Drama Romance Teens & Young Adult

Cally ever since she had left her abusive family, had feared fighting, violence, yelling, anything to do with anger even men since her family had consisted nonstop of them.

she had found a job she could do from home as to not come across many everyday.

the only time she left her apartment was to get groceries or take her garbage out.

she knew this was unhealthy, though she couldn’t stand to drop it.

today she was getting new neighbours since her last one got a promotion at there job and decided to move closer.

cally knew this because the walls where very small so small in fact she could hear when his paper would a Paper clip would fall from his office located beside her bedroom.

she stilled hearing some bigger men talking from the other side of the wall there deep voices seeming to carry there bigness.

cally panicked when they laughed sounding as if they had tackled each other.

”boys chill out“

a female voice echoed out Confidently.

they talked for a bit Cally to afraid to move around her own home decided to just sit on the floor listening.

cally hadn’t left her apartment for a couple weeks now, eating the last of her microwaveables she dreaded having to go out of her safe apartment.

the neighbours seemed to be constantly leaving and coming back at all hours of the day and night leaving little to no room for Cally to scurry out without being seen.

there hadn't been movement for a while deciding it was time she slipped her shoes on along with her blue coat she grabbed her wallet And garbage sticking her head out to make sure no one was there, she widened the door slipping out quietly.

she started to drag the garbage when a door opening made her freeze....

”hey you must be our neighbour”

she knew that voice it was Kaiden he had taken the old mans office, she had heard them talking a lot and figured out there names Not that it made her any less creepy.

slowly she turned gasping at the sight of him, he had to of been at least 6’7 towering over her 5’8 height, he was shirtless in only a pair of shorts with a garbage bag in his hand, his muscles on display seemed to have muscles of there own, and his skin was covered in tattoos the only skin left untouched seemed to be his face Though a he did have a nose piercing.

he had short blond Hair with piercing blue eyes that probably had girls kissing His feet and guys shaking to there core.

cally couldn’t breathe out of all the guys she had to bump into it had to be a big Scary guy, why couldnt she have met with little nerdy guy Or something a little less... scary.

she hadn’t realized her Breathing had become heavy her hands so sweaty her garbage fell from her hand dropping it’s contents all over the hallway.

”hey, hey it’s okay I’m sorry”

he muttered walking over to her in worry, she pushed away from him and instead he sat down in the hallways giving her time to catch her breathe.

he had forgotten what the old lady across from him had said about the girl in front of him.

she had a fear of men and well he was a man that feared regular men.

he wanted to help her comfort her in some way maybe even leave but she some how held him still.

he had to admit she was very breathtaking.

they sat like that for a couple of minutes until she calmed down, sliding down the wall she sat across from him still very worried she didn’t know what he wanted.

she tried thinking of a way to get out of it but everyone ended with him winning.

”I’m kaiden What’s your name?”

he asked choosing to try and distract her.


she stuttered looking anywhere other then the big big man in front of her.

”how old are you Cally? I’m 20“

she seemed so tiny she looked to young to live on her own.


she didnt want to tell him but she didnt want to upset him more.

he stood deciding to pick her garbage up for her hoping to show he was not going to hurt her.

once done he picked his heading down the hall she slowly followed him mumbling a small thanks.

she started to head to the front doors each step she seemed to shake more.

”where are you going?“

she dreaded this she had just gotten away and now here she was....

”let me drive you”

he surprised her, she looked over to him he pulled his keys out of his pocket, she looked at his chest.

he noticed her eyes look down at him.

”oh right”

blushed realizing only now what he was wearing.

”Okay let me change and I’ll drive you... where?”

she debated not wanting to be in a car car with him..... but it was ether that or a bus.


he nodded.

”I actually have to get a few things as well so that’s great”

he ran as fast as he could, rushing to change he prayed she wouldn’t leave him.

he got down to the lobby smiling when he saw her waiting for him.

she followed him out freezing at the sight of his car.

”You like?”

it was a very very expensive sports car she didn’t know what kind, why would he move to a crapy apartment if he had that?

as if reading her thoughts he answered.

”the apartment is closer to my work plus it gives me more money to save”

she nodded her head getting into the he had opened the door for her.

”I’m hoping to become a professional fighter”

Cally‘s eyes bugged.

”I think I’m pretty good at it I haven’t lost“

he smiled finding Her presence oddly comforting.

”What do you do?”

he asked wanting to know more about her.


she shrugged still feeling nervous, he had totally forgotten her fear and now he probably made her even worse.

”I’m sorry”

he muttered trying to comfort her, she just nodded.

December 11, 2020 18:24

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