
Oh scribes, oh fateful and dutiful sons of Dekia, goddess of time and space.

Writers of the past, present, and future; determiners of fate,

Relay unto me the story of the sun and moon.

Tell of their love, their tragedy, their unwanted story.

Share the permanent and repeating journeys both are cursed with.

Speak now of Khoyur, the god of the moon, and Amarkti, the goddess of the sun. 

Amarkti, most cherished of Megax’s daughters was born from him alone first,

Bringing light to the lonely darkness Dekia’s space provided. 

Cybara, second of Megax’s daughters, was born from him next.

Her beauty drew her father’s attention, and he did everything she asked.

While Megax continued to make other galaxies and stars, Dekia had her own children.

Dekia gave birth to her favorite and pale son Khoyur. 

Finding his beauty unparalleled, she flaunted him to the universe,

“Megax do you see my son? His perfection? His beauty? Are you capable of such things?”

“What nonsense do you speak? He is dull, small, weak. He is nothing to my daughters.”

“He is undoubtedly beautiful. Who can see your daughter Amarkti? Who knows of her beauty?”

“Do not mock my daughter for her radiancy! She is beauty incarnate. Your son is nothing comparatively.”

“Fool, you cannot recognize a treasure when it is laid at your feet. Know that my opinion will never change. You are incapable of proving who is superior in my mind.”

Oh! If only she knew the consequences of putting Khoyur in competition with Amarkti! 

Megax disliked Khoyur form this day on,

Hateful of the attention he took from his own children

But he believed nothing could compare to the beauty of his daughters. 

Eventually, acting on his own, Khoyur found Amarkti, attracted by her rays.

Upon seeing the radiant daughter of Megax, he asked

“Do these rays, these rods of gold, stem from you?”

“They do. Why do you ask? If you wish to steal them, it is impossible.” 

“What about stealing the heart of the one who produces them?” 

Amarkti was amused by his words and asked in return

“What if I burn away the suitor, lest he gets too close to me?

“The brighter you become, will only reflect off me. I will be your mirror to remind you of your beauty until the day this universe ends and we both fade away.”  

“In return, I shall always shine on you, so that your beauty may be more radiant like mine.” 

“I do not think my pale face should take away any attention from you.”

“You are a fool. It would only be to my benefit. Does one shy away from a beautiful jewel?” 

“I would imagine quite the opposite.” 

She grinned, brightening all the heavens and earth with her joy and invited Khoyur to sit in front of her. 

First, she offered him a ring, which he refused, then she gave him a crown that he also refused. 

She ordered, “Let me dress you appropriately!” 

“Appropriately? I am hardly befitting of these garments.” 

“Would you take a ring in matrimony?” 

“A symbol of eternity, most fitting for love.”

“And would you wear a crown as my king?”

“Of course I would!”

“Then come to me now and let me dress you as such.”

He moved to her, and she said, “You must promise to never leave me. I promise to always show the world my love for you in exchange.”

“How could I ever leave you, when the reach of your rays, that remind me of your beauty, goes so far?”

It is said the sun burned brightest on that day,

When Amarkti was happiest at Khoyur’s comments. 

Without a word, she aligned Khoyur with herself.

As he got in place, she gave him the ring again, then crowned him as her love.

He only faced her, hiding his pale face from the rest of the universe,

So that it may be preserved for his beloved. 

Just as she said, Amarkti kept the crown on her husband

For all to see their beautiful and revered union. 

The two wanted to be together for eternity and most likely would have never parted.

But oh! What tragedy to befall such innocent lovers!

Decades after their marriage, Cybara grew tired of them together. 

Khoyur prevented Cybara from seeing her sister, and Cybara went to her father. 

She spoke to Megax thus:

“Oh, dearest father, God and father of all universes, I beg to see my sister again.”

“What nonsense do you speak? She shines brighter than any other star I have created.”

“Not for me! Her rays are blocked from me, and I lose life not seeing her. I ask for your aid, father. Lest you wish to see me die.”

He promised, “I will find the cause of your suffering and swiftly end it. Be at rest, my faithful daughter.”

With her father’s word, Cybara rested, waiting for him to find the cause of her agony.

In hiding, Megax spied on his daughter and was pained to see her so sweet on Khoyur. 

Once he noticed the crown on Dekia’s pale child, he flew into a rage,

Convinced the moon was only in place to obscure his daughter.

He throttled Khoyur, much to his daughter’s horror,

She begged her father:

“Please! Dearest father! Forgive him! Spare him! Do not let your rage control your senses!”

He ignored his daughter, instead pinning her in place for eternity. 

She was forced to watch the scene unfold in horror. 

Her father violently smashed Khoyur to pieces. 

With each blow, more and more of him was lost to darkness. 

He turned to his daughter after no traces of Khoyur was left and spoke:

“You betray me by loving him. For such an act, you will be cursed to watch what remains of him to float in the space he once did.” 

Upon hearing this, Amarkti sobbed, her rays much paler from before

And meant to never burn as they once did again. 

While she mourned the death of her lover, Dekia found lost pieces of Khoyur.

She followed the trail to Amarkti and cried aloud:

“What cruelty! My son! My poor son! He is in pieces!”

She held parts of him close to her and cried, “A sweet child does not deserve a fate such as this.”

She turned to Amarkti then, annoyed by her sobbing, she screamed, “You wretch! You terrible monster! You and your father are the cause of his destruction! You think those fake tears can fool me?”

“I promise, I mourn for him, I only wish to see him again.” 

“Help me search for lost pieces of him. I can recreate him but need your light to do so.”

“He will be whole again?”

Dekia sighed, a deep sadness resounding throughout all empty space, “He will never be fully whole, but he will be in a loop of creation and destruction. He will have to recreate the journey I take to recreate himself every month, but it is a form of life he can still have through my power.”

“If it is the only life he can have, then I will help make it possible in any way I can. I cannot move from this spot though. I will shine brightly for you to find him, and him to find me, but that is all I can offer.”

Dekia clasped her hands, “That is more than enough, brilliant child! Thank you for your help.”

Slowly the two worked together to rebuild Khoyur.

His mother slowly went around to collect his pieces,

She took half a month in total, making his entire journey a full month. 

As he was formed, he kept his promise, only ever facing his love.

Megax did not know of his rebirth and Dekia warned her pale son:

“Khoyur, my beloved son, you must not make yourself known to Megax. He will destroy you again, and I will be unable to rebuild you. Amarkti is his most prized jewel, do not go to her, lest you wish to die.”

“But mother, a life without her is not a life worth living! Is there not a way to meet with her?”

“Your gazes will never be apart from each other; is that not enough?”

“I wish to see her in front of me, to be her husband. Is there no way we can meet in secret?” 

Dekia thought long and hard about her son’s terrible predicament.

Finally, she answered:

“I can distract Megax, but to make sure he never suspects anything, I can only do it occasionally. When he is not watching, run to your love and reclaim your position as her husband. You must tear yourself from her when I tell you to do so.” 

“Thank you, dearest mother! I will follow your orders to my fullest extent!” 

Dekia put the plan in action and distracted Megax with a challenge. 

Quickly, Khoyur ran to his bride,

In her joy, Amarkti’s rays burned brighter, just as they did before. 

Once Dekia returned the winner of the challenge, Khoyur fled,

Never wanting to draw Megax’s attention again. 

Seeing how well the plan worked, the three continued to conspire against Megax

So that Amarkti and Khoyur could reunite. 

It became so that an eclipse shines down on the earth whenever Megax, father of all is distracted by the cunning Dekia, and the two lovers can be reunited. Although short, there is still happiness in their union. Although tragic, there is still fortune. Although there is darkness on the earth, there is light elsewhere. Thus concludes the story of the two lovers, Amarkti and Khoyur, and how eclipses came to be; a symbol to their matrimony and love, constantly recreated so that no one forgets their undying love.  

April 12, 2024 23:18

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