Drama Thriller Romance

All relationships, whether romantic or platonic, have an opposite side. But in order to keep these bonds strong, we must make sacrifices and curb our egos. However, envy can quickly destroy a relationship. Well-known business mogul Randhir Roy resides in the Golden State. In other words, every single woman in the world wants to marry him because of how hot he is. However, he has only ever had feelings for Deepa Chaudhary. Deepa, a childhood friend, and fellow entrepreneur, is in a similar position as Randhir, but on a smaller scale. Soon he would be back in India, and he would immediately visit Deepa's family to ask for permission to marry. The union has been met with universal approval. After months of planning, Randhir and Deepa said their wedding vows and became Mr. and Mrs. Roy, committing themselves to a life together for the rest of time. That is unless a storm comes through one night and upsets up their lives and their marriage. It was a dark and stormy night, and everyone had retreated safely indoors. Also present in their house were Deepa and Randhir, who was just hanging around. A client had called Randhir to initiate a contract for a substantial sum of money, and the phone had just rung. When Deepa refused to release him because of the storm, Randhir managed to persuade her otherwise so that he wouldn't have to risk losing the business contract. He phoned in, and following a protracted meeting, everything was settled. It would have made Randhir's day to tell Deepa the good news, but he was involved in an accident and tragically lost both legs just before he could tell her. The news devastated Deepa and flipped her life upside down. Everything returned to normal at their house after a few days in the hospital, with the exception of Randhir's need for a wheelchair. As his company declines, he and his family are forced to move out of their large home and into a smaller one that lacks the opulence of their prior residence. Any time Deepa needs to do something inside the house, she now goes outside. Deepa ran across a guy she knew from college, Bhavesh, one day. After all these years, she was overjoyed to finally meet him. They're both in a cafe, chatting about various topics. Bhavesh became depressed after listening to Deepa and offered her a position at a friend's company. She initially rejected his advances, but eventually gave in. Day by day, Deepa and Bhavesh grow closer and closer. As Bavesh's possessiveness and obsession with Deepa grew, he plotted to permanently tear Randhir away from Deepa. Deepa, however, stopped paying attention to Randhir in favor of spending more time with Bhavesh. Eventually, the two broke all the rules and engaged in sexual activity, which led to Deepa becoming pregnant with Bhavesh's child. One stormy night, Bhavesh took over Randhir's entire business and threw him out of the house. Randhir felt betrayed and abandoned, so he cried his sorrows away in the street. Bhavesh had a secret infatuation with Deepa in college, and when she married Randhir instead of him (because Randhir was taller), he became bitter and vindictive. Sheena was walking by when she saw Randhir sobbing outside his house, and she invited him in. They have a really good relationship since she is very kind to Randhir. With her help, Randhir returned to normal after only a few days. He sought vengeance on Deepa and Bhavesh, the two people responsible for his betrayal. To top it all off, he married Sheena for vengeance, even though she was now head over heels in love with him. A few years later, Randhir had stolen everything from Bhavesh and Deepa, prompting Deepa to try to woo him again now that he was wealthy. Randhir separated from Seema and resumed dating Deepa when he had secured his financial future. It breaks Sheena's heart to know that Randhir only marries her to get back at Deepa and Bhavesh, but she keeps her mouth shut about it. But after a few months together, Randhir fell hopelessly in love with Sheena and dumped Deepa. After some time, he began to stalk Sheena and make genuine attempts at communicating with and marrying her. However, it implies that getting our hearts' desires cost a hefty sum. Because Deepa fears losing her place as the family matriarch to Sheena if Randhir marries her, she develops intense jealousy for Sheena. Before Sheen would marry Randhir, she devises a scheme to destroy their relationship. Deepa kills Sheena with a knife one day while she is out shopping. Sheena will be admitted to the hospital and pronounced dead soon. After hearing it again, Randhir resorted to booze to dull the pain. In the end, Deepa cost him everything. However, after some time, he comes to terms with his error, stands on his own, and has Deepa and Bhavesh imprisoned for the murder of Sheena. Deepa and Randhir cheerfully go back to the house after getting out of the automobile, and she asks him how he knows that she is the real Deepa. After a brief pause, Randhir breaks into a grin and a flashback. To put it simply, Deepa and Sheena were sisters. Both girls are in love with Randhir, but he has his sights set on the younger one, Deepa. This is why Sheena has such a deep-seated hatred for Deepa and is constantly plotting to steal her away from Randhir. Sheena was so eager to get married to Randhir that she stole some jewelry from the locker after he departed for California, then blamed Deepa for the theft and kicked her out of the house. When she and Bhavesh force Randhir out of the house, he quickly comes to his senses. The second time he visits Sheena is all part of his plan, as is his revenge marriage to the real Deepa, which was a dramatic event in itself. The rest of their plans are in tandem. From Deepa's staged death through Sheena and Bhavesh's indefinite prison sentences without the possibility of parole.

August 05, 2022 14:36

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