Romance Contemporary Fiction

Author's Note (1) : This story uses the lyrics of Elton John's 1971 track "Your Song". I do not own the rights to this song or its lyrics. That would be him and the brilliant Bernie Taupin.

“I feel my heart beat out of time,” Ryan Bernard whispered to himself whilst he blankly stared at the beat-up, black stereo system at the other end of the marketing office he worked in.

He grasped at the juniper green silk tie that hung on his neck, as if his large, muscular hands were following a rhythm only he could hear. A shrill, pervasive tone rang in his ear, making him shake his chestnut-topped head. His mind replayed the many ways the next couple of minutes could end; either the tune of his life would finally play in dolce or this could be the cacophony that grated on his own ears.

Ryan’s hazel eyes scanned the open plan of his workplace yet again, as per usual whenever he was at his desk. He let his peepers glide around the area, as if dancing to an unheard waltz before they honed in on her.

“Cecilia,” he muttered to himself as inside him, a chorus of angels broke into Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony.

Cecilia Dwightly --- she of the large aquamarine eyes and the lilting laugh, she who loved to create advertising copy with her pair of lavender-coloured headphones slapped on, she who he’d overheard a million times talking about her latest finds by Todd Rundgren, Al Stewart, Gordon Lightfoot, and “especially Elton John” from the Islington record stores – sat in front of the computer with a wide grin on her fox-like face as the radio blasted “Hello It’s Me”. From his vantage point an entire department away, Ryan could see the beautiful brunette move a leg under her frothy amethyst dress up and down, as if dancing in place to the ditty, whilst tapping away percussively on her keyboard.

“She’s like a melody,” Ryan thought, swooning. “I don’t mind having her stuck…”

You’re on BBC 2 with me, John Regis. And right now…it’s time for Sound Love Confessions.

“Shit, here we go,” he said to himself as he heard the announcement, a trumpet blare back to the reality he set himself up for.

When he emailed the programme two weeks before, it seemed like it was a good idea, that he’d hit the right note, so to speak. However, as he nervously gripped his swivel chair’s arms knowing that in just a few moments, the black box on top of the firm’s accountant’s filing cabinet would be blasting the song he’d specifically requested to tell the lovely publicist he fancied that she was his sweet song, Ryan felt his heart crashing about like cymbals in his chest. He gulped as the presenter on the air continued his spiel.

Now, for today’s Sound Love Confession, we go all the way to the offices of Canary Wharf where the email sender had told me “John, could you please play this for a colleague of mine I’ve been stealing glances at? I just want them to know how they make everything melodious in my eyes.” Of course, how could we resist?

This is Elton John with “Your Song”.

As the familiar piano intro filled the air of their one-storey office, a sudden urge surged inside Ryan to hide himself like a patron inside their own box in a gilded theatre. His gaze darted away as the words from the love ballad flowed out of the cracked speakers.

 It's a little bit funny this feeling inside

I'm not one of those who can easily hide

I don't have much money, but, boy, if I did

I'd buy a big house where we both could live

“It’s bad, isn’t it,” he mumbled, sighing. “She probably finds it cheesy and as annoying as a bugle used as an alarm clock. Her face is probably twisted in... a smile?”

He looked up and gasped as he observed the blue-green eyed subject of many of his shower serenades beaming to the still air, her ears turned to the radio. Her mulberry-painted bow lips parted to mouth out the lyrics.

Ryan’s jaw dropped in disbelief. Cecilia Dwightly, the woman who made his ticker’s cadence an undeniable vivace, found his haphazardly-planned surprise lovely. A harp dulcetly strummed in his mind as he let his imagination fuse together the dreams he’d conjured up for the past two years, as if they were notes in a chord. However, there was barely time for him to get carried away by the music of his mind. He still had to pick up the second part of his confession.

“Right, the tulips,” he said to himself.

He snuck out of the office as the theme from “The Pink Panther” looped in his head. A dozen bright pink flowers in hand, he deftly re-entered his workplace, gentle as aeolian strings. This was it.

“Okay, I just need to hand this over to…Cecilia? Where is she?”

Once more, his hazel eyes frantically searched for the woman that he could write arias for. However, with every turn of his head, he stared at nothingness, the melody in his mind grinding to a screeching halt.

“No, no, no! It can’t be,” Ryan exclaimed. “All this effort to tell…”

And you can tell everybody this is your song

It may be quite simple, but now that it's done

I hope you don't mind

I hope you don't mind that I put down in words

How wonderful life is while you're in the world

Suddenly, the constant clacking of keyboards, the laughter of colleagues, and the drone of the air conditioning unit faded into the background. All Ryan could hear was the black stereo…and Cecilia’s dynamic soprano singing every word of the song he’d dedicated to her.

“What’s going…”

And that was Elton John’s “Your Song”, which goes out to Ryan and was requested for by Cecilia. How beautiful!

“You…asked for…,” Ryan sputtered out, his ears now picking up the deep breaths of the object of his affection.

“Ryan, look, this is probably way too brazen for me, but…yes, all of the love ballads I’ve sang in those office karaoke parties, they’re all secretly for you,” Cecilia confessed. “You’re my song.”


“Look, I know. It’s really cheesy, but I just hope you don’t mind.”

Immediately, Ryan knew how to answer the woman he yearned to dance to his records with since meeting her two years ago. He broke into a shy smile and stared into her aquamarine eyes.

“I’m just going to put it in words. How wonderful life is while you’re in the world.”

June 07, 2024 12:12

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Mack Crotwell
13:48 Jun 13, 2024

I really enjoyed your writing style! Beautifully written and a very cute story to read.


Alexis Araneta
13:52 Jun 13, 2024

Thank you so much, Mack ! Glad you liked it !


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Darvico Ulmeli
07:58 Jun 12, 2024

Sweet and simple. Nice one.


Alexis Araneta
09:28 Jun 12, 2024

Thanks, Darvico !


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Brian Haddad
05:10 Jun 12, 2024

It's almost sickeningly sweet, but oh so lovely for a romantic heart like mine. :) As always, your story is a delight to read. Your own love of music really shines through on this one!


Alexis Araneta
06:11 Jun 12, 2024

Uh oh ! Is it a bit too saccharine ? Hahahaha ! What can I say ? I'm an unapologetic romantic. I suppose it's always like that. Our passions do tend to come out in our writing. Thank you for the support, as usual, Brian !


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Aidan Romo
22:37 Jun 11, 2024

Imagery is on point here! I also really loved that little twist end there! It was sweet and a cute note to end on! :)


Alexis Araneta
02:23 Jun 12, 2024

Hi, Aidan ! I do love playing with imagery, and I'm happy it came out here. Also, I'm glad you liked the twist. Thanks for reading !


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McKade Kerr
14:30 Jun 11, 2024

Wow, I loved it! As always, great descriptions and use of color in your writing. The ending was very clever and cute. Great story!


Alexis Araneta
15:32 Jun 11, 2024

Yay ! I'm happy you liked it, McKade ! I'm glad my love of imagery came through. Thanks for the read !


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VJ Hamilton
22:16 Jun 10, 2024

I love the use of "music words" like vivace and dolce in this story where songs figure so prominently. And naming the love interest after the patron saint of music is really icing on the cake! Thanks for a great read!


Alexis Araneta
01:16 Jun 11, 2024

Hi, VJ ! Yes, I tend to do that : pick a central imagery theme (or sometimes two of them) for the story and run with it. Good catch on Cecilia's name ! I'm not Catholic, but since the posh schools in the Philippines are Catholic-run, I went to one. I still remember that. Hahahaha ! Thanks for reading !


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John McPhee
14:14 Jun 10, 2024

Great story Alexis - lovely backdrop and great use of description.


Alexis Araneta
14:28 Jun 10, 2024

Thank you, John ! It means a lot ! Thanks for reading !


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Denney Owen
13:57 Jun 10, 2024

Wow, this was such a beautifully written story! I love how you captured Ryan's nervous excitement and the way music played such a central role in his emotions. The whole setup with 'Your Song' was perfect—it really pulled me in. As someone who loves music, I could totally feel the tension and the sweet relief at the end. Also, you have a great use of symbolism, and I love those layers.


Alexis Araneta
14:08 Jun 10, 2024

Hi, Denney ! Thank you ! I mentioned in a bunch of other comments that I'm a bit of a music nerd. 70s music holds a special place in my heart; a huge chunk of the music I love is from the 70s, so writing a song based on Elton John's first hit seems...not-so-odd for me. Hahahaha ! I suppose I got the idea of Ryan having music infused in him from...myself. Hahahaha ! I always have a song stuck in my head, so it's not impossible that my protagonist is someone like that. Happy you liked the music-related imagery too. Thank you so much for the ...


Denney Owen
21:18 Jun 10, 2024

Hahaha, then Ryan having music in his soul makes perfect sense now. And honestly, who doesn’t have a song stuck in their head 24/7? Loved hearing about your inspiration. Do you also play instruments?


Alexis Araneta
01:12 Jun 11, 2024

Hahahaha ! I can't play instruments. I used to play piano, but I forgot everything. I do sing, though.


Denney Owen
08:15 Jun 13, 2024

That's where the musical heart is haha love to hear it.


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Kristi Gott
01:25 Jun 10, 2024

Wonderful romance with clever plotting and twists. Lovely imagery. The inner world of the main character is very immersive and the reader journeys through the emotions and thoughts with him. It reminds me of how we may not be aware that we are attracted to others who mirror our own selves even if it is not obvious on the surface because people wear social masks to hide behind. Very well done!


Alexis Araneta
02:51 Jun 10, 2024

Hi, Kristi ! You know I love writing romance, so this was a fun write (even if my inner drill sergeant was yelling at me for posting this late. Hahahaha !). I'm so happy Ryan's emotions and thoughts came through. I always say that stories should make you feel, and the fact that you empathised with him assures me I did my mission of pulling emotions out. That's lovely ! Precisely that, sometimes, the person you're attracted to or love is someone you share a lot in common with. Cecilia and Ryan had no idea they were into each other, just th...


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Fern Everton
00:24 Jun 10, 2024

Okay, this has to be the cutest plot twist I have ever read!! Such a sweet read, Alexis!


Alexis Araneta
02:40 Jun 10, 2024

Oh my ! Really ?! Glad you liked it ! Sometimes, you never know. The person you fancy may be into you, as well. Thanks for the read !


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Jim LaFleur
19:12 Jun 09, 2024

Your story is a delightful symphony of emotions, beautifully orchestrated with vivid imagery and a charming twist. The way you’ve woven music into the story is simply enchanting. Bravo! 🎶👏


Alexis Araneta
02:31 Jun 10, 2024

Hi, Jim ! Music, especially 70s music, is such a huge part of my life. In fact, the people who know me in my face-to-face life know the fact that I'm a bit of a retro music nerd and amateur singer but not that I'm a writer. I suppose it just makes sense that certain songs, especially those that mean something to me, could inspire me to write. I'm so happy you liked the music-related imagery, as well as the twist. Thank you, as usual, for giving this a gander. It means a lot !


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Glenda Toews
18:47 Jun 09, 2024

Ha, nice ending, what a sweet story and I love how the feelings between them are mutual, like their pheramoens figure it out before they do! Nice Job Alexis! If you are planning to publish your work actual song lyrics are not allowed, from what I understand,the title of the song and artist are and allusion to the lyrics are but using the lyrics themselves are not... I found this out when I was writing my book.😳


Alexis Araneta
02:25 Jun 10, 2024

Hi, Glenda ! This is one of those stories that are staying only on Reedsy, so worry not. Sometimes, it's like that, isn't it ? You hem and haw about telling the object of your affection that you fancy them, afraid you'd mark yourself as weird in their eyes or, worse, lose any friendship you have with them. Then, it turns out they feel the same way. Glad I was able to capture that ! Thanks for the read !


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Trudy Jas
17:07 Jun 09, 2024

I was afraid she'd go to another co-worker. Pfew! disaster avoided. Very sweet.


Alexis Araneta
18:24 Jun 09, 2024

Hahahaha ! I'm happy the twist worked then ! Thanks for the read.


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Laurie Spellman
02:25 Jun 09, 2024

So sweet 🥰


Alexis Araneta
02:51 Jun 10, 2024

Thank you, Laurie !


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Devon Cano
19:58 Jun 08, 2024

I love the twist, so cute!! Great work


Alexis Araneta
00:49 Jun 09, 2024

Yaaay ! Glad you liked it, Devon ! Thanks for the read !


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07:26 Jun 08, 2024

I was listening to the song while reading this... I just couldn't stop the grin when the last line of the song lined up with the lyric. This is so cute :))


Alexis Araneta
08:48 Jun 08, 2024

Hi, Khadija. That's perfect because....I was playing the song on loop whilst writing this. Hahahaha ! And yes, I wanted to play on that amazing lyric, so I included it. Thanks for the read !


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Marty B
04:48 Jun 08, 2024

I love the ending, tying it all together- great! Thanks!


Alexis Araneta
04:49 Jun 08, 2024

I couldn't resist. Hahahaha ! Thanks for reading, Marty !


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02:15 Jun 08, 2024

Stolen ideas, words, and hearts. Loved the twist. I wondered what on earth went wrong and then it became clear that everything was just right. Wonderful. I know this song so well. I am an English Teacher and have taught a lesson based on this song. There were sketched pictures of ideas in certain verses to put into order. And the students had to identify what sort of song it is. The fact it is a love song is not so obvious to speakers of other languages because it does not mention the word love at all. A very profound song. Love it. Loved t...


Alexis Araneta
02:58 Jun 08, 2024

Hi, Kaitlyn ! Whilst I was writing this, I was wondering how to execute the twist, so I came up with Cecilia seeming to disappear only to resurface later on. I LOOOVE this song ! It's one of my three favourite Elton John songs (along with "Tiny Dancer" and "Benny and the Jets"). It's just pure, evocative, and sweet. Plus, you have to love 70s orchestration in pop songs. Hahahaha ! I realise a lot of my stories are inspired by my love of retro music, and you know what, I like that. Hahahaha ! Thanks for the read !


03:10 Jun 08, 2024

I love 'Daniel' and 'Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word.'


Alexis Araneta
03:10 Jun 08, 2024

I love "Daniel" ! Great choice ! And to tackle PTSD in a pop song, wow !


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Annie Persson
21:11 Jun 07, 2024

Oh. My. Goodness. What a twist! Wow! I can't believe that they would both go for the same song at the same time! How crazy is that? And I'm so glad Cecilia feels the same way, that's just so sweet. Really well done! :)


Alexis Araneta
02:10 Jun 08, 2024

Hi, Annie ! I'm glad the twist worked for you. Indeed, sometimes, the right person is someone who understands the way you think...because they're similar. I think if I were Cecilia, I'd also fall for Ryan, though. If he's sweet enough to attempt to dedicate a song on the radio to her (which she had no idea he did), then he must be lovely in other bits of his life too. Hahaha ! Thanks for reading !


Annie Persson
15:24 Jun 08, 2024

You're welcome, it was such a wonderful story. :)


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Daniel R. Hayes
16:10 Jun 07, 2024

Hi Alexis! This was a wonderful love story full of vivid color, music, and detailed descriptions that painted the picture every step of the way. I really liked the setting here and how you incorporated Elton John's song. I could practically hear it playing as I read! So many good lines here, it's hard to pick, but the first one that grabbed me was: "a chorus of angels broke into Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony." - and.... “I’m just going to put it in words. How wonderful life is while you’re in the world.” I didn't think this was a mushy...


Alexis Araneta
17:10 Jun 07, 2024

Daniel ! I always appreciate your comments ! Again, I absolutely am chuffed you are so supportive of my writing...even if it's a last minute story. Hahahaha ! What can I say, I truly love 70s music. As I was wracking my brain on what to write this week, my brain just went "What if you set it during the duration of a song?" That Elton John song was such an easy pick; I've always loved it and found it such a perfect song to tell your special person you adored them. Yep, I had it playing on loop whilst working on this. Hahaha ! Again, thank y...


Daniel R. Hayes
20:23 Jun 07, 2024

You're welcome! You always have a great take on these prompts and I love that "outside the box" thinking! :)


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