Fiction Mystery Suspense

This story is a horror and psychological story, that throws light upon emotions but in a mysterious and suspicious way. The characters are as mentioned below.

  1. Mr. George- the protagonist who is very stressed
  2. Ms. Greta- The old governess who has a lively soul, smoky grey hair, and an angelic smile
  3. Mr. Thomas- The mysterious house owner
  4. Servants


“Sir George I hope you are in the best of health and happiness. Now I’m going to promptly sign you your official duty as the caretaker of the house.” said, Mrs. Greta, the governess of the house and head of the servant staff. Mrs. Greta an old but lively soul, who had smoky

grey hair and an angelic smile, was always roaming around the house. “Sure, ma’am.” George nodded positively, but his mind was wandering with his dark past. Mrs. Greta always

assigned work to him, due to which he never got the opportunity to meet or even see Mr. Thomas, the house owner. The house was located in the middle of the forest; the walls were extremely cold to the touch and were covered with overgrown branches. The rare windows were caked in grime and for the part boarded up, naturally leaving only the slimmest of slithers of the luminous rays to struggle through. When the doors opened, they made a creeping noise as every abandoned house did and then automatically slammed shut behind him every time, he consoled himself by invariably saying “It's just the wind.”

As George started his job, he started noticing strange things. He felt as if someone or something was watching him, waiting to drag him into the shadows. The heavy atmosphere hanging around made him quite uncomfortable. He often heard some noises from the back of the house and noticed mysterious activities around the house. One day, he was dreaming about the lovely past period spent with his family. One thing he missed the most was his

daughter always asking him to come and play with her. He remembered her dialogue “Daddy, you’ll really miss me someday.” But little did the alcoholic father know that his daughter needed him. She would be going away very soon. George was drowning in the sea of grief when suddenly he was jerked, and he fell on his knees. He instantly saw someone’s visible silhouette but when he turned back there was no one besides the lamp. He also

observed the odd behavior of the servants. All the servants seemed excessively gloomy as if they wore an elaborate mask of sadness all the time. They never talked to each other in a pleasant tone. They never got together for a healthy talk for some relaxation. He never

encountered anyone in the house with a greeting face. Their eyes were swallowed as if they were returning from attending someone’s funeral. Their nails were long enough to make a scratch in the fertile ground. Their prominent teeth were stained with yellow spots. They were always dressed in black. Everyone was only concerned with their own personal dealings, and this made the environment gloomier. George himself was an alcoholic person.

He always entered home in a fully drunk state. And because of this behavior, his family abandoned him. His wife and daughter tried to make him realize that what he was doing was wrong and that he should be in rehab. When things could not work out, his wife and daughter decided to abandon him and drove away from their home. When they reached the main road, they were hit by a car and the accident took their lives.

This undoubtedly gave George a huge trauma and due to which he was typically surrounded by profound grief. He was usually distressed because he blamed himself for the accident and

he thought that it was his fault and due to this, he was pervaded with guilty, affecting his health and mental state, and compelling him to enter this house. One day George was roaming around his room he started to notice all these happenings and came to the solution that all these people here were ghosts and he recognized what was going on with him. He ultimately concluded that his grief and anxiety was the main reason for him entering this house, so he has to get rid of this melancholy attitude, to escape from the house. George decides that from now on he will try to confront and overcome his guilt because he had too wanted to live freely. George also realized that if every other servant; the souls and ghosts

confront their guilt, they could be released from the house too. As the owner was feeding on their guilt, the lord’s cursed soul will also vanish. All the servants were actually ghosts. They were living in a house for several years. All of them were in the same state as that of George. They all were surrounded by tension and grief which attracted them towards this creepy house. The grief was the organic food of the credible source of the owner. Mr. Thomas, the mysterious owner of the house himself was a short-tempered man. His anger was the reason behind him killing his own family. But soon after he returned to his senses, he understood his mistake and was then covered with sadness and grief. Out of this regret, he committed suicide, and his soul was now trapped in his house

and had become a fierce curse as well. So the people with mental tension were attracted here, and if they fail to come out of their guilt and stress, their souls were trapped there as well.

Eventually, George was capable of leaving the house by successfully defeating his guilt. George got free from the house and when he looked back to the house, it was nothing than a bush. He patted himself on his shoulder and said ‘Well done champ!’ However other servants were still in the house. They were still under the owner’s curse. Ms. Greta was still busy assigning work to the new servants in the house.

January 13, 2021 11:12

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