So Robustly, . . . Basically Klemoo Klematis

Submitted into Contest #49 in response to: Write a story about two strangers chatting while waiting for something.... view prompt



The artificiality of these morning flowers blossoms back from my smile in my mind. I see them as birds all flocking entangled inside. “Sweetie what time did you get in? He exclaimed. I’m already here. ... please let me talk. Running the water warmer - - love was in the (sky‘s) just like a little air balloon,” Sung Krysoke as he panicked with ice melting his throat.

His skin is cracked and he has easygoing scars all over his body. He walked into the door mistaken for a bodyguard. He wore a shirtless tiebreaker with small black crosses made from bits and pieces of grey carpet, handing out flyers, from his nipple he began to speak. “This glows red only when shaded on a full moon,” Cry‘d Krysoke on the corner where he made it. I never thought anyone would want to buy it. He worked in a warehouse where he seemed to be hated, beaten up as a child because of his speech, he spent his whole life teaching people about paying taxes. His snake was Rastafarian, his pets were from Africa, rotting in ground now that he got away from himself and that mess he was washed into. Intoxicating to look at him, so mucus. .... A bystander who once lived alone. Now look at him all glued to the television screen, on the telephone with his wife, living in a small soaked suburban area.

”.No ... she said,” ok. I’m not going to be putting up with this today at work. Laughed Alermid.” She gave the handle a quick tug. I’m not ready to yet for all is saved if I’d stay a bit more longer. A fool would have fell for that in a sorta childlike way. “I feel like traveling in time, to the future maybe ... then ... I would change things like my approach for instance,” Smirked Alermid. “My apologies ,” Alermid said. Maybe I should have been a bit politely. I guess that I will have a second chance next time. Where there is a light in you right now, a brighter day you’ll have tomorrow. What a night we are having. I’ve made better choices. I am glad I decidedly left early but don’t forget I’m not on The Exceptionalism Decision Maker’s Friendship List.

Alermid’s hair was a natural shaded blue ... but ... not just any — Indigo ... yet ... not just. She turned a monster whenever home was where the world stood tall and green having being she could go back no matter what. Her hair smelled of death like the size of a Kit-Kat, Bar. Her grin could grow for miles every time she saw one “the day came” to finally take a bite ... though her diet was slim. There is something nobody knows about her, or no-one’d dare knowing, no-oneself, no-one else’s business. She lives a lifestyle that is nonresident. She lives with you. She lives with me. She’ll live on like this’ll last forever, she’s lasted in forests for week’s, she’d walk until a rainbows light ends. She posted caricature “when’s off skid lancing” behaviorall, andouille and onetime only, at least once’s. Everyone is enjoyable past smart amp as the band’s first album of this year wins the floorboards. Her app on her iPhone is her apartments, ”here’s my apartment number,” ’she said as her voice saison’s “come by anytime” ‘she said.” ... Thoughtcrimes ... though she doesn’t actually live there. She is’t going californium, ’twas dreamy sun shining, ‘tis sudden setting. It were dawn, by the way, Krysoke never came. If this were ever to happen, he’d find out she had lied about how she lived. “7704 Brickland„Ln,” Alermid wrote down gently on a plastic bottle with a small heart pencil. The led‘s weariness blistered just as her bolster did no matter how much she heeded to make it stay down. “I’m sorry I woke you up this morning Alermid.” Krysoke said. So instead of coming over she snuck past his wife’s birthday party, the both took a long road to the beach. “Nowadays it’s just not the same,” Krysoke said. I’m in fear that I met you.

I’ll join you: I’ve learnt how to turn so much of my inner feelings about the team into intolerable situations, such as mentoring people on a different level of belonging, Moby Dick Jr., being he wasn’t really all that knowledgeable or intellectual and interesting. “Turn the page.” Said the breath he took as if he took his last. This burning alcoholic man has a bad temperament and is as old enough for another one.

I remember meeting Alermid.

”Hi ... I am Alermid!,” Alermid said aloud as she randomly made a stegosaurus a blanket out of colorful painted clays and candlesticks. “I know, I know I stink, not as bad as my personality sounds.” She hoped as her happinesses weakened. “My heart will never, will never see something it’ll never know,” Thought Alermid. “Say something, even try helloing ... once morels are settled; go for it!” Alermid whispers to herself.”

”.Hi ... nice to meet you,” I’m Alermid. How do you feel about soil first? I‘d love for you to plant me some of those someday. “I can’t wait, sometimes,” Krysoke said sounds uncross! He lives in a make believe fairytales novel. Giving so much worth’s efforts will eventually pay off. He was a singer and the coat he’d helplessly wear always looked just so vid. Alermid has an endless crushing gardening game with his thumbscrews. How we felt so worn, goth couldn’t name us or our colors!

“Smell “oh no“ you don’t,” I can’t hear you over the ‘blast pho mouse’ conflict going on around in here,” he Screamed: I said I cannot hear you, so can you you say that again?” without my ring ... below are my expectations, favorite places. “These people in the crowd are like alienating, we should go someplace elsewhere,” Alermid said as we walked off extraterrestrial like. The bridges fell sideways, sidewalks swayed backwards, every stick I found for Alermid and then I pushed her down. I know I am evil, I feel I am a cheater who is wrong, a character whose clothes will never change ... but ... I love her long-standing hours even though I shouldn’t. I should not have pressured her out of her work, to someone so unhurt, is unused unhurried, or to somebody so unsure as the sunshine’s beamed through a hole in the rooftops topsides.

Dating was so unexpected where there are noises full of humans that shows that snowing look. “Everyone leaving behind their goldeneye or believers in what? God.” Hollers Krysoke. I found the right place after all ... but this, where does “this” stand? A stranger to my life. So what went wrong. I do not believe you are standing there. A stranger to my eyes. Believe what you want.

July 05, 2020 10:49

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