Submitted into Contest #192 in response to: Write about someone finding a treasure in an unexpected place.... view prompt


Adventure Contemporary Fiction

Treasure Quest.....Glimpse of Beyond

Bernie is an imaginative, smart and young boy who was used to witness deserted sand dunes that had been carried away by sand storm .The lonely , flat horizon was suddenly filled by a bunch of big rock pillars like huge trees and mushrooms. The place was shimmering by the scorching weather and covered with heat. His family is living across the deserted area, with his hardworking father who is working in the farm owned by a rich American Couple,while his mother is selling fruits and vegetables from the nearby village.He has a younger brother Carlo who is just 4 years old.

 Their house is situated in the middle of a village with a square shaped house with no divisions, just an ordinary door and windows. It is built using light materials such as wood, bamboo and grass.

You will feel the struggles in the everyday life. “ Mom,Im really hungry” Carlo uttered.”I just ate porridge in the morning with my brother Bernie.”(he used to call Bernard the pen name).The mother noticed that it was already two oclock in the afternoon ,for she was really busy with her veggies and fruits to sell around the village. ‘I will prepare your lunch “,she answered with tiresome face. In a small kitchen,she proceeded right away,trying to get the frozen fish in their small and seemed to be really odd fridge,She took the tomatoes,onion and garlic and other spices in the side of the their stove.then started to cook,’ Bernie, hurry up, can you come at once over here’?she requested Bernie.

“Im coming Mom,im just fixing our television, it was not functioning since the other day” he uttered.

‘I wanna watch catoon .please” Carlo said. “Wait ,I cant fix it now.let us wait for Dad” he replied, then hurriedly headed to thekitchen for his Mom.

“Yes Mom,any help?he asked with low tone. Yes,my dear son,kindly make 3 cups of rice and put in the rice cooker,so that we can eat at once”she told Bernie.

Without hesitations and clamours,Bernie followed up and do the request of his Mom.

In a small,round and wooden dining table,the food was set,then the exhausted Father came with his worn out shirt,dirty slippers and almost damaged pants and shady cap.”Hello kids”he said.

‘”Hi Dad,you looked so exhausted” Bernie told his Dad.

“Yes son,many things to finish and accomplish before the end of this month”he said.

“Many rice fields to work on and fences to do” he continued.

“Dad,I cant watch Cartoon,”Carlo told with sadness to his Dad.

“ Carlo.Let your Dad eat first,rest for a while then he can fix the television” mother told Carlo.

They started to eat happily with the foods on the table.

The family was having simple and yet happy life despite of their everyday struggles . The couple wants to have a comfortable life with their children.

The next day, Bernie walked toward his school, located at the heart of the village, 2 kilometers from home, Despite of heat of the sun, he was really eager to walk and head to school for his studies, as he was walking, heading to school, suddenly he heard a voice ,a strange voice that enticing for him to stop and follow,’ Where is that voice coming from” he quietly asked himself.

“Boy, can you hear me’?the voice was on the air.

“Don’t be afraid”the voice said.

“I’m here to help you” the voice mentioned..You are a good boy ,you deserve something, you deserve good life” the voice continued.

Bernie was a bit scared,he was surprised,”Who are you?” he asked. “Why me. why not others”? he continued.

The voice still lingering on air and continuously following him up.

He was sobbing and crying for he was really scared.

“Please,leave me alone,I just want nice life with my family “ he pleaded.

“Don’t hurt me” then he fell down and fall asleep.

He woke up in a very strange yet a magical place…A FOREST.I is a boundless old-growth forest with the trees reach into the heavens and touch almost the sky. Their shades cover the sky, leaving only beams of sunlight streaming between the branches of huge tress around. The trees themselves seem to glare and grimace and even normally tiny mushrooms are every where.

Bernie was fascinated with what he witnessed.

With the blink of an eye.he saw a strange man,tall,with long hair and dressed like a hero,

“I am Mike,the great warrior in the Golden Era “he introduced himself. I have been observing you for quite sometimes,for I know that you are having a golden heart who can manage to take good care of the treasure that you can use to make a good and comfortable life and help those needy and unfortunate ones.” The strange man stated with happy face.

“ Don’t be afraid’ he said. Many are called but few are chosen” I seek help and advise from my forefathers and ask them from their words toward my decision of choosing you” he continued.

“Finally they agreed and happy to render the treasure with some conditions to follow.” he said.

Bernie was amazed and turned out blissful for he has hope and desire to have comfortable life with his family and help others as well. “ Your wish is my command” the pleasure is mine, strange man”,he uttered with bliss.

 ‘I will be giving you 3 conditions and make the best out of it” Im sure you can make those’.he said.

‘What do I have to do?”he asked with agony.

“I will give you the map.You need to follow and complete the track before reaching the TREASURE’he explained. As you go to your treasure quest,a lot of challenges will be on your way.” He completed.

It was already dark,gloomy and nostalgic .The family was looking for Bernie,They even went to his school,and finally found out that he didn’t attend classes.The teachers and classmates were worried and saddened of the occurrence.

“ Where is our son’? What happened to him? Parents were sobbing.

“ Let us hope and pray that Bernie is safe at this point” mother said and cried.

In the forest,Bernie was continuously walking in the vast trees of the mountains and valleys with a lot of insects and wild animals. He stopped suddenly for he noticed a big hole in front of him,with a lot of snakes,he tried to escape using the sleigh he found at the right side of the hole…

“Wheeeewwww,was terrible.I thought I cant survive the incident”.he sighed.That was the first encounter.He needs to have some ample time to rest.H was a bit scared and exhausted as well.He continuously walk and walk and walk all throughout. Hours have passed,still he was in journey to find the treasure. Big rocks on the way,tall and hazy grasses,muddy and slimy road. Then when he reached the dead end,there is a tunnel heading the right corner of the place,but suddenly,he was sliding onto the line and fell down in the cold water with falls.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh”,help help me” he was shouting….HEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPP……..” he was howling.

Straight away,an old lady appeared and was asking for help to find her grandson.

“Can you help me find my beloved grandson, been looking for him for two days now,” she said. At first he was surprised where in this Earth, an old lady will show up.

“Ok, I can help you but show me the way…I’m not familiar to this place” he requested with a bit of annoyance.

Intraneously, the old lady disappear, there comes the dragon, looks like a monster, he was amazed that suddenly a sword appeared in from of him, he grabbed right away and with his super human physical strength ,he himself didn’t even know where this special power coming from. Blowing with poisonous fire, he managed to defeat the dragon.

‘That was closed to death” he said to himself .He was walking onto the tunnel and boundless path, nowhere to go, he continues to his journey. He was searching for the old lady looking for her grandson ,but with no avail, he didn’t find her.

Cofferdam around the area, without noticing the time, he kept walking and looking around for the passage of going out. At the end of the passage, he saw a cave. a large hole in the side of the underground: It was very dark cold and frightening inside the cave. He entered and walked inside the cavern. Straight away. a beam of light appeared, an old lady standing with her grandson, the grandson was the strange man that he met and with strange voice ,the one who gave him the opportunity for the TREASURE QUEST. He got the treasure and went home.

“Hey wake up, wake up, you are dreaming, what is happening to you, you didn’t come to school, for you were sleeping until now” father told him. “Make yourself ready for school”.

April 04, 2023 09:39

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