Fiction Science Fiction Fantasy

Finally! Mars is officially a second planet with life. The year is 2035 half the population on Earth went to live on Mars. I often wonder if it's better than Earth. It might be less crowded. My parents divorced before I turned 4 and just discovered I have a half-brother. Same dad, different moms. I often ask about him, but my mother would not even budge. Don't blame her because my father cheated on her with my half-brother's mother. However, my father passed away a few months ago and I think it might the best time to see my half-brother he probably doesn't know his father is dead.

I am now 19 saved enough money for a used car. My plan is to go to Mars Airlines the only airline passengers can travel to Mars. My mother, again, will not condone, she is against my plan. She insists I let it go forget about my half-brother. I point out it's been a while it would mean a lot to me to just meet my sibling I haven't met. She won't let the hurt go. I understand she is probably trying to protect me or perhaps mostly protecting herself. She must've been so hurt from his betrayal it's too painful to relive it. However, I too have feelings. There's an empty heart inside that needs to be filled. The reason I want to go is because I know nothing about my father. I know absolutely nothing only that he's a bastard -- my mother likes to call him. If I found out he's exactly what mom says -- A Lying Cheating Bastard -- then case closed.

Again, I don't blame her it was pretty awful that he could two time her. What is my half-brother's mother have that my mother didn't have? Who did he love more her or his? Did he regret his actions? Who did he love me or my half-brother? Those are questions I often ask for years. Maybe if I meet him and get his side of the story then there might be an answer. I'm about to do something I never done before. I lied to my mom and told her I will be staying with a friend for a week. Yes, it's awful but I have no choice. I got to find some answers. I researched where he could be and behold, he lives in Mars with his mother and father (stepfather). What a coincidence the second planet I've long to see and he's there. It's a sign. All I want is to meet him, get to know him a little, and talk about dad.

I went to my friend's house, gave her my number in case my mom calls. I drove to the airport. Mars Airlines is nothing like any other airlines: There are ships that look like UFOs, a lobby with robots as servers, the escalators are made out of glass, but it moves. When you enter the ship, the instructions require you to wear a Space suit with a helmet for oxygen. I approach the Front Desk, show my passport, and purchased a ticket. The Front Desk suggests I ask for a loan that transfers Mars money called Moin Bills. So, I did. I walk inside to my seat. The seats are twice as big as coach seats in a regular airport. We have to wear our oxygen helmets once we take off. This is it. I'm nervous, excited, scared, and petrified. A Halli gram pops up, it is the captain welcoming all passengers, some instructions to follow, and enjoy your flight. Everybody has their iPhones transferring to their own screens showing their favorite shows and movies. I put on mine watching Whale on the Moon. Surprisingly, the trip flew by smoothly.

The doors open, I step out, here I am in Mars. I swear it is straight out of Tomorrowland. We're instructed to take out off our suits and take them to the Stewardess's. We are told we can breathe the air safely. It's so weird I can breathe in and out to another planet. I see ships flying through the sky, trains traveling in midair not tracks at all, the air is fresh. People dressed in silver, gold, platinum outfits. A completely different world from Earth. I asked for a cab but in Mars a taxi or cab are called Zyft or Pan. I took a Zyft. I showed the address where my half-brother lives. The driver has a map on the front glass showing the address and starts driving -- not looking at the road the map is his eyes --

The roads are so clean. The houses are identical. The shops are at top speed. I'm definitely in a whole new world. We arrive at my half-brother's house that is circular shape; three stories high with glass windows. I can see through the living room, dining room, and a pool inside the living room. I go to the front door, knock, an alarm speaks "Name please". I introduce myself as Jennifer, I'm looking for Adam Sevant. The alarm talks back "I'll alert him". Door opens its Adam Sevant about 20 years old wearing a silver suit.

"May I help you?" Adam asks.

"You don't know me, but I am Jennifer. I'm Rick's daughter."

Adam has no clue what I'm talking about until I mention our father's last name is Richardson. Adam remembers the name because his mother mentioned his father is Rick Richardson but that's all he knows. He's shocked I could be telling the truth but reacts in disbelief.

"What do you want?" He asks sternly.

I explain I wanted to see him I just found out about him less than a year ago. I mention our dad died not that long ago. He cuts me off because he says dad died years ago. Either I was lied to or he but before you know it, he shuts the door on my face. I knock again and the alarm speaks again "Name please" I state my name again but this time the alarm says, "Residents Unavailable". I know it's wrong, but I go around the back to sneak in the backyard. I didn't know there were two AI dogs. Both AI dogs started barking loud then start chasing me. I run around the back being chased by the dogs until Adam comes out to instruct them to leave and he comes at me yelling to go away or he'll call the Forcers (Police officers).

I try to explain I'm his half-sister I wanted to meet him. All I ask is just 5 minutes of his time and I'll leave. He takes me to his house. He makes me sit on a chair across from him and we have a stare off. He's examining me up and down. It was a minute of silence but felt like an hour until he says we have the same eyebrows. He asks a glass wall to show Rick Richardson then a giant photo of young Rick pops up. Adam asks if that's my dad. I said yes. He's upset with me because why am I now coming all the way here when he thought I didn't before which made me confused it's though he's the one reaching out to me, but I never responded. I said I wanted to see him that's why I'm here. He explains I ignored him a few times because he found out about me a few years ago and he wrote me letters, but I apparently snubbed him. I told him I never received any letters I had no idea he knew about me or wanted to see me.

I am flabbergasted hearing a different opinion that I am the one who shunned him in his view. I promise that is not true I never received any letters and if I did, I'd write back. And he says I'm the daughter of the woman his dad cheated on his mom with. Again, opposite of what I heard. I explain that is not what I heard it was the other way around. Not sure who is lying or telling the truth his mom or mine. We insult each other's moms for a little bit thinking the other is the hussy until his mother shows up from a tube; she teleported in the house. She greets her son and takes one look at me and is stunned. She knows who I am.

She kindly smiles and turns to her son to instruct him to show me the door. I introduce myself and she cuts me off and walks away. He does what she asks escorts me to the door.

"I swear I didn't know you knew about me. One of us has been lied to. Your mother is probably lying or mine is we have to find out the truth."

"Meet me at Starbucks20", He says. And closes the door on my face again.


My Zyft took me to Starbucks20. It seems every Starbucks is numbered if only Earth can do the same. Adam and I see each other and get a table. He orders a blue drink called Blue Moon and I order water. He shows me some pictures he found in his mother's closet. There's one with my mother taking a picture with our father and his mother. He asks if the lady on the left is my mother. I said yes. He covers his mouth. I am hesitant to ask what's wrong. He takes a deep breath and says his mother and my mom are sisters.

It just got weirder.

August 27, 2024 05:34

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