The Mercuriality of Daemon’s Heart

Submitted into Contest #28 in response to: Write about a time when a broken heart led to something you’d never have expected.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction

“What is love?” He spoke with such elocution, his olive-kissed hand slithering to his dirt smeared forehead.

He remained silent for a keen juncture, only to wipe a descending tear from below his cerulean colored iris. 

For once in his life, the world wasnt as stagnant as an apparition. 

He closes his eyes, reflecting on his past life, swear rolled in like the waves of Venettra across his chest.

And orchestra of bells rung obtrusively, echoing from his skull out. 

Time turned abrupt

In those days... Nothing would ever happened as the mans cerulean eyes would take in his surroundings. Was he Even a man, then?Everything about him seemed adult. 

All except his heart, 

For it was shallow, that of a child who was never loved, that of a baby who knew nothing of the word. 

He was young, driven by violence, pain and discord.

Not love. Never love.

And this all changed, when he met her,

 She was beautiful, 

Dark, large eyes that perfectly framed a heart shaped face. Long hair, that touched her minuscule waist. Daemon knew nothing of what he was; nothing of rapture or affection, nothing of repentance, love and the excriscation of a shattered moment. 

But she, she knew everything.

He can still recall when he met Salem, the memory a bright flickering sun in the armagetton of darkness within him, 

Then he saw her, She flew across the walls, slicing from ear to ear, her tiny body weaving within the shadows. Her blade 4 inches deep then she was gone, legs wrapped around the next. 

She waltzed toward him, ignoring his chained hands, leaping on his lap. Dropping her blade to brush the side of his beautiful face. Every word within him had dissapated in that moment. 

He tried to wrap his chained arm around her, but failed, she laughed at that, moving her slender figure toward him. The muscles in his legs ached. 

She caught on to that, and wiping the blood from his bare chest; She hopped down, standing more then two full feet below him in height, and with a simple kick- her boot heel hit the side of his jaw and Daemon fell to the floor.

The memory was vibrant, in his head. How even then, this feeling, the melancholy That leaves eyes pink and shallow, aghast; arms reaching-clawing for that one person that aligned his worlds together. That one beautiful corpse, bloodless and diseased in the arms of a beautiful demon. 

How she had become his world. 

He knew what love was,

“Love is the annihilation of one’s throe, ones agony. An imminent spasm to the mind.... eternal rest can occur only once, in only one abrupt second, but adulation and devotion can last a lifetime” 

His mind given by the devil.

So impenetrable,

yet so beautiful.

He rose, quieter then a whisper, soundless.

Brushing the dust off his broad shoulders, wiping the blood of another that scarred one high cheekbone, cerulean eyes locked on the girl who contained not a glimpse of trepidation, of discomposure.

Salem inclined her head ascensivly toward the darkening landscape above, 

No agony behind her lashes.

“Be patient my comrade, it shall not end like this” her minuscule frame stagnant as she spoke. 

He took her hand, staring down at the thin whisper of a girl that destroyed an empire, slashed a realm ear to ear. 

She leaned in, lips just a whisper away;

“Love is ruination, Passion is eradication, amity is naught.” 

Salem grazed her Silver blade, the sharp point stained with the blood of many, across his heart, a simple blow would be his necrosis.

He looked up, 

heart echoing loudly through his chest.


She turned away. 

No. He wouldent let her go. For his life would end if her presence didn’t grace him. She was his life, his death, his everything.

He took her frail hand between olive fingertips, 

“Oh, My gentle Salem...” Daemon smiled. He couldn’t blink, he wouldn’t waste a second. 

She lowered her blade from his chest. For it seemed that the beautiful murderess couldn’t kill the beautiful demon. 

He took her face between both hands, looking down upon his world, he held his breath. 

“You are the answer to the mercuriality of my heart, 



I love you.”

She tensed, weaving out of his firm grasp.

He awaited her response, waiting for her to smile and fall into his arms 


she turned, 

her presence quivered.

"I wont let it regain control..." she bit her toung. blicking hard. 

Daemon moved toward her once more, slowly. 

But, She glanced behind him. For she was seeing something else.

Daemon froze... watching her eyes widen, for he knew her more then he knew himself. He wished to tell her that it wasn’t real, that he loved her and would protect her for the rest of their criminal lives. But she hated needing protection, she was a frail knight in bloodstained armor. 

She looked calmly at the knife between her small palm.

And sunk the blade 




Fresh Blood glistened across his skin

He was frozen. 

No matter how hard he reached for her, his body remained stagnant. He was screaming, he couldn’t get to her, something deep inside his chest cried out. He couldn’t shake the feeling that his life was over, that the last bit of good was sucked from inside him.

And the knowledge akwakened from inside him. that now, Daemon Acario finally knew what love is, 

Love destroys, ties ones neck abound with rope. 

Love slits ones pale wrists, withers the mind and darkens the soul. 

But these scars would never heal, a voice echoed throughout his skull. 

A king, forcing young Cerulean eyes to watch the decapitaion of his begetters. 

“Never forget this moment my child, for such a demon you will become because of it.” His heart cried out, the scorching fires of hell drying the tears from his eyes. 

For it was not the death of his parents that would leave the beautiful man forever changed... 

it was the loss of something far, far, more special. 

The light left his eyes.

 Leaving the once bright cerulean, 

black and cold. 

He lurched toward Salem, cradling her close. 

She was so beautiful. Glowing and fierce.

But, this world had poisened her; raped, tortured, and cursed her. 

He pressed his lips against her soft cheek, letting his heartbeat rise and fall until it was gone. 

The beautiful remained as still as a statue as he let the color fade from his body,

his veins darken.

He finally Let go of the force that has been brewing inside him for decades upon decades.

He licked his devil's grin,

opening eyes turned a cold and somber black. 

And he relished in the hell that he would bring upon this world. 

February 08, 2020 22:38

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