
Hey!! My name is Dodger and right now I’m waiting for my dad to come home. It’s been 6 months since I have seen him. He ‘s always busy doing his job. Whenever I went away for a shoot I went to his mom’s. And for six months I have been living with his mom and sisters. 

It’s not like I don’t love them, I do. They are always good to me like I am their own fur baby. Which technically I am, no one has a dog or cat or anything pet except for my dad.

No matter how much love they all give to me but I still crave for my dad’s love, I miss him around me. No one could ever replace him.

 He’s not my owner, he never treats me like that. I am his pal, his bubba, for him, he doesn’t own me, I am his friend and you don’t own your friends.

I still remember the day he found me, I was roaming around like a stray and then I heard someone calling me as I am the best thing they have ever seen. 

I know he always gets excited whenever he sees a dog around him but I also know no matter how much a pretty and cute puppy he would see, they can’t replace me. I am his and have a special place in his heart which no puppy can replace and I have made sure of that. 

So now back to the point, right now I at Lisa’s, his mom. And yesterday they told me that my pal is coming back home. So now I am waiting for him, so I could just attack him with the love I have been keeping inside me for six months. 

I was pacing around when the first bell rang in the morning. And of course, I started wagging my tail excitedly telling everyone I am the only one who is the most excited among them. And before I could even show them my happiness, the door opened showing Mrs. Williams who'd just come to tell Lisa about something which I wasn’t interested in. 

When she saw me near the door she was about the pat me but I turned around with a huff. “Oh! Don’t mind him, Helen. He’s just waiting for his dad.” I heard Lisa.

I’m not one of those rude moody brats, which would show tantrums to their owner’s neighbor and friends, like Mrs. Williams’s cat. She is one hell of a brat, always trying to roar whenever someone tries to pet her like she is some sort of lioness. Oh, God! She looks so funny whenever she tries to roar, and her face when her owner scolds her for misbehaving.

So no I'm not like her. I'm a good dog and I like it when people pet me and love me. But c'mon gimme a break, I already frustrated at my dad for leaving me for so long and now he’s late. 

I thought he would be here in the morning but no he’s not. Now it’s noon and he’s still not here. What if he won’t come today, something happened and he’s still stuck in his work. 

I was panicking when I heard the doorbell rang another time. I took a risk and went towards the door with the same excitement. A voice inside me was warning me but I couldn't control my excitement. I’m a dog and I am made to be excited all the time. 

And that’s when I heard that laughter which only belonged to my dad, he was greeting his family and I felt a bit jealous and barked to gain his attention. “Oh, dodger!! Buddy come here” 

And I did, within a second I sent him to the floor showing him with licks on his face which he was trying to avoid but failed. I was gonna lick him to my fill but seeing his face turning red from laughing and controlling his breath, I took pity on him and got off him. 

After controlling his breath, he looked at me with tears in his eyes, maybe because of all the laughing. For some moment he kept looking at me and suddenly launched himself at me just like I did a few minutes ago. “Now it’s my turn bubba.” he managed to say, chuckling. Which I replied with an excited bark. We both were trying to pin each other down when his sister, Carly’s voice “ stop it you two!! You’re gonna strangle my poor boy.” and then I noticed miles his nephew was under or you could say I was sitting on him. He saw mumbling something which sounded like “ I don't wike it, I don't wike it”. It made my dad laugh more loudly and he fell to the ground doing his famous left boob grab. 


After spending some time with his family we left. And went to our house, just he and I.

He went straight to take a bath and I sat waiting for him to take me to a walk which he promised me on our way home. 

 After a few minutes he came downstairs and saw me with my ball in my mouth, he chuckled. He came near me, grabbed my ball and put it inside his pocket.

 He tied the leash around me and then we went for our daddy son walk. 

We went to a park near his house and walked for some time. He kept talking to me about different things, which for some people I don’t understand. But I do, whenever he talks to me whether it’s his work, something he is worried about, something that made him happy, I understand. He knows that too, that’s why he always talks to me. 

After walking and talking, he held my ball out his pocket and showed me excitedly. That’s one of the things I like about him, whatever he does with me, he would always be as excited as I would be.

“You wanna play bubba?” he asked and I let out a bark and jumped. And with a laugh which he always does and I love that too about him, he threw the ball. 

And with that started to play with that thing. 

I don’t know how much time we spent in the park but when the sun was getting down, we decided to go home. 

After getting home and giving me a warm bath, he ordered himself some food, because he can’t cook. Once he did try to cook which didn’t end well, but that’s the story of another time. 

So after ordering food he and I sat on the couch watching our favorite movie, the lion king. Oh god, I love that movie. It was no surprise that we were watching a Disney movie. Dad loves Disney so am I, like father like son. we both were cuddling and I sighed thinking about my day today. When I suddenly felt anxious and thought maybe he won’t come and now I am here being all cuddly in his arms, watching a Disney movie with my buddy, my pal Chris.

And it’s going to me just us until some other shoot or something else comes along.

March 21, 2020 11:35

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Hayden Quinn
14:33 Mar 29, 2020

This is such a heart-warming, sweet story! And so well-written!


17:03 Mar 29, 2020

Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it 💕😇


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