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Angela froze with her hand on the door, staring in shock at the scene before her. It was like something from a really bad movie, or worse, a cheesy daytime drama. The love of her life, the man she was about to marry, locked in a very passionate embrace with another woman. It would have been easy to attack them both, with screams of betrayal and whoring, but the thing that had her frozen in shock and disbelief was the fact that the person he was kissing was her own mother. She slowly backed away from the doorway, careful not to make a sound. She honestly had no clue how to handle this unbelievable situation. 

“Now, listen to me very carefully “, her mother’s voice was very low, but still audible to her just outside the door. “You will marry my daughter, and you will do everything in your power to make her happy. You must make her believe you are everything she thinks you are, or this will never work. Do you understand?” Matt chuckled seductively. “She will believe everything I tell her. She certainly has so far!”

Angela’s stomach lurched at the sound of her fiancé’s voice. Grateful that the bathroom was only a few steps away, and doubly grateful that she hadn’t put her shoes on yet, she quickly and quietly dashed into the bathroom and carefully latched the door. She stood with her back against the door, legs shaking and stomach aching. In that moment her entire world collapsed. How could they betray her like this? Did either of them actually love her? Was anything they ever said to her true? It seemed like a million thoughts tore through her mind like a tornado, destroying the vision of her life that she had, and the life she so carefully planned for herself and her family. In an instant, her past became one big lie, and her future a huge blank screen. 

Then she became angry.

Angela straightened up, smoothed out the skirt of her dress, and stormed off to the room where her bridesmaids were waiting. Her best friend Tasha was her maid of honour, and had been an absolute blessing with her take charge attitude. The other two bridesmaids, Jenna and Nadine, were her sister and Matt’s sister respectively. 

“Ladies,” she said as she burst into the room, “I need a word with my maid of honour.” The girls all looked at each other in confusion. “Now, please.” Angela hissed through clenched teeth. The two girls said nothing and made a hasty escape. Neither one had ever seen the rage on Angela’s face before, and as curious as they were, they didn’t want to take the chance that she had her father’s temper, and was about to get violent. 

“Oh my god, Angie, what is wrong?” Tasha whispered after the door closed. “You look like you’re ready to kill someone!” Angela was visibly shaking now, and her face was blood red. “I just might if you can’t talk me down!” She growled. She struggled to find the words to describe what she saw and heard. In the end she just blurted everything out in great detail, along with her darkest thoughts.

“I feel like my whole life has been a lie! What am I supposed to do with that?”

Tasha just stood there with her mouth hanging open, unable to respond. “Wow,” she said, “that’s just, wow.”

“I’m not marrying that prick, and my mother can rot in hell!” Angela stomped across the room and reached for the door handle.

“Wait!” Tasha grabbed her wrist. “Would you like to humiliate them in front of everyone? Right there, at the altar, in front of god and the world!” Tasha grinned with a full display of teeth, a grimace that would have given small children nightmares. Angela paused, watching Tasha’s eyebrows dance up and down. “Remember, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You are the innocent victim in all this. If you call it off before you get to the altar, those scheming slime balls can make up any bullshit story they want about you, and guaranteed they will. How would you like to control the narrative on this sick joke?” Suddenly, sweet innocent Angela was feeling a wee bit evil. “You know what, Tasha, you’re absolutely right! I really don’t give a crap about anything anymore, and I’m going to serve up some sweet revenge!”

So, as planned, everyone was seated. As planned, the men lined up at the altar. As planned, the girls filed in, and the bride walked confidently and gracefully up the aisle to join her beloved at the altar. And as planned, the minister began to recite the marriage ritual.

And then everything went sideways.

“Wait!” Screamed the bride. “As it turns out, I do have an objection! “ Several people in the congregation jumped, and there were a number of audible gasps. Tasha started giggling, knowing the chaos that was about to ensue.

“I object to my so called future sister in law trying to seduce my married brother every chance she can get!”

Nadine’s face turned red.

“I object to my step father making lewd and horribly derogatory comments to my little sister! “

Her step father lurched up out of his seat. “You ungrateful little...”

“You shut up Mr. Micropenis!”

Angela was shrieking now, and people were muttering and shifting uncomfortably in their seats.

“And the rest of you, sit down and shut up, unless you want me to air all of your dirty little secrets right here, and right now!”

Angela’s mother stood up. “Sweetheart, obviously you’re upset. This really isn’t the time...” 

“Oh shut the fuck up you WHORE!”

With that statement, chaos ensued...just as planned. Tasha was laughing so hard, tears were running down her face. In the congregation, there was an even mix of outrage and laughter. Angela’s mother’s face started turning purple with rage, and the groom’s mother looked like she was having a heart attack.

“I saw you!” Angela screamed and gave Matt a hard shove. He landed flat on his ass between the groomsmen. “I saw you and my mother making out in your room! I heard what you said you lying sack of shit!”

People were crying.

People were laughing. 

People were screaming and swearing.

A few even fainted.

And then Angela smiled.

“I’m leaving now. I don’t ever want to hear from any of you, ever again. Not a one of you will ever be mentioned in my will.” She turned to her little sister. “Except you, Jenna. If you want, I’ll pay for all the legal fees for you to be emancipated from our family, and I will take care of you from now on.”

Jenna looked at her mother and step father and scowled. Then she walked up and linked her arm with her sister. “You’re my hero,” she whispered. 

“Let’s go, shall we?” Angela said triumphantly, reaching for Tash’s hand. Heads held high, all three women marched down the aisle and out of the church.

Exactly as planned.

July 28, 2020 18:37

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1 comment

Kysh Filmer
02:01 Aug 14, 2020

not exactly my type of story but, it was well done in regards to emotion and all, the end did make me smile.


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