later, they eat and clean up for bed. They lie side by side talking. It is hot and hard to sleep. They doze off but are awakened by a noise in the darkness. Jade hides Cici and scrambles blindly to find a weapon to defend her sister. She stands guard and listens to the sounds to be sure nothing gets through the barricaded door. There is no way in or out of this room unless you make lots of noise. Hours later, Jades eyes close and when she awakens it is daylight. She makes sure nothing is in the room then runs to Cici. She iss still hidden and sleeping. This is getting too familiar. During the warm months, there is more noise and movement outside. They are no longer safe here so Jade has to make a plan. Breakfast is silent and Cici continues her silence while playing. Finally, she asks, "Jade, did the world die?" Jade has no idea how to answer her sisters quiet question. She begins to explain people use weapons and they destroy each other in war. Jade tells her it was along time ago but the problem is that people are still hungry and afraid of each other. Jade remembers television and school. Cici never experienced either of those. She is missing so much because of the aftermath of war. Jade tells her it was a long time ago but the problem is that people are still hungry and afraid of each other. Jade remembers television and school. Cici never experienced either of those. She is missing so much because of war. Jade gives Cici a book and starts planning and preparing. They must fortify their home. Cici seems to be growing so fast and Jade can barely keep up with sewing her clothes. It’s only been 6 months since Cici turned seven. Jade has been feeling tired and Cici helps out with everything lately. Jade has been sad and missing her old carefree life. She is angry and worried all the time. She feels as if she is getting sick and has not told Cici. She knows something is wrong but can’t rest. What would happen to Cici if she gave up. Jade has starts teaching Cici everything she knows. Not just about school work but also about surviving. It is a lot to learn but Jade has been ill for a while and is getting worse. She wants to be sure Cici can live on and hopefully be able to go outside. Their food won’t last another year and neither will Jade. Their home is ready for winter and the cold is coming fast. Jade hopes to make it through for Cici. Jade just needs to rest a bit. It gets cold outside and begins snowing. Cici feeds cold chicken soup to Jade and crys. She is afraid to be alone but Jade is fading away just like their mom. Jade isn’t eating much and is coughing all night. Cici is learning all she can and preparing herself to be alone but it is so hard. Jade tells her what to do after she dies and how to stay safe alone. She also knows when she will have to leave her home and where to go, at least in theory. Cici doesn’t want to be alone but there is no choice. With mom dying over a year ago and dad leaving three years ago to find a safe place for them, Jade has been raising Cici alone and there is no one left. Winter is difficult for Jade. She can't get warm or stop coughing. Shen is so weak that Cici does everything for her. By winter's end Jade can't move. Cici places a blanket over her sister’s face. It is still frozen outside and cold inside. She eats in silence and curls up in her blankets to cry herself to sleep. She stays in the blankets for a couple of days and barely eats. She knows she needs to bury her sister but she doesn’t want to. She is all alone and that makes it real. The next day, Cici forces herself to eat and then begin to dig a hole in the center of her home. It has been four months since Jade died. Cici is quiet and sad. She doesn’t play anymore. All she does is prepare to leave and survive. She continues to read and track the date. Today is a bittersweet day for Cici. It is her eighth birthday and she is all alone. She opens a Twinkie and remembers last year. She was happy then. She wants to be happy again. She closes her eyes and makes a wish for happiness. If only wishes came true. She is eating her Twinkie when she hears a sound. She freezes for a moment and listens. The sound is getting closer and louder. Someone is trying to get in. Cici goes to hide and listens. After what seems hours, the wall breaks and through the dust Cici sees a man. He yells for for Anna. She recognizes the name. He yells for Jade and Cici. It is her dad. She is no longer alone. He has finally come to take her to a safe place. Her wish has come true.

March 13, 2021 03:54

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