Friendship Happy Teens & Young Adult

 ‘ I do really wanna come’, screamed Alison at the top of her voice as the papparazis were going crazy on seeing a multitalented singer , actress , model and what not travelling in a local subway. The crowd was really going crazy taking pictures of the fame. ‘ You, Meredith and I on a personal trip on your birthday was once all you wanted , remember Alison ?’ said Olivia literally losing her mind with the flashing lights from nearly a couple of hundred cameras. ‘ Yes but what would I do ? I’m on tour. My next stop over is at Texas. One show at the Houston stadium and the other is at the Grand Prairies Arena. You guys are coming right?’ said Alison with a giggle. ‘ Your show was awesome today BTW.’ said Meredith as she received a scorn from Olivia. ‘All right then have a nice birthday with your fans Alison’ said Olivia and the trio hugged each other and headed towards home still followed by one or two reporters. Finally Alison reached home to take one last look at her activities tomorrow. As she digged her bag for the file she couldn’t find it. She ransacked her bag, her house but still no sign of the file. ‘ I think I musta left it when we examined the patient for the surgery tomorrow or at the Boston arena? While I was getting ready for my show. Oh goodness gracious. What am I to do?’ tears rolled down from the half surgeon half media personality’s eyes. She cried herself to sleep…

       Suddenly she woke up in the middle of the night and looked at the clock. It was 2am in the morning. She felt hungry. So she went through the house and ate whatever she could find just like a raccoon in a dumpster. She felt sleepy again so she went to bed not remembering that she had lost her file. The next morning she was awaken by the alarm and opened her eyes to see a basket full of red roses with a note that said,

 “Thank you for being patient

                       For your file is lost

                      You have a waiting patient

                      So don’t you hurry fast!”

She got ready for the day filled with curiosity who might have done such a thing. Then she successfully completed the 2 and a half hour surgery. As she came out of the operation theatre she had a phone call from the director of the film she is currently acting in. Nervously, she got her phone from her assistant Perrie and heard a calm voice say, ‘ Hey Alison, I thought that it would be nice of me to offer you a two days off. So meet you on Wednesday morning. Bye .’ Before Alison could speak another word he hung up so quickly for he was a busy man. She said, ‘Man that was fast’ and her assistant smiled as if she was the one who wrote the note. Alison asked, ‘ Wait, are you behind all of this?’ Perrie was confused, ‘ All of what? What are talking about?’ Alison got embarrassed. She left the place showing a sign of “nothing” leaving Perrie amused. As she went to change from her surgeon outfit she found another similar note like the one she found this morning. It said,

             “I’m sure Texas is chill.

             Check your phone cause you’re heading to Nashville”

She grabbed her phone from Perrie to find what the note said was true. She had a private jet to Nashville in less than a 15 minutes.She called her friends and asked them to join her as they had previously planned their personal trip to Nashville. They hugged each other and said in unison, ‘ What a coinky dinky’

     ‘How about camping outside?’ asked Meredith. They all agreed upon the idea and soon a tent was put up and a campfire was on and running. Suddenly they heard something swift behind the bushes. Alison showed her lantern towards it as it was dark, they saw nothing. The three girls turned to get the horror of their life. They screamed as if all the peacefully sleeping wild birds would run for their life. Then they sobered down to find a brown haired girl, her nose full of freckles. ‘Oh! It’s you Alex! Hey, what a surprise.’ said Alison. Alex smiled broadly and said, ‘Just in time. For your birthday.’ Olivia asked, ‘Would you like to join us?’ Alex was too excited for this and she said at once, ‘I would love to’. So they all camped the night and woke up early the next morning before even the sun arised to continue their trip as Alison loved early morning rides. They all gave her hugs and kisses for her 25th birthday. Before they left Alison found the same little note in her makeup bag. It said,

                   “I know you’ve upgraded

                     From the money you’ve traded

                    Nashville is pretty cool

                    For a party in the pool”

Alison thought about the days when they were younger as she grew up there, how they had a pool party for her 18th birthday. She thought that she might revive some of her memories. From then on she took the steer. Her friends were curious to know where they were heading to. They were surprised when they arrived at Alison’s house in Nashville through the entrance to the pool. Being an event planner too Alison has handled a thousand last minute event. It was not a big deal for her to plan a last minute pool party for herself. Her friends were awestruck. Olivia was speechless. Meredith hugged Alison. It was a hug which sounded as if it would last for a million years more. ‘There’s the Alison that I know of.’ commented Alex. They had a whole morning at the pool, talking stuff, playing stunts, eating cheeseburgers. Meredith gifted Alison a Golden Retriever. Alison was reduced to tears. She was confused at what name must she give him. ‘Garnet!! That is what I’m gonna call him. His nickname is Blondie.’ said Alison. Olivia asked, ‘Why is it Garnet?’ Alison said, ‘He is the gemstone of my life!’

     The morning passed away like a snap of fingers. Alison was busy practicing for the show like about an hour. She noticed that her three friends were quite secretive. They had lunch at the usual restaurant they used to have after college. They had a lot of revival of memories. It was as if they were tryna live five years of unlived moments in a day. Her three friends literally freaked out when they saw Alison rehearsing with Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift. Then Olivia said that she would drive her back home. On the drive back Alison was so tired that she slept. Meredith said, ‘Well work made easy.’ She woke up to find that she had come to a totally different place that didn’t look like home to her. It was an escape farm house. There was a vast spread of green grass all over the place with a small house in between. She looked surprised and excited as Olivia said, ‘ Happy Birthday my marvelous girl’. Meredith joined her and said, ‘Happy birthday to one of the greatest of all the magic that happened in my life’. Alison blushed hearing Meredith say the words to the song she wrote to her. There was a humble black forest cake in between the room which was lit in sandle light. There was a fireplace and there was a folded piece of paper on the cinder. She took the crumpled paper and it had the same handwriting which was there in all the previous notes. She was really disappointed. She turned towards her two busy friends and said, ‘ I knew that you were behind this’. They were mystified. ‘Behind what?’ asked Olivia. ‘ Behind this.’ Alison shoved the piece of paper at their solemn faces, ‘ I woulda a made 500,000$ if I didn’t come here all because of you . I had a photoshoot, a songwriting session… I said I couldn’t come and you made me come here.’ she went out of the place not being able to control her tears. She went and sat on a swing at the nearby park as she watched the sunset. Alex came running towards her. Alison said, ‘ Don’t come here saying your stories. Don’t come and give me hope.’ Alex said, ‘ They didn’t do it. I did.’ Her tearful eyes looked at Alex , ‘ What?’ . ‘Yes I did everything. I stole your file on the subway. I wrote those notes. I spoke with your director and your manager.’ said Alex. ‘How could you.. you didn’t change a bit. You are still the same Alex who tried to ruin my life in middle school. But my friends and I forgave you.’

     ‘I didn’t mean to ruin your life Alison. I just gave you the best birthday gift you might have ever received. I tried to get you stop and look at what really matters. Even if you have the 500,000$ would you get the happiness that you got today? Even now if you think I ruined your day here take the 500,000$.’ she put forward the wad of cash. Alison came forward and hugged her and said, ‘ Thank you for showing me the light of my life. I should probably go make it up to bo..’ as she said this both her friends ran and gave them both a group hug. Meredith said, ‘ I guess you would probably reconsider cutting your cake.’ They had a marvelous evening. The cream filled faces looked in awe as they watched the golden sun set in between the mountain standing on the grass filled lawn.        

April 23, 2021 14:17

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