Drama Mystery Suspense

“This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives,” Everyone dreams of having a perfect wedding. Something that they could cherish forever. So did Nathalia and Liam. They have been dating for 3 years, and are very happy together. Though before this, Liam was in another serious relationship. Her name was Jessica. She was in love with him. Liam’s family accepted her. So did most of his friends. Nathalia was a family friend. They knew each other for a long time, but Nathalia never liked Jessica. She always had a weird feeling about her. When Liam and Jessica broke up, they both had a hard time getting through it. But Jessica never got over it. After a while, Liam got with Nathalia. Jessica wanted revenge, and she wanted Liam to experience the pain she had felt. 

‘It’s officially a week until my wedding with Liam. I cannot bear the thought that it’s that soon. It feels like it was just yesterday we were seven years old and running around in his backyard. It’s going to be at the Baptist Church in Mooresville, South Carolina. We have almost everything planned, except for my dress. I’m going to find one tomorrow with my mother and sisters. I want Liam to be as excited as I am. I think he is but he seems like he’s holding something back but I don't know what. Maybe it’s something good, or he has a surprise for me. But he’s just seemed a little off lately. I just hope that everything goes as it's planned. This is going to be the best day of my life!’ Little did Nathalia know, some unexpected things were gonna happen. And no one was going to enjoy it, especially her. 

‘I just want to strangle her, choke her, shoot her, no matter what, I am going to kill her! I want Liam to know what it feels like to lose someone that means so much to him. I want him to feel that pain forever. He doesn't deserve love and Nathalia sure doesn’t deserve him. I do though, after all those things I did for him, and everything I did to be with him! She did nothing and then out of nowhere, he decided to break up with me just to be with her. The girl he’s known his whole life and never showed interest in. Life can’t be so easy for her. She’s already pretty, has a man, a loving family,  she has everything! I want Liam to have nothing. Oh, he is going to remember this wedding, it's going to be something he’ll never forget.’ 

‘I want to tell Nathalia but I just don’t know how. I know she’ll get mad at me for doing it and I would hate that. She helped me so much. She helped me cope with my breakup with Jessica even though she hated her. So she’ll be so mad when she finds out I invited her to our wedding. It’s in a week and Nathalia hasn’t gotten her dress yet. That bothers me a little, she’s never very organized. But for this, she’s doing a lot because she’s so excited. And I love her for that. She’s done so much and I feel like I’m going to ruin that by telling her. But I have to. In fact, I have to tell her tonight. There is no way I can now un-invite her. That would be rude and I didn’t want to get her mad too. Jessica had a temper. Some really bad things happen when that girl’s mad. ‘

Now six days until the wedding, Nathalia with her mother and two sisters go dress shopping. The town they lived in was small but cozy. There were a lot of stores near including a wedding dress shop. They went into the center of the town and had a fun girls’ day, they ended it at the dress shop. When they went in they immediately fell in love with this one dress. It was white, long, it had a puffy skirt, floral lace, it was strapless, perfect for a spring wedding. When they got home the girls added finishing touches to the plan for the wedding. Soon her mother and sisters leave and by then Liam was home from a long day at work. Nathalia cooks dinner and they sit down to eat. They both talk about their day and then get into some wedding stuff. Nathalia thoroughly describes her dress to Liam but couldn’t show him since she didn’t want her wedding to be ruined! Liam tells her how happy he is that she found the dress of her dreams.

At this time, Liam told Nathalia about the invite, “ Babe I have something to tell you . .  .” Liam started to get very nervous now “ I invited Jessica Marshall to the wedding.” This is when things started to get ugly, “ You did what?! You know how much I hate that woman! “ Liam explained, “ I know that but it felt like it was something I had to do. If I were to un-invite her she would be mad and I don't want to deal with that.” “I’m too tired to talk about this right now Liam. I’m going to bed, we’ll discuss this in the morning,” Nathalia shouted.

It was the day of the wedding, both Liam and Nathalia resolved their issues but she was still in denial about Jessica going to the wedding. “ Speak of the devil,” There was Jessica. She showed up with the most grin deceiving attitude. Almost like she had something planned. “ Jessica! Good to see you could make it!” Liam was trying to be nice whilst Nathalia let out a muffled scuff. “Yes indeed! Well, I need to go get ready. Hopefully, we can catch up!” She kissed Liam goodbye and headed to her dressing room. Set up in Nathalia’s dressing room was her dress, steamed and laid out, along with make-up and hair supplies. She wanted to get all dolled up. She put on her dress but she waited to put on her makeup and do her hair. There was a bathroom in the dressing room and she needed to use the toilet. She got out and started to wash her hands. Jessica slowly and smoothly entered the room ready to capture and kidnap Nathalia. 

Jessica had a handkerchief covered with gamma-butyrolactone, which when inhaled, you will faint. The second Nathalia left the bathroom, Jessica ran up and covered her mouth with the handkerchief. Nathalia squirmed and tried to get away but soon fainted. Jessica had a goal to kill her but first, she had to capture her and take Nathalia to the woods. The whole church was one floor so in the dressing room there was a back door. Here, Jessica was able to drag Nathalia out. The church backed up to the woods and from there they went on. She went on her way, dragging Nathalia through the woods trying to get her to an abandoned shack. Nathalia’s dress was ruined, torn, bloody from scrapes, dirty and all. No one suspected a thing. Not even Liam. 

No one noticed until it was Nathalia’s time to finish up and get out there for the ceremony. Her mother went to get Nathalia and there she found Nathalia gone. She was worried to the point where she ran to find Liam and ask if he knew where she was. He was so surprised when he heard this. He saw Jessica was gone too. He then got super worried because he knew Jessica had done some really bad things before. Deadly.  He assumed Jessica had taken her. People were saying, “Runaway bride! Runaway bride!” Everyone saw that she had left her shoes and her cellphone. How could she get anywhere without that stuff?  Especially going through the woods without any shoes! Liam immediately went out to find her! But not alone, along came Nathalia’s family, and Liam’s family and friends. They saw a handkerchief on the dirt. The one Jessica used to faint Nathalia. They followed the footsteps in the dirt leading to a piece of fabric. They realized it was from Nathalia’s wedding dress. There was blood. They got worried. 

Liam and everyone followed the clues they found. Which included more fabric from the dress, more footsteps, even some noises that sounded like screams. It was getting dark and no one came prepared with flashlights. Soon there was no sign of light besides the moon, and Nathalia and Jessica were nowhere to be seen. Liam called the cops which he should’ve done sooner. He couldn’t imagine what was happening to Nathalia or what happened. It took the police a long time to arrive, especially since Liam and the group were in the middle of the woods. They then heard a loud scream. Almost like a scream in terror. Liam knew it was Nathalia and he needed to get to her fast. The scream was high-pitched and echoing leading the group to the shack. Entering they saw Jessica with blood on her hands. Blood was dripping down the walls, “By then it was too late.”

November 21, 2020 02:35

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