American Asian American High School

This story contains sensitive content

*This story contains sexual themes*

Jen and Erick. Erick was a dick. Jen was a beautiful angel, Mike declared. He was still a virgin and a senior in high school. He also felt the pressure to “do it” before he graduated.

For a teenager, your universe is very small. Who knew if all those stories of “doing it” were bullshit or if they were true? He heard enough stories around school to make it his goal to get it done. He didn’t want to feel left out. Teenage hormones trumps all.

Mike, Erick, and Jen all worked part time after school at the same retail store, CKC. Mike worked at men’s clothing, Jen in women’s clothing , and Eric in the shoe department. The shoe department was in the back of the store by the rear entrance and the men's and women's department was at the front, near the main entrance. The main walkway between the men’s and women’s department acted as a demarcation line between Jen and Mike's departments.

The shoe department was the only department that paid hourly and commission. It was busy enough to keep Erick hustling for commissions. Erick hardly had time to visit Jen. At the time, Mike didn’t know that Jen and Erick were dating.

During work one day, Mike was fixing the mess of unfolded shirts on the table; resulting from customers who peruse the shirts and make a mess trying to find their size and color. They just dump the rest of the shirts carelessly back on the table. Jen was across the aisle putting shirts on hangers and hanging them on the display racks. As they were doing their tasks, he tried to catch her eyes until their eyes met.

“H-h-Hi” as the word clumsily spilled out of Mike’s mouth.

“Uh, what high school do you go to?” Mike continued. Idiot! He thought, what is her name? Jen always had that calm nervous look on her face. She had anime sad eyes that made her look vulnerable and mysterious.

“Uh, Waipahu high, and you?” Ugh, Mike sighed to himself, her voice, her soft raspy voice. So. Sexy. 

Thinking on what to say next, Mike stuttered. “I…I go to Campbell high.” “Oh, the school with the Halloween colors?” she quipped and flashed a smile. Mike, smiled nervously, acknowledging that his high schools’ colors were black and orange and followed up with “I’m Mike, by the way.”

“Jen, it’s nice to meet you.” Just then, Erick walked up to Jen.

“Hey babe, I’m on a break, can you go right now?” Jen hesitated and answered “No, Raelynn is on a break right now, so I can’t go.” 

Realizing that Mike and Jen were talking before he arrived, Erick sized up Mike and said “What’ up?”

Mike nonchalantly answered, “Just trying to make that money, ya’ know?” 

Erick, unimpressed, subtly puffed his chest out and looked back at Jen and gave her a quick kiss on the lips to ensure that Mike knew that Jen and Erick were a thing.

“Tomorrow, ‘kay, babe?” Erick said to Jen. Jen, almost embarrassed for Erick’s overly macho behavior nodded “Okay”.

Mike was attracted to Jen’s silky light brown skin, her petite body, and her long flowing thick brown hair. But what really drew Mike to Jen was her eyes. Her eyes were almond, brown, and mesmerizing. Mike would bite his lip every time he thought about her.

On a Saturday, Mike was hanging out with Mark, Vaughn, and Philip at the mall. Erick and Jen happened to be there walking around and hanging out.

Mark saw Erick and they greeted each other; they knew each other from a high school band competition. Mark also worked at CKC men's department. Erick and Jen never came up in conversations between Mike and Mark. 

Erick introduced Jen to Philip and Vaughn and as he did, he grabbed her breasts as if he was marking his territory. Mike thought, what a dick. Jen reactively swatted away Ericks hand and Erick just laughed. For a moment, Mike caught the paralyzed and embarrassed look on her face. Mike and Jens eyes met, she had a helpless smile on her face and those sad anime eyes. She looked so tired of Erick.

After seeing that, Mike was tempted to intervene and break up Jen and that dick. At first, he thought about why he would come between those two, he gathered that they’ve been together for about a year; so obviously they have a history. Maybe when Erick grabbed Jen, it was a lapse of judgement on Erick’s part in a bad attempt to impress the guys or some lame bullshit. But Mike couldn’t let go of that look on Jen’s face after that happened. Mike decided he had to break them up, for himself.

The following Monday at work, Mike asked Leslie if she knew Jen and Erick. Leslie also worked with Mike in the men’s department, and also went to Waipahu high. Leslie was popular and had the scoop on almost everyone at her school “Yeah," she replied. “They were going out since she was a freshman, and he was a junior.”

Mike followed up with “Why is she with him?” Mike started describing to Leslie what he witnessed at the mall.

“For real?” Leslie asked in disbelief.

“Well, all I know is that her mom is a single mom, Jen’s dad passed, and she has a little sister in elementary school, and Jen is working to help her mom with the bills, she also lives in Kapalama. And, you know what else?” As if she was holding on to something juicy, “Erick was her first. He popped that cherry the summer after her freshman year.”

Mike thought what a graphic description. He also thought, yet another set of people who’s done it before he did. He also assumed that is why Jen stays with Erick and puts up with his bullshit.

Although Erick had a car, he didn’t drive Jen home after work, she took the bus. CKC closes at 9:00 p.m. so she catches the bus all the way to Kapalama. Between Kapalama and Waipahu, it’s almost an hour and a half bus ride. What. A. Dick.

Mike asked Leslie, “Can you do me a favor? Can you talk to her?”

“Sure, Leslie said, “Can you do something for me?”

“Anything”, Mike replied.

“Do you know Percy?” she was referring to Percy in Lawn and Garden who also went to Campbell high.

“Yeah, I sit right next to him in Trig. Why? Mike asked teasingly.

“Can you talk to him?” Leslie asked slyly.

Another temptation for Mike to ponder. To get what he wanted, he was willing to talk up Leslie to Percy and throw caution to the wind.

Now, Leslie, was going out with Joey since they were freshman. They are now seniors. They were probably going to get married as soon as they got out of high school. As far as Mike can tell, they were a solid, tight couple. Was Leslie bored? Mike wondered briefly. Well, whatever, I trust Leslie will come through for me.

It worked. By the next week, Mike was talking to Jen at work on a regular basis. They bonded with inside jokes and furtive glances during work. He would meet her at the bus stop after work to take her home. The bus stop was on Kamehameha highway across from CKC in front of the McDonalds, out of any witnesses' eyes from work. He was extra cautious and didn’t walk out with her after work to the parking lot in front of all their co-workers. Mike felt triumphant because this was going on behind Erick’s back, that dick.

On a Saturday night, Mike and Jen were talking on the phone. She started talking about how bad her and Erick’s relationship had gotten and had been spiraling down for a while and that she just couldn’t leave him because she didn’t want to be alone. Jen had just laid herself out to bare.

Mike, not thinking of the implications of what he was about to say to Jen, started consoling her and saying sweet nothings to Jen, laying it thick like a sappy love song. He wasn't exactly sure if he liked her but he wanted to do it.

Mike confessed to Jen, “You know. I’ve never been intimate with anyone before, you give me these feelings where I want to….” “I won’t stop you, if you want to.”, as Jen finished Mike’s thoughts.

Planning how this would take place was so devoid of the anticipation of having sex for the first time. It took the extemporaneous nature out of it. Mike reminded himself that he was about to achieve a milestone and that was enough to carry on.

Mike couldn’t decide where to do this. 

Can’t do it at her house because her mom is on vacation and staying home that week.

Can’t do it at Mike’s house because his brother would be there.

They weren’t old enough to book a hotel room.

The day it was supposed to happen, they both had the day off. Mike went to pick up Jen after school at her aunt's house a few blocks away from her school.

They drove to Tantalus lookout. The winding road going up Tantalus was full of overgrown vegetation and trees longing for an arborist – it made for a creepy road to drive on during a moonlit night but provided a lot of privacy to the houses up there. There were a few places to park, where they could be alone.

It was still afternoon, and they couldn’t find a place to park where they could have some privacy. They ended up at the lookout at the top of Tantalus. A busy lookout area where tourists go for a scenic view of Diamond Head, the city of Honolulu, Manoa valley, the University of Hawaii, and the Pacific Ocean. Although it was touristy, it all didn't matter once you took in the view.

A cool breeze blew over the two of them. Jen’s hair started floating in the wind and from Mike’s view, it painted a beautiful surreal image in his mind. Her look of introspection and innocence in the foreground and the view of Diamond Head in the background. Mike grabbed Jen’s hand and led her back to the car.

First base quickly moved to second base, then to an intense third. It was daytime, they were parked in the middle of the parking lot. So far, no cars nearby. He could feel his heart beating fast, the smell of her body and her hair, Teen Spirit deodorant and Loreal shampoo, with a hint of Exclamation perfume on her neck. He was about to get to home plate when he heard a car park right next to them. Both undeterred, they kept going. Until he heard the car next to his open their door, pause, and Mike heard a voice say, “What the hell?” Mike stopped immediately, trying to hide his face, Jen turned away as well. The car door shut, and he heard the man walk away. Mike took his seat out of the reclined position and started the car and immediately left the area.

They both went cold quick, the mood went from intense passion to panic and paranoia, and then embarrassment. They both decided to call it a day and Mike took Jen home. Mike had to find a different way to do this.

A week passed and Mike and Jen talked occasionally on the phone and here and there at work. It seemed like they couldn’t get over that awkward situation last week. Mike thought, maybe he should just let things happen and not be so stringent on getting the deed done. These things shouldn’t have to be forced into play.

Mike and Jen planned to go up to the Aiea Loop Trailhead. It was another scenic vista up in the mountains toward the central part of Oahu. The air is fresh, full of tall green trees dozens of feet tall and surrounded by luscious colorful native plants and a few wild boars.

On the drive up to the trailhead, Mike set the mood, no pretense, just light casual conversation, and a few laughs here and there.

They parked by the entrance of the trailhead, got out of the car and they both took a deep breath, the air was so clean, cool, and fresh up there that your lungs would sing praises to you and beg you not to leave.

Mike didn’t notice earlier when he picked up Jen that she wasn’t dressed for a hike. She had on a tight skirt that was halfway up her thigh from the knees, a loose white blouse, and sandals.

“I thought we were going on a hike?” Mike asked. “Oh, I thought we were going stay close to here and just hang out”, Jen smiled coyly.

It started drizzling, luckily the trees provided some cover. They were still at trailhead entrance just exploring their surroundings and enjoying each other’s company. There was no conversation between them, just soaking in all their natural surroundings. They were about ten feet from each other when the drizzling turned into a shower. The raindrops were so intense that the tree leaves that were once providing cover just tipped the water toward the ground as if they gave up putting up a fight with the heavy downpour.

Mike looked over at Jen and she was there, wet. Her hair was weighed down by the rain, her clothes soaking, and her white blouse turned see through and hugged her body. Another image embedded in Mike’s mind; her wet heavy hair framed those almond eyes and her happy sad face perfectly. It was angelic, a cleansing, he thought. Maybe, Mike imagined, that Jen finally let go of her bad relationship of Erick, that dick.

She took Mike’s hand and led the way back to his car. Mike opened the door to the passenger side door and they both squeezed in to hurriedly get out of the rain that intensified.

Jen began by caressing Mike’s face, not breaking eye contact with him. She was laying prone on the reclined seat and Mike was on top. She reached down and started undoing Mike’s pants. Mike started pulling down her skirt. 

Heavy petting and passionate kissing and then it came time for the moment Mike had been hoping for before he graduated. 

He tried to navigate without breaking eye contact with Jen. But this being his first time, he feebly said, “I can’t find it.” Jen was patient and VERY understanding. She guided him inside of her. Mike felt this intense feeling of intimacy and closeness, it was intoxicating. He was so ecstatic he impulsively declared “I can’t believe this is happening!” in the sort of tone that a kid would have if they were in a candy store. Jen shushed him and said gently, “Just do what you feel is natural, it’s okay.”

It was the most intense four minutes of his life. Afterwards, he looked up, and the windows were fogged. Jen stared at Mike’s calm aura afterward. She was happy to oblige.

Things changed a few months later. Mike, not being a virgin anymore, felt that he could conquer the world. He had a lot more confidence in himself and with other girls. The interactions between Jen and Mike were still there but they didn’t spend as much time together. 

She broke it off with Erick a few months ago and was hoping Mike would come around. Mike felt obligated to ask her to his prom and she gladly accepted. They were talking about his tuxedo and her dress and what colors were they going to go in.

The prom was in May, and it was only March so there was no real rush to get things done but it was set. They were going to the prom together.

Then, Mike met Tessie, a senior at The Sacred Hearts Academy during a one-day interscholastic student exchange. Tessie was the campus guide he was paired with. She was an aspiring artist who wanted to go to Paris and study. She was friendly, sociable, and easy to talk to. She stood five feet eight inches, had straight brown shoulder length hair, flawless light skin, perfect teeth and an alluring smile. Her eyes were round and protruding. She was a perfect date to show off at the prom. 

Without thinking, Mike asked Tessie to his prom, and she said yes. They started planning color matching her dress to his tie and cummerbund for his tuxedo. They both agreed on red.

Tessie and Mike had a enjoyable time at the prom. He planned a quiet boat cruise afterwards. The lights of Honolulu at night, sailing on the calm waters of Honolulu Harbor with a beautiful lady in red made for a quiet romantic night. Jen didn't exist in Mike's mind.

After the cruise, Mike took Tessie home, her overprotective brother was waiting at the door. No good night kiss, just a kiss on the cheek and a hug while her brother watched.

It fizzled fast between Mike and Tessie. He was a small-town public-school kid. She had the privileged education, beauty, and intelligence to go far and have any guy at her level that she wanted. Mike, not so much.

Mike felt bad for ditching Jen for Tessie. He distracted himself heavily to not think about it. But in the end, Mike realized that temptation made him a heartbreaker, and a dick.

December 02, 2023 04:57

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David Sweet
15:45 Dec 03, 2023

I'm glad he realized that he was more like Erik than he knew. It's often too sad that teenagers get themselves into these situations and miss out on some really cool relationships by wanting see to dominate their mindset.


Leahcim Ejibat
09:37 Dec 22, 2023

Yes. I agree. That stage in life, they are so self absorbed.


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