
I'm just a typical teenage girl who resides in Chicago, U.S. my granny raised me up and I'm extremely grateful for that. I’m the kind of person who would never tell anyone what’s going on in my head, perhaps I’d elucidate my feelings with some selected individuals who are somehow like me. Greta (my granny) is an amazing Lady, How can a person stay gleeful all the time? Greta grew up in Shanghai, China. She was a successful athlete in her teenage years and I always wanted to be the very picture of Greta however I ended up as a High school nerd who  can’t even fry an egg. Chicago is quite a lively place to live in, there are so many places to make one’s way to that often it gets perplexing while scheduling plans. My favourite place to hang out when I’m suffering wrathfulness is the flower field next to our house, I’m always bare feet while strolling in the field because it makes me feel like I'm in a fantasy world. As I smell the scented air, both my Nostrils promptly unblock and freshens me up.

Nothing in this entire world matters to me more than Greta although sometimes I’m extremely ill-mannered and Cheeky with her. Greta never expresses her emotions, she never expresses disappointment or grief even when I’m exceedingly rude to her. My so-called friends mentioned plenty of  times that I need to get the hang of my Anger. One day I set foot in my house and heard a fruity voice, I heard Greta talking to a charming young woman who was sitting beside her on the Couch. I suddenly spoke out “Hi”, that woman didn’t pay much attention to me but at least she nodded. I immediately imitated to clear my throat expecting Greta to urge me to join them however that didn’t happen. I felt extremely left out because nobody paid attention to me, so I got Intrepid and tried eavesdropping. Suddenly, I heard Greta say my name furthermore, I became dazed and tongue-tied as if she saw me eavesdropping. I entered the living room as if I was extremely busy, after my acting Greta whispered some words in that Woman’s ear. I paid no attention to it as if I didn’t care at all (Typical teenage style). Greta spoke to me in an orotund voice "he’s coming". I thought to myself who must it be? Is it a relative or maybe grandpa’s business partners? Is it someone’s newborn baby? I suddenly spoke out in a hoarse voice “who?”, Greta replied “Just Wait”. I kept on thinking who the “he” might be, how long will Greta make me wait? ‘Lord, It is such a pain for me to wait’ I muttered to myself. I’m pretty impatient, everyone who knows me knows that about me.

2 days had already passed, I came home from  School extremely frustrated because of the Detention that was given to me for passing notes in class. Greta cooked my favourite Mapo tofu that day and it made me very happy, Greta however didn’t even touch the Tofu. It wasn’t unusual but Greta told me earlier that she loves Tofu too. Surprisingly, after I finished eating, Greta grabbed a pair of chopsticks and put the leftover Tofu in her plate. I was completely guilt-ridden that I should’ve asked her before the meal, however I asked Greta why she didn’t join me at the beginning, she replied with a smile “I noticed you were really exhausted and wanted to comfort you, so I let you eat first so that you can eat as much as you want.” Greta is an astonishing woman, no doubt. I was still waiting for a Person, who could it possibly be?

The next day we had a Debate at our School and out of nowhere my Social studies teacher assigned me to debate with a professional who was coming all the way from Hangzhou to Chicago. I suck at debating and public speaking without a doubt. Of course, I had to prepare, so I wrote down some points and learnt some helpful phrases to leave the opposer speechless. The thing I could only think of was the “Just Wait” line Greta told me, however I managed to calm myself down but my heart sank when I saw that Chinese guy’s face. He looked extremely professional and mature while on the other hand was me who still sleeps with stuffed toys beside her. His name was Geming Hai Liang, he seemed kinda savage. The debate was beginning in 10 minutes, I was perfectly prepared until I was asked to show up on the stage. My throat was as dry as the Sahara, a blushing face dripping bullets onto the podium and feet that felt like bruises. As my mouth sounded out those mysterious words, my dried out vocal cords managed to produce them into the microphone and, soon enough, my debate came to an end, the crowd applauded, and I was relieved. My friends told me that I sounded confident, and then we all were waiting for the results, after a while, the adjudicator suddenly sprang up from his chair. I was devastated after hearing the results, that almond-eyed Asian had won the Debate.

Subsequently, I returned home and told Greta about everything that happened. Greta fed me with her own hands like a baby while I was telling her my story. She made Vanilla Genoise cake that evening and it was delicious. I asked Greta if “he” was here or not, Greta replied with a duchenne smile, “do you know how much he loves you?” I was blushing at that moment, then I asked Greta again, “Who?”. Greta replied “Your Father”. I immediately had a nervous breakdown right there and then, I was shocked and speechless. I didn’t even know I had a father, Greta’s son was my father, and she hid it from me all this time. I felt teardrops dripping down my cheeks and was also a bit infuriated. Greta comforted me and told me about my background, my father left me to my Grandmother to raise me up in a good environment and keep me away from atrocious people. Greta told me that my father was a drug addict and didn’t want me to become one too, that’s because he didn’t show me his face my entire life?

Greta told me that my parents were dead, well my mom died because of drug addiction but my dad’s still alive and that's pretty strange. The next day, we were waiting for my father at the airport, out of nowhere, an attractive man appeared, dressed in a stunning tuxedo, tousled hair, tanned skin with a polite smile on his face. I was left speechless after realizing he was my father, He suddenly came closer and gave me a tight hug, he spoke “Lisa Gilbert, I am Christopher Gilbert.” He seemed nice, I replied to him with a reward smile, “Nice to meet you, Father” He didn’t look like a drug addict at all from his appearance, Greta gave him a wistful smile, and he smiled back. Eventually, we reached home and the waiting period was finally over, I was quite happy after this surprise and I’m also grateful to my father that I wasn’t raised up in a sick and dead environment.

July 07, 2020 09:01

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